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Altair nanoFluidX 2023 Release Notes


  • Simplified suspension model
  • Pre and post-processing in SimLab - Further enhancements have been made to both the solver and SimLab packages to improve the user experience. This includes volumetric rendering for displaying the results, 2D plotting of variables, and revised water wading solution.

New Features

Simplified suspension model
With the newly developed 3-degrees-of-freedom double roller motion feature, you can model a simplified vehicle suspension model. This enhances the fidelity of the water wading simulations without the need for complex multi-body-dynamics coupling simulation.


Allow arbitrary vector for outlet region
You can now define an arbitrary vector for the outlet region orientation.
Increase precision for UTM time output
Enhanced behavior of motion transformation output.
Log file improvement
You can now show thermal conductivity and specific heat in log when activating htc_emp in surfext.

Known Issues

The following issues will be addressed in a future release, as the software performance is continuously improved.
  • When using the adhesion coefficient for the SINGLE_PHASE surface tension model, the surface tension coefficient must be calibrated against experimental results or visually estimated. If you use the Tartakovsky model, the physical surface tension value is sufficient.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed load-balancing behavior when no fluid phase is present.
  • MotionFX can read updated UTM files to accommodate latest ParaView and nanoFluidX compatibility.
  • Fallback reference velocity calculation for planetary motion is corrected.