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The Reference Guide contains documentation for all functions supported in the OpenMatrix language.
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OpenMatrix is a mathematical scripting language.
Creates a filter that can be used for image processing.
Utility function for images which adds a matrix or a constant to a given matrix, x.
Display a matrix as an image, based on the current color map.
Display a matrix as an image with scaled colors.
Gets information about an image from its handle using functions defined in the omlimgtoolbox.
Applies a linear filter on image data.
Gets information from the image, without reading pixel data, using functions defined in the omlimgtoolbox.
Reads an image with the pixel data stored in a matrix R, with functions defined in the omlimgtoolbox.
Displays an image file in a figure.
Utility function for images which subtracts a matrix or a constant from a given matrix, x.
Writes an image, whose pixel data comes from a matrix, m, with functions defined in the omlimgtoolbox.
Returns true if the given image, x, has only black and white colors.
Returns true if the given image, x, is grayscale.
Describes all of the blocks in the installed Twin Activate library.
Provides information about developing and simulating models through the Twin Activate Application Program Interface.
Key terms associated with the software.
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