Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- Angle
- The angle for a parallelogram rigid wall.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- basenode
- The coordinates of the base node.
- birth
- The birth time of the rigid wall.
- Block_ID
- The ID of a box entity which should be included as secondary nodes.
- cnode1_x
- The x-coordinate of cornernode1.
- cnode1_y
- The y-coordinate of cornernode1.
- cnode1_z
- The z-coordinate of cornernode1.
- cnode2_x
- The x-coordinate of cornernode2.
- cnode2_y
- The y-coordinate of cornernode2.
- cnode2_z
- The z-coordinate of cornernode2.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- color_rgb
- The RGB color of the entity.
- compid
- The ID of the component for moving a geometric rigid wall.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- cornernode1
- The coordinates of cornernode1.
- cornernode2
- The coordinates of cornernode2.
- D1
- The d1 x-component of the fixed time vector. This is an alternate definition using Node1 and Node2. Valid only if DefinebyVector is 1.
- D2
- The d2 y-component of the fixed time vector. This is an alternate definition using Node1 and Node2. Valid only if DefinebyVector is 1.
- D3
- The d3 z-component of the fixed time vector. This is an alternate definition using Node1 and Node2. Valid only if DefinebyVector is 1.
- death
- The death time of the rigid wall.
- DecayA
- The decay constant in the local a-direction.
- DecayG
- The decay constant in the local b-direction.
- DefinebyVector
- 0 - Vector is defined using Node1 and Node2.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- density
- The density of the rigid wall.
- DfricA
- The dynamic friction coefficient in the local a-direction.
- DfricB
- The dynamic friction coefficient in the local b-direction.
- Diameter
- The diameter for cylinder and sphere.
- DisplayType
- The state of the optional DISPLAY keyword option.
- dsearch
- The search distance for secondary nodes.
- Edge
- The coordinates of the edge vector.
- excludeNodeSet_ID
- The node set IDs containing nodes exempted as secondary.
- fct_IDt
- The curve entity defining the wall temperature function.
- Filteringfactor
- The filtering factor.
- Filteringflag
- The filtering flag.
- Force
- The state of the optional FORCE keyword option.
- fric
- The friction Coulomb coefficient of the rigid wall.
- Fscale_T
- The wall temperature scale factor.
- geometrytype
- The geometry type of the rigid wall.
- The section height. The subsection starts at VL and extends the length in the negative n-direction. This is supported for config 101 and geometrytype 5.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- initialvelocity
- The initial velocity of the rigid wall in the defining direction.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- lcid
- The curve ID for defining the rigid wall motion.
- The length of the cylinder.
- Mass
- The total mass of the rigid wall.
- Length
- The length of edge a in the L-direction.
- LenP
- The length of the prism in the negative n-direction.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- MotionType
- The state of the optional MOTION keyword option.
- motionx
- The x-direction cosine of the velocity/displacement vector.
- motiony
- The y-direction cosine of the velocity/displacement vector.
- motionz
- The z-direction cosine of the velocity/displacement vector.
- N1
- The ID of the optional first visualization node.
- N2
- The ID of the optional second visualization node.
- N3
- The ID of the optional third visualization node.
- N4
- The ID of the optional fourth visualization node.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- Node1
- The ID of the first node used as an alternative to defining using D1, D2 and D3. With a node definition, the direction changes if the nodal pairs rotate.
- Node2
- The ID of the second node used as an alternative to defining using D1, D2 and D3. With a node definition, the direction changes if the nodal pairs rotate.
- NodeSet_ID
- The node set IDs containing secondary nodes.
- nodesetcount
- The number of node sets.
- normal
- The coordinates of the normal vector.
- The number of subsections along the cylinder to output forces for post-processing. This is supported for config 101 and geometrytype 5.
- nsid
- The node set ID.
- offset
- All nodes within a normal distance, OFFSET, from the rigid wall are included as secondary nodes. If options NSID (NodeSet_ID), NSIDEX (excludeNodeSet_ID), or BOXID (Block_ID) are active, then only the subset of nodes activated by these options are checked to see if they are within the offset distance. This option applies to the PLANAR wall only.
- opt
- The type of motion:
- OrthoOption
- The state of the optional ORTHO keyword option.
- OS_NodeSet_ID
- The node set IDs containing secondary nodes. Only valid for OptiStruct.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- poissonsration
- The Poisson's ratio of the rigid wall.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- The radius of the cylinder.
- The radius of the sphere.
- rigidwall
- The rigid wall ID.
- rigidwallcount
- The number of RWALL type of rigid walls selected in the RWALADD type of rigid wall.
- rigidwalls
- The rigid wall IDs of type RWALL selected in the RWALADD type of rigid wall.
- rigidwallsecondarydefinition
- 3 if NodeSet_ID is ALL, 0 otherwise.
- rwksf
- The stiffness scaling factor.
- SfricA
- The static friction coefficient in the local a-direction.
- SfricB
- The static friction coefficient in the local b-direction.
- slidingflag
- The sliding flag.
- The number of cycles to zero the relative velocity to reduce force spikes.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
- ssid
- The segment set ID for defining force output locations.
- Thermalresistance
- The thermal resistance.
- ThermalOption
- The ALE thermal option.
- VL
- The distance from the top plane of the cylinder where the subsection begins. This is supported for config 101 and geometrytype 5.
- Width
- The length of edge b in the M-direction.
- wvel
- The critical normal velocity at which nodes weld to the wall for fric 2 or 3.
- XH
- The x-coordinate of the normal vector head.
- XHev
- The x-coordinate of the edge vector head.
- XT
- The x-coordinate of the normal vector tail.
- YH
- The y-coordinate of the normal vector head.
- YHev
- The y-coordinate of the edge vector head.
- youngsmodulus
- The Young's modulus of the rigid wall.
- YT
- The y-coordinate of the normal vector tail.
- ZH
- The z-coordinate of the normal vector head.
- ZHev
- The z-coordinate of the edge vector head.
- ZT
- The z-coordinate of the normal vector tail.
2019 - Added new data names Angle, cnode1_x, cnode1_y, cnode1_z, cnode2_x, cnode2_y, cnode2_z, cornernode1, cornernode2, Diameter, desearch, fct_IDt, Filteringfactor, Filteringflag, Fscale_T, OS_NodeSet_ID, rigidwallcount, rigidwalls, slidingflag, ThermalOption and Thermalresistance.
2020 - Added new data name color_rgb.
2020.1 - Added new data names HEIGHT, NSEGS, solverkeyword and VL.
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.
2021.2 - Added new data names internalname and solvername.
2023.1 - Added new config value 103. Added new data names nodesetcount, nsid, and rigidwall.