msolve Package#

The msolve package contains all the objects, methods, and properties available for you to create, modify, and simulate models. The msolve modules are described below.

Model Module#

The Model module contains the classes for all MotionSolve model entities.

Functions Module#

The Functions module contains the functions and data access subroutines that can be used at runtime.

MDL Methods Module#

The MDL Methods module contains helper functions that replicate some very useful MotionView functionalities and simplify the modeling process.

Object Validator Module#

The Object Validator module contains methods that make object validation easier. You can utilize these methods when creating a new entity that derives from the Composite class.

Math Module#

The Math module contains mathematical objects that are overloaded with useful math operations. You can create and modify points, vectors, and matrices, and use them as part of the modeling process.

Composite Class#

MotionSolve provides a rich library of general purpose and phenomena-specific modeling entities. You can combine these entities to create higher-level modeling entities (HLEs) that exhibit new behavior. This process is called aggregation, and msolve supports it through this special class.