Install using Altair Units Licensing

Installing on Windows
Prerequisites to install and run PollEx using Altair Units:
  • PollEx 2023 installer for Windows platform.
  • Uninstall the older versions of PollEx installed on the machine.
  • The machine must be compatible with minimum hardware requirements to run PollEx.
  • If you are using a server-based license, you require access to an activated and running HypwerWorks 2023 license server that allows HyperWorks applications to draw license units.
Note: PollEx users must have administrator rights on the machine. Otherwise, some programs may not work properly.
  1. Begin the installation process by extracting the software.
  2. Double-click the downloaded installation file.
  3. Click Yes to continue.
    If user account control (UAC) is enabled and you are an administrator, a prompt is displayed showing the Altair Engineering, Inc. digital signature for elevated permissions.
    The splash screen is displayed while the installer is loaded.
    The License Agreement panel is displayed.
  4. Read through the license agreement.
  5. Click I accept the terms of the License Agreement to continue with the installation.
  6. Click Next to continue.
    The Introduction panel is displayed.
  7. Read through the introduction.
  8. Click Next to continue with the installation.
    The Choose Install Folder panel is displayed.
    Note: The default install folder is the HyperWorks install folder and PollEx will be installed in a PollEx subfolder
  9. Click Next to continue.
    The Change Shortcut Folder (Local) panel is displayed.
  10. Specify the folder name that will contain the start menu shortcuts.
  11. [Optional] Specify the suffix string to be added to the shortcuts.
  12. Select Yes, if you want PollEx icons on the desktop, else No.
  13. Click Next to continue.
    The Altair License Management System panel is displayed.
    Note: This dialog is only displayed if ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH has not been set.
  14. Select the location for the environment variable ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH.
    The license location must be in the format port@hostname (where the license server is running). You can enter multiple license servers separated by a colon (;). You can also provide a path to a file on a disk (node-locked license).
    Note: It is not mandatory to provide the license server at the installation time. You must manually set the value of ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH after the installation before accessing the Altair PollEx.
  15. Click Next to continue.
    The Pre-Installation Summary panel is displayed. The summary contains details about the installation summary.
  16. Review the installation details and Click Install to continue.
    The Installing Altair PollEx panel is displayed.
    Once the installation is complete, the Install Complete panel is displayed.
  17. Click Done to exit the installer.