Explore additional post-processing options related to the input result files.
Annotate model results using Notes and Measures.
View new features for HyperLife 2023.1.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover HyperLife functionality with interactive tutorials.
Fatigue Analysis is intended for solutions to structures in a large number of loading cycles.
Set up your model for analysis.
Run the model and view results.
Create, open, import, and save models.
Explode the model and create derived load cases.
Use the Sets tool to create, import, and export sets/groups of components (parts), elements, and nodes.
Explore the various display and visualization tools.
Explore the various result plotting tools for the imported result files.
Use the Measure tool to measure various distances and angles between entities.
Use the Notes tool to label items, describe trends, and relate additional information.
The Expression Builder is a graphical user interface which allows user-defined data type expressions to be authored directly within HyperLife.
Create your own user defined coordinate systems or select result coordinate systems.
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