Model Object#

class Model(**kwds)#

Model class is a container for all objects of a simulation.

  • output – A string that defines the root name for all output files.

  • comment – A string that specifies a comment associated with the model.

control(function, routine=None, script=None)#

Defines a control command for one or more simulations. The execution of the command is deferred to CONSUB.

  • function (str) – The list of parameters that are passed to the user-defined subroutine.

  • routine (str) –

    • String containing the path of the DLL, followed by ‘::’ and the name of the Consub function.

    • A callable python function.

  • script (str) – Points to a file that contains the consub function defined in routine.

generateOutput(visualize=False, timeout=None, verbosity_level=0)#

Creates plt and animation h3d files.

  • visualize (bool) – If visualize argument is set to True, HyperView player is invoked and the h3d file of the model is loaded.

  • timeout (float) – A number indicating the time in seconds allowed for the execution.

  • verbosity_level (int) –

    • 0 - No output is printed to the screen.

    • 1 - Print only warnings to the screen.

    • 2 - Print all messages to the screen

generate_abcd(pinput=None, poutput=None, format='matlab', returnResults=False)#

Generate a state space representation of the model in the form of state matrices A, B, C, and D in the desired format.

  • pinput (Pinput) – Reference to an existing Plant Input class used in State Space matrix generation.

  • poutput (Poutput) – Reference to an existing Plant Output class used in State Space matrix generation.

  • format (string) –

    Format specifier for the ABCD State Space Representation. Valid choices are:

    • ”oml”

    • ”matlab”

    • ”simulink_mdl”

  • returnResults (bool) – Flag to indicate that abcd matrix is to be returned to the caller.


A dict of matrix names to values (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’) if returnResults is True.

generate_eigensolution(nodamping=False, kinetic=False, returnResults=False)#

Perform eigen-analysis of the model, generate eigenvalues and mode shapes.

  • nodamping (bool) – Ignores damping for all forces during the eigenvalue solution.

  • kinetic (bool) – Specifies whether the modal kinetic energy distribution is written out.

  • returnResults (bool) – Flag to indicate that EigenValue data is to be returned to the caller.


A dict of vectors where the key is the name of the component [‘real’, ‘imag’, ‘freq’, ‘cratio’, ‘nat_freq’] and the value is a list of components for each mode.


eigenInfo = model.simulate(type="LINEAR", returnResults=True)
print (eigenInfo['freq'])

#     mode 0         mode 1         mode 2        mode 3         mode 4       mode 5
>> (1591.5494309, 1591.5494309, 1591.54989555, 5032.92486205, 5032.9448705, 5032.928844)

Reset the model. Subsequent simulation commands will start at time = 0.


Run all the valid SimulationEvent objects sequentially.


Saves a snapshot of the model.


file – A string corresponding to the file being created on your filesystem. The file is created by the pickle module.

simulate(type='DYNAMICS', end=None, dtout=None, duration=None, steps=None, dsa=None, start=None, print_increment=None, constraint_tol=None, implicit_diff_tol=None, onOutputStep=None, returnResults=False, output='on', validate=True, active_contact_iteration=False, numThread=-99999, acusolve_cosim=False, save_increment=None, save_inc_overwrite=False, **kwds)#

Sends the model to the solver and runs the simulation.

  • type (Enum) –

    The type of simulation. Valid choices are:

    • ”ASSEMBLY”

    • ”DYNAMICS”



    • ”STATICS”

  • end (float) – The end time of the analysis.

  • dtout (float) – The print interval.

  • duration (float) – The duration of the analysis.

  • steps (int) – The number of output steps to take between start and end.

  • dsa (Enum) –

    The type of design sensitivity analysis. Valid choices are:

    • ”NONE”

    • ”AUTO”

    • ”DIRECT”

    • ”ADJOINT”

    • ”FD”

    • ”FD_SERIAL”

  • start (float) – The start time of the analysis.

  • print_increment (float) – The frequency of output in terms of the integrator steps that have been taken.

  • constraint_tol (float) – The tolerance on all algebraic constraint equations that the corrector must satisfy at convergence.

  • implicit_diff_tol (float) – Modifies the accuracy to which implicit differential equations are to be satisfied.

  • onOutputStep (callable function) – Supply a callable UPOST function that you want to be called at every output step.

  • returnResults (bool) – Specifies if run data will be returned to the caller.

  • output (Enum) –

    Specifies protocol of standard output. Valid choices are:

    • ”on”

    • ”off”

    • ”fileonly”

  • validate (bool) – Specifies if the model will be validated before submission (default True).

  • numThread (int) – Specifies the number of threads for Open MP multithreaded contact simulation.

  • active_contact_iteration (bool) – Specifies whether the contact residual is being updated during the corrector step of the implicit solver and an analytical Jacobian is provided or not. A value of True means that the residual is being updated.

  • acusolve_cosim (bool) – Specifies if this simulation is a MotionSolve-AcuSolve co-simulation.

  • save_increment (int) – Dumps the XML file every save_increment multiple of print interval.

  • save_inc_overwrite (bool) – Overwrite the XML file each time or create a new one every save_increment with time stamp added to the file name.



Output states for Bodies, Requests and Rvs.

verify(validate=True, **kwds)#

Sends the model to solver and performs a verification analysis. Validation of the model can be optionally skipped.


validate (bool) – Specifies if model validation is to be performed.


count (int)

Total number of kinematic independent coordinates computed by MotionSolve.