Input import
Input import
The set of inputs concerning speed and losses, can be imported from another test already performed in Motor Factory Test environment.
It can be current results or saved test results.
If the referent test has been performed with the thermal computations, the resulting temperatures can also be imported.
How to define the inputs | |
1 | Fill in the table to define the speed, all the losses to be considered, the maximum evaluation duration, and the time step. |
2 | Click on the button “import” to import inputs corresponding to a solved test. All existing data from the selected test will be imported into the inputs of the thermal characterization. The data that does not exist in the outputs of the selected test is set to 0. |
3 | Choose what must be the maximum temperature deviation that will allow us to consider that the optimization algorithm has converged. |
Dialog box to select the test from which a set of data (losses and thermal) must be imported | |
1 | Opened the dialog box after having clicked on the button “import” on the main panel. |
2 | Selection of the test. Only solved tests are available in the drop-down list. |
3 | Current tests as well as saved tests can be selected. |
4 | When several working points are computed in the selected test, each of them can be selected to consider the corresponding losses and speed. |
5 | Thermal data can also be imported. The resulting temperatures computed in the selected test can be imported as target temperatures. The thermal settings can also be imported like the external fluid temperature and the cooling circuit fluid temperature. |