Motion: Joint Based

Command ElementModifies a joint motion element.


       id                  = "integer"       
       joint_id            = "integer"       
       motion_type         = { "R" | "T" }  
       val_type            = "D"
       val_type            = "V"
       ic_disp             = "real"     
       val_type            = "A"
       ic_disp             = "real"       
       ic_vel              = "real"  
       type                = "EXPRESSION"
       expr                = "motionsolve_expression"      
       type                = "USERSUB" 
       usrsub_dll_name     = "valid_path_name"
       usrsub_param_string = "USER([[par_1[,...][,par_n]])"       
       usrsub_fnc_name     = "valid_function_name"


Element identification number (integer>0). This number is unique among all Motion_Joint elements.
Select either "EXPRESSION" or "USERSUB". Specifies how the motion is defined. The "EXPRESSION" option specifies that the motion value is a MotionSolve expression that can be evaluated at run-time. The "USERSUB" option indicates that the value of the motion value is specified in a user defined subroutine. The parameters usrsub_param_string, usrsub_dll_name and usrsub_fnc_name are used to provide more information about the user defined subroutine.
Modifies whether the motion applies a displacement input ("D"), a velocity input ("V"), or an acceleration input ("A").
Modifies the expression that defines the motion value. Use this parameter only when type = "EXPRESSION". Any valid run-time MotionSolve expression can be provided as input.
Modifies the list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user defined function specified by usrsub_fnc_name. Use this keyword only when type = "USERSUB" is selected.
Modifies the path and name of the DLL or shared library containing the user subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine specified by usrsub_fnc_name in the DLL at run time.
Modifies the name for the user subroutine function (from the default of MOTSUB).
Specifies the ID of the joint at which the motion input is applied.
Modifies the type of motion to be applied. Select from "R" and "T", which stand for rotational and translational, respectively.
Modifies the displacement initial condition that is required when val_type = "V" or val_type = "A".
Modifies the velocity initial condition that is required when val_type = "A".


     id                  = "101001"
     type                = "EXPRESSION"
     val_type            = "D"
     expr                = "-.2*TIME"
     joint_id            = "101002"
     motion_type         = "R"
     ic_disp             = "0."
     ic_vel              = "0."
     id                  = "301001"
     type                = "USERSUB"
     val_type            = "D"
     usrsub_param_string = "USER(5,2)"
     usrsub_dll_name     = "NULL"
     joint_id            = "301002"
     motion_type         = "R"
     ic_disp             = "0."
     ic_vel              = "0."