Create Noise Control Treatment

From the Model ribbon, click NCTs to display the Create Noise Control Treatment Entity Editor.

Figure 1.

Figure 2. Config = Undefined

Figure 3. Config = Layered

Figure 4. Config = UserDefined
A character string used to label the NCT in subsequent SEAM applications. The name may be left blank, but the combination of the name and number must be unique. The name cannot contain the following characters: + - / * or ^.
An alphanumeric string, no longer than eight characters, used to identify the NCT in subsequent SEAM forms. The NCT ID does not need to be unique, however, the combination of the name and the ID must be unique. To generate a unique numeric ID, click the # button.
Select from Undefined, Layered, or User Defined.
Assign a number to the layer.
Field Angle
Assign an angle. If the calculation of absorption versus frequency is selected (see x-axis), this value sets the angle range. Plane wave absorption can be calculated for a single angle, random incidence (0-90 degrees), field incidence (0-78 degrees), or a user-specified range of angles. For example, the average absorption between 45 and 60 degrees can be found by entering ’45:60’).
Assign an NCT layer. From the drop-down menu, select an NCT layer model. This list contains all predefined models which apply to the current NCT layer type. The NCT Layer-n list depends on the number of layers.
Import curves for Insertion Loss Resonant, Insertion Loss Non-Resonant, and Absorption Curve. Enter a value for Mass Per Area.
Note: Only UserDefined is valid in Linux.