All Flux Skew functions and entities
List of all FluxSkewed functions
All Flux 2D functions and entities
All Flux 3D functions and entities
List of all FluxSkewed entities
Set standard view 1
About Altair Flux...
About InCa3D ...
Activate second application
Add to visualization by selection plane
Adjust intersections
Management of cuts in advanced mode
Assign mesh generator to faces (completion mode)
Assign mesh generator to volumes (completion mode)
Assign regions to faces (completion mode)
Assign regions to volumes (completion mode)
Assign solid conductors components to face regions
Assign solid conductors components to line regions
Audit Scenario
Automatic creation of connections
Modify the background image size
Bertotti iron losses
Build 3D contours on face regions
Build faces
Building of the faces with old algo
Build faces with wires
Automatic creation of cuts
Build Problem
Build volumes
Building of the volumes with old algorithm
Build volumes with wires
Check geometry
Check circuit
Check mesh
Check physics
Check project before solving process
Check shell Elements on face regions
Check problem before solving process
Circular repetition
Refresh circuit view
Zoom all
Initial zoom
Zoom region
Clean all mesh information
Close all opened dialog boxes
Leave the "BPM Motor" overlay
Close image import context
Leave the "IMD Motor" overlay
Close the Input/Ouput data context (beta version)
Fermer librairie...
Close mechanical analysis context
Leave the modeler context and return to standard geometry context
Leave the "NDT Sensor" overlay
Close png viewer
Close the current project
Close Sketcher2DContext
Close the spy file
Collect data
Compile a command file
Arrows on cut planes
Arrows on faces
Arrows on 2D grids
Arrows on 3D grids
Arrows on border of 3D grids
Arrows on face regions
Arrows in volume regions
Arrows on contours (faces) of volume regions
Compute bounding box of problem
Compute capacitance matrix
Current values I/O parameter
Compute electromagnetic energy on the domain
Compute electromagnetic energy on face regions
Compute electromagnetic energy on line regions
Compute electromagnetic energy on volume regions
Compute flux through a coil conductor
Compute electromagnetic force on face regions
Compute electromagnetic force on line regions
Compute electromagnetic force on volume regions
Isolines on cut planes
Isolines on faces
Isolines on 2D grids
Isolines on 3D grids
Isolines on face regions
Isolines on volume regions
Isovalues on cut planes
Isovalues on faces
Isovalues on 2D grids
Isovalues on 3D grids
Isovalues on face regions
Isovalues on volume regions
Compute isovalues on volumes
Compute losses on the domain
Compute lossses on face regions
Compute losses on line regions
Compute losses on volume regions
New session Quantities computation on points
Computation of electromagnetic torque on face regions
Computation of electromagnetic torque on line regions
Computation of electromagnetic torque on volume regions
Check groups of connected conductors
Continue the solving process
Continue the solving process with a variation parameter
Continue the solving process on the iteration
to Steady State AC Magnetic
to Magneto Static
to Transient Magnetic
Convert propagated entities
Copy (Ctrl+C)
Cover wires defined by a list of lines
Create a new Brush segment
Create a new Capacitor
Create a new Coil conductor
Create a new Current source
Create a new Diode
Create a new Ground
Create a new Inductor
Create a new Resistor
Create a new Solid conductor 2 terminals
Create a new Squirrel cage
Create a new Switch
Create a new Voltage source
Create LS type material
Create Motor
New tabulated I/O parameter by importation of a 2D table
New spatial quantity TKelvin for temperature
Create file for transient startup
Face Region Curve
Cut (Ctrl+X)
Define coordinates system
Define echelle
Delete all project results
Delete Arrows
Delete (Del)
Delete current application
Delete all results of the project
Delete electrical circuit
Delete image
Delete isolines
Delete isovalues
Delete meshing
Delete Motor
Delete Problem
Delete selection
Delete Winding
Switch in a writing mode without execution
Display or hide arrows
Display arrows on magnet
Afficher etat fortran de la variable FLUX_FORMATTED_FILE
Display or hide isolines
Display or hide isovalues
Display or hide grid
Display or hide image
Display or hide points
Display or hide coordinate system
Display or hide table
Arc 2 points without center
Arc 2 points with center
Arc 3 points
Circle diameter
Circle center+radius
Draw points
Rectangle diagonal
Rectangle Center
Reference line
Reference point
Edit current application
Edit Motor
Switch in normal mode with execution
Error Criterion
Evaluation of the demagnetization
Evaluate geometry
Evaluate sensors
Run a compiled command file
Close the application
Export to a SAT file
Export to a CATIA V4 file
Export to a CATIA V5 file
Export to an IGES file
Export to a STEP file
Export circuit to a xcir file
Export circuit to a PyFlux file
Export geometry to a DXF file
Export physics to a TRA file (Flux2D)
Export mesh to a DEC file (Flux Expert)
Export mesh to a MED file (Available only in version Flux <= 12.3)
Export mesh to a MODULEF file
Export mesh to a PF3 file
Export mesh to a TRA file (Flux2D)
Export mesh to an UNV file (IDEAS)
Export node coordinates of regions
Export node coordinates and spatial formula
Export spatial formula on a multipoint support
Extend line
User portal - ALTAIR gate
Fill a hole with wire
Generate component for Activate coupling
Generate Amesim component for 3 phase rotating motor
Generate generic AMESIm component
Generate Amesim component for linear actuator
Generate first order elements
Generate component for GOT-It coupling
Generate component for HyperStudy coupling (for HyperStudy 2019.1 and later)
Generate component for Matlab Simulink coupling
Generate component for Portunus coupling
Generate component for PSCAD coupling
Generate second order elements
Generate Shell element
Get Active Scenario( in post processing only)
Get mesh Elements on face domain
Get mesh Elements on Domain
Get nodes on face region
Get nodes on volume region
Heal all intersections
Heal all superpositions
Heal and simplify all geometry
Automatically heal geometry
Enter the "healing" context
Leave the "healing" context
Enter the "facet geometry" context
Leave the "facet geometry" context
Enter the "healing import CAD" context
Return to standard geometry context
Help (html documentation)
Hide Beta Features (standard mode)
Horizontal mirror
Import circuit from a xcir file
Import circuit from a CCS file
Import circuit from a CIF file
Import circuit from a TXT file
Import a 2D curve - formatted file (txt)
Import a 2D curve - Flux file (txt)
Import a 3D curve - formatted file (txt)
Import a 3D curve - Flux file (txt)
Import geometry from a CATIAV4 file
Import geometry from a CATIAV5 file
Import geometry from a DXF file
Import geometry from a DXF file (advanced mode)
Import geometry from a FBD file (FLUX2D)
Import geometry from an IGES file
Import geometry from a IGES file (advanced mode)
Import geometry from an IF3 file (INTER)
Import geometry from a Inventor file
Import geometry from a NX file
Import geometry from a PARASOLID file
Import geometry from a ProE file
Import geometry from a SAT file
Import geometry from a SOLIDWORKS file
Import geometry from a STEP file
Import geometry from a STEP file (advanced mode)
Import geometry from a STL file
Import of a Gerber layer
Import of Gerber vias
Import material .DAT
Import material from Material Manager
Import mesh from a HyperMesh/SimLab/OptiStruct (Nastran) file
Import mesh from a MED file (Available only in version Flux <= 12.3)
Import mesh from a NASTRAN file
Import mesh from a PATRAN file
Import mesh from an UNV file (IDEAS)
Import FLUX object
Import spatial quantity
Import Speed Motor
Integral on the domain
Integral on face
Integral on line
Integral on volume
Interrupt to write command in file
Iron losses at a point
Computation of iron losses
Iron losses on regions (postprocessing)
Display line numbers
Display point numbers
Display tube lines numbers from graphic
Display tube points numbers from graphic
Leave overlay
Linear repetition (matrix)
Load a macro ...
Load a certified overlay
Open an existing project
Load a user overlay
LS iron losses at a point
LS iron losses on regions
Magnetization grid activation
Make parametrization uniform on complex lines
Superimpose material curves
Merge lines
Merge all faces with angle
Merge all the lines with angle
Merge faces with angle and a start face
Merge two contiguous lines into one
Merge a list of faces
Merge two lists of lines
Mesh the domain
Mesh the faces
Mesh lines
Meshing report
Mesh the volumes
Mesh volumes (old algo)
Object cut
New project
Open animation viewer
Brushless Permanent Magnet motor
Import SPEED motor
Create new Motor
Enter the circuit dedicated context
Open image
Induction motor
Open data Import/Export context
Ouvrir librairie ...
Open mechanical analysis context
Modeler Context
NDT Sensor
Multi physic solving session (new scenario)
Sketcher 2D context
Choose the name of the new command file
Optim mesh
Orient material for face region
Orient material for volume region
Paste (Ctrl+V)
Power Balance
Presentations on Altair Flux - TV
Print the active view in a file
Print the active view
Project faces on a plane defined by coefficients
Project the faces on a cylinder
Project faces on a plane defined by a standard plane and a rotation angle
Refresh all views
Reinitiliazing spatial quantity TKelvin for temperature
Evaluate parametrized formulas
Resize image
Resume to write command in file
Rotate (R)
Rotate image
Run a python file with complete GUI refresh
Run a python file with reduced GUI refresh (faster)
Execute a command file in batch mode and exit
Save current project
Save current project as
Search abnormal faces with user epsilon
Search abnormal faces
Search line-face intersections
Search line-line intersections
Search abnormal lines
Search superimposed lines
Search open wires
Search superimposed points
Search abnormal lines with user epsilon
Select mesh defaults
Select All
Select brush segment components from circuit
Select capacitive regions
Select capacitor components from circuit
Free selection
No selection
Select non meshed coils
Select coil conductor components from circuit
Select compound paths
Select bidirectional conductors
Select unidirectional conductors
Select connections
Select electric connections from circuit
Select current source components from circuit
Select computation step
Select cut planes
Select dielectrics
Select diode components from circuit
Select electric cut
Select electric terminals
Select données élémentaires
Select faces
Select geometric defects
Select geometric objects
Select face sub entities of geometric objects
Select edge sub entities of geometric objects
Select top sub entities of geometric objects
Select geometric tubes
Select 2D grids
Select 3D grids
Select ground components from circuit
Select inductor components from circuit
Select lines
Select magnetic cut
Select objects
Select 2D objects
Select paths
Select points
Select electric potentials from circuit
Select reference planes
Select line regions
Select point regions
Select face regions
Select volume regions
Select resistor components from circuit
Select electric segments from circuit
Select 2 terminals solid conductor components from circuit
Select N terminals solid conductor components from circuit
Select squirrel cage components from circuit
Select switch components from circuit
Select terminals
Select tube lines
Select tube points
Select voltage source components from circuit
Select volumes
Allow to rotate around picked points or not (CTRL to invert it)
Set invisible all parasitic capacitances
Set neutral application
Show or hide components label
Show or hide potentials label
Simplify all lines
Automatically simplify ellipses
Automatically simplify geometry
Simplify lines
Skin depth computation
Solve the problem
Solve from SOL file
Solve NDT problem
Solve with defect
Solve without defect
Solve without remeshing
Superimpose 2D curves (path)
Stop the solving process
Structure faces for mapped mesh (completion mode)
Display axis
Display background image
Display geometric defects
Display grid
Display points
Display reference lines and points
Display coordinate systems
Superimpose 2D curves (I/O parameter)
Linear repetition (vector)
Vertical mirror
Set the view direction
Set/reset 4 views mode
Switch on or off the light
Set opposite view
Reverse video
Set standard view 2
Set X plane view
Set Y plane view
Set Z plane view
Wait action on file
All Flux PEEC functions and entities