Translates the AcuSolve solution output to other formats.
acuTrans [options]
AcuSolve Post-Processing Program
The results of AcuSolve are stored using an internal format in a number of files in the directory specified by the working_directory option (ACUSIM.DIR by defaults) and in binary by default. AcuTrans is used to gather and translate these results into various formats more suited for post-processing or visualizing by third party products.
In the following, the full name of each option is followed by its abbreviated name and its type. For a general description of option specifications, see Command Line Options and Configuration Files. See below for more individual option details:
- help or h (boolean)
- If set, the program prints a usage message and exits. The usage message includes all available options, their current values and the place where each option is set.
- problem or pb (string)
- The name of the problem is specified via this option. This name is used to build internal file names and to generate output files. All generated output files start with the problem name.
- working_directory or dir (string)
- All internal files are stored in this directory. This directory does not need to be on the same file system as the input files of the problem.
- run_id or run (integer)
- Number of the run in which the translation is requested. If run_id is set to 0, the last run in the working directory is assumed.
- translate_to or to (enumerated)
- Translate the output to this format:
- info
- Prints information about the available time steps and variables.
- table
- Translate into a two dimensional array of data
- stats
- Print statistics on each output data
- cgns
- Translate to CGNS data base
- ensight
- Translate to EnSight 6.0 .case file
- fieldview
- Translate to FieldView unstructured binary file (2.4 or 2.7)
- h3d
- Translate to H3D format
- ideas
- Translate to I-deas Universal file
- spectrum
- Translate to Spectrum Visualizer compressed ASCII file
- actran
- Translate to ActranLA files
- fieldview_options or fvopt (string)
- Set FieldView translation options:
- classical
- Translate to combined mesh/solution unstructured binary file format 2.4
- split
- Translate to split file mesh/solution unstructured binary file format 2.7 to reduce disk file size
- fieldview_region or fvr (enumerated)
- Set FieldView region:
- single
- Create a single region
- medium
- Create one region per medium, that is, solid, fluid, shell
- element_set
- Create one region per element set
- subdomain
- Create one region per original subdomain
- ensight_options or ensopt (string)
- Set EnSight translation options:
- 6
- Translate to EnSight 6
- gold
- Translate to EnSight Gold
- h3d_options or h3dopt (string)
- Set H3D translation options:
- multi
- Create separate files for the mesh and solutions at various time-steps
- single
- Create a single file
- time_steps or ts (string)
- Comma-separated list of time steps to be translated. The comma-separated fields have the general
range format beg:end:inc, where :end:inc and
:inc are optional. beg specifies the first
time step in the range. It may be either a given time step, as specified by
a number, the letter F (or f) requesting the first available time step, or
the letter L (or l) requesting the last available time step. end is the last
time step in the range. It may be either a time step number or L (or l)
requesting the last available time step. If end is missing,
the range is assumed to simply represent a single time step, that is,
end=beg and inc=1. inc is the increment that ranges from beg
to end. It may be either a number or the letter A (or a)
requesting all available time steps in the range. If :inc is
missing, it is assumed to be one. The range may also be specified by the
single letter A (or a), requesting all available time steps. This is
equivalent to F:L:A. time_steps is used only for nodal
data and is ignored for time series data. Examples of
time_steps option include:
acuTrans -ts 35 # step 35 acuTrans -ts 35,33,37 # steps 33, 35, and 37 acuTrans -ts 33:37:2 # steps 33, 35, and 37 acuTrans -ts 35,33:37:2,37 # steps 33, 35, and 37 acuTrans -ts 33:37 # all steps from 33 to 37 acuTrans -ts 33:37:A # available steps from 33 to 37 acuTrans -ts F:L:A # all available steps acuTrans -ts A # all available steps
- optimization_case_time_steps or cts (string)
- Comma-separated list of optimization case time steps to be translated. The comma-separated fields have the general range format beg:end:inc, where :end:inc and :inc are optional. beg specifies the first time step in the range. It may be either a given time step, as specified by a number, the letter F, or f, requesting the first available time step, or the letter L (or l) requesting the last available time step. end is the last time step in the range. It may be either a time step number or L (or l) requesting the last available time step. If end is missing, the range is assumed to simply represent a single time step, that is, end=beg and inc=1. inc is the increment that ranges from beg to end. It may be either a number or the letter A (or a) requesting all available time steps in the range. If :inc is missing, it is assumed to be one. The range may also be specified by the single letter A (or a), requesting all available time steps. This is equivalent to F:L:A.
- optimization_case or case (string)
- Comma-separated list of optimization cases to be translated.
- additional_runs or runs (string)
- Comma-separated list of runs to be translated. These are in addition to the main run given by
run_id. Additional runs not compatible with the
main are ignored. Combining four runs may be accomplished
acuTrans -run 1 -runs "2,3,4"
- ignore_missing_steps or imts (boolean)
- If set, missing requested time steps are ignored. Otherwise, if the requested time step does not exist, the command issues an error message and exits.
- ignore_missing_cases or imcs (boolean)
- If set, missing requested optimization cases are ignored. Otherwise, if the requested optimization case does not exist, the command issues an error message and exits.
- ignore_missing_runs or imruns (boolean)
- If set, missing runs are ignored. Otherwise, if the requested run does not exist, the command issues an error message and exits. This option is used with the -runs command line option.
- ignore_missing_variables or imv (boolean)
- If set, missing requested variables are ignored. Otherwise, if the requested variable does not exist, the command issues an error message and exits.
- ignore_zeros or iz (boolean)
- If set, ignore zeros when computing statistics, that is, when using -to stats. This option is usually used for variables that are defined only on surfaces. See extended_nodal_output.
- mesh_output or mesh (boolean)
- If set, the problem mesh is translated. This option is valid with translation formats ideas, spectrum, EnSight, H3D, FieldView and actran. The CGNS formats always receive the mesh. When converting to FieldView and fvopt is set to single, the mesh is always translated.
- remove_duplicate_surfaces or rmds (boolean)
- If set, all surfaces are checked for uniqueness before being written into the CGNS, FieldView, EnSight, or H3D file. This prevents surfaces that are utilized multiple times in the input file for SIMPLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION, SURFACE_OUTPUT, or ELEMENT_BOUNDARY_CONDITION commands from appearing multiple times in output files. This option reduces the size of output files and eliminates redundant boundary definitions. The option is on by default. You can recover pre-V12.0 behavior in AcuTrans by turning this option off.
- mesh_movement or ale (boolean)
- If set, output deformed coordinates for mesh_output. Otherwise, output the reference coordinates.
- deformed_crd_type or defcrd (enumerated)
- This option controls which displacement field is written to the
mesh_displacement variable in all output types.
- midstep
- Write the mesh displacement field that corresponds to the displacement at the mid point of each time step. This option is useful when investigating the flow across non-conformal interfaces. The mid point of each time step is where the solution across the non-conformal interface is actually satisfied and should be visualized in order to see continuous contours across it. However, the boundary displacements for prescribed motions will also be written at the mid step and may not agree with the expectations based on input settings.
- endstep
- Write the mesh displacement field that corresponds to the displacement at the end point of each time step. This option produces a displacement field that aligns with the requested boundary displacements at each step, but does not correspond to the mesh displacement field that satisfies the governing equations. To visualize the mesh on which the governing equations are satisfied, use midstep. In practice, there is little use in this if there are no non-conformal interfaces present in the simulation and visualizing the solution on the mesh with the expected boundary displacements is preferred.
- nodal_output or out (boolean)
- If set, the nodal output, as specified by the NODAL_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with all translation formats.
- nodal_output_vars or outv (string)
- Comma-separated list of nodal_output variables to be
translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species as given in the EQUATION command in the input file. The problem must contain the requested variable in order for it to be translated. For example, the parameter turbulence in the EQUATION command must be set to a value other than none in order for eddy_viscosity to be available. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If nodal_output_vars is set to _all, all available variables are translated. The surface_y_plus, surface_film_coefficient and wall_shear_stress are non-zero only on surface nodes given by TURBULENCE_WALL, or alternatively by SIMPLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION of type wall. The surface_film_coefficient is computed even if there is no temperature equation. However, all relevant fluid material models must include specific heat and conductivity models. It should also be noted that eddy_frequency and sqrt_eddy_period only appear when using the k-omega turbulence models. The dissipation_rate variable only appears when using the k-epsilon based turbulence models, and intermittency and transition_re_theta only appear when using the turbulence transition models.
Table 1. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates density (dens) 1 Density, only for flow = compressible_navier_stokes. velocity (vel) 3 Velocity vector phasic velocity (phasic_vel) 3 Phasic velocity vector of the first field, when multi_field = eulerian_eulerian or algebraic_eulerian. mach_number (mach) 1 Mach number, only for flow = compressible_navier_stokes. pressure (pres) 1 Pressure temperature (temp) 1 Temperature relative_humidity 1 Relative humidity dewpoint_temperature 1 Dewpoint temperature humidity_film_thickness 1 Humidity film thickness species (spec) nSpecs Species incident_radiation (incident_rad) 1 Incident radiation field nFields Field values. For multi_field= levelset, multi_field = algebraic_eulerian and eulerian_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. levelset (levelset) 1 Levelset eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Turbulence eddy viscosity kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Turbulence kinetic energy eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Turbulence eddy frequency sqrt_eddy_period (tg) 1 Inverse of the square root of eddy frequency dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Turbulence dissipation rate intermittency (tintc) 1 Turbulence intermittency transition_re_theta (treth) 1 Critical momentum thickness Reynolds Number surface_y_plus (yp) 1 y+ on turbulence walls surface_film_coefficient (film) 1 Convective heat transfer coefficient on turbulence walls wall_shear_stress (wall_shear) 3 Wall shear stress on turbulence walls. viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Viscoelastic stresses mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Mesh displacement vector mesh_velocity (mesh_vel) 3 Mesh velocity vector - extended_nodal_output or extout (boolean)
- Extended nodal output flag. If set, adds to the
nodal_output variable list available variables from
output_error_estimator, and
time_average_error_estimator. The nodal projections
of miscellaneous element quantities and gradients of available field
variables are also added to the list. Those variables defined only on a
subset of the nodes, such as surfaces, are set to zero on the rest of the
nodes. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species as given in the EQUATION command in the input file. The output fields for time_ave_velocity_square and time_ave_stress are xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, and zx. The output fields for gradient variables are, for example, ux, uy, uz, vx,....
Table 2. Variable (abbr) Fields Description grad_velocity (grad_vel) 9 Gradient of velocity vector grad_phasic_velocity (grad_phasic_vel) 9 Gradient of phasic velocity vector of the first field, when multi_field = eulerian_eulerian or algebraic_eulerian. grad_pressure (grad_pres) 3 Gradient of pressure grad_temperature (grad_temp) 3 Gradient of temperature grad_field 3*nFields Gradient of field values. For multi_field = levelset, multi_field= algebraic_eulerian, and multi_field = eulerian_eulerian, the grad field values correspond to grad volume fractions, and are named as grad_volume_fraction-"fieldname". grad_species (grad_spec) 3*nSpecs Gradient of species grad_eddy_viscosity (grad_eddy) 3 Gradient of turbulence eddy viscosity grad_kinetic_energy (grad_tke) 3 Gradient of turbulence kinetic energy grad_eddy_frequency (grad_tomega) 3 Gradient of turbulence eddy frequency grad_sqrt_eddy_period (grad_tg) 3 Gradient of inverse of the square root of eddy frequency grad_dissipation_rate (grad_teps) 3 Gradient of inverse of the turbulence dissipation rate grad_intermittency (grad_tintc) 3 Gradient of turbulence intermittency grad_transition_re_theta (grad_treth) 3 Gradient of critical momentum thickness Reynolds Number grad_viscoelastic_stress (grad_vest) 18 Gradient of viscoelastic stress grad_mesh_displacement(grad_mesh_disp) 9 Gradient of mesh displacement vector grad_mesh_velocity (grad_mesh_vel) 9 Gradient of mesh velocity vector volume (vol) 1 Nodal volume strain_rate_invariant_2 (strain_i2) 1 Second invariant of the strain rate tensor velocity_magnitude (vmag) 1 Magnitude of the velocity vector vorticity (vort) 3 Vorticity cfl_number (cfl) 1 Element-integrated CFL number density (dens) 1 Density viscosity (visc) 1 Viscosity material_viscosity (mat_visc) 1 Molecular viscosity gravity (grav) 3 Gravity specific_heat (cp) 1 Specific heat conductivity (cond) 6 Conductivity heat_source (heat_src) 1 Heat source diffusivity (diff) nSpecs Species diffusivity species_source (spec_src) nSpecs Species source turbulence_y (turb_y) 1 Turbulence distance to wall turbulence_y_plus (turb_yp) 1 Turbulence y+ des_length (deslen) 1 Length scale for DES turbulence model field_diffusivity 1 Field diffusivity field_source 1 Field source material_conductivity 1 Material conductivity total_pressure (tot_pres) 1 Total pressure running_ave_velocity (ora_vel) 3 Running average velocity running_ave_pressure (ora_pres) 1 Running average pressure running_ave_temperature (ora_temp) 1 Running average temperature running_ave_field (ora_field) nFields Running average field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to running average volume fractions, and are named as running_ave_volume_fraction-"fieldname". running_ave_species (ora_spec) nSpecs Running average species running_ave_eddy_viscosity (ora_eddy) 1 Running average eddy viscosity running_ave_kinetic_energy (ora_tke) 1 Running average turbulence kinetic energy running_ave_eddy_frequency (ora_tomega) 1 Running average turbulence eddy frequency running_ave_sqrt_eddy_period (ora_tg) 1 Running average of inverse of the square root of eddy frequency running_ave_dissipation_rate (ora_teps) 1 Running average turbulence dissipation rate running_ave_intermittency (ora_tintc) 1 Running average of the turbulence intermittency running_ave_transition_re_theta (ora_treth) 1 Running average of the critical momentum thickness Reynolds number running_ave_mesh_displacement (ora_mesh_disp) 3 Running average mesh displacement running_ave_viscoelastic_stress (ora_vest) 6 Running average viscoelastic stress residual_velocity (onr_vel) 3 Residual of momentum equations residual_pressure (onr_pres) 1 Residual of continuity equation residual_temperature (onr_temp) 1 Residual of temperature equation residual_species (onr_spec) nSpecs Residual of species equations residual_eddy_viscosity (onr_eddy) 1 Residual of turbulence eddy viscosity equation residual_kinetic_energy (onr_tke) 1 Residual of turbulence kinetic energy equation residual_eddy_frequency (onr_tomega) 1 Residual of turbulence eddy frequency equation residual_sqrt_eddy_period (onr_tg) 1 Residual of inverse of the square root of eddy frequency residual_dissipation_rate (onr_teps) 1 Residual of turbulence dissipation rate equation residual_intermittency (onr_tintc) 1 Residual of the turbulence intermittency residual_transition_re_theta (onr_treth) 1 Residual of the critical momentum thickness Reynolds number residual_mesh_displacement (onr_mesh_disp) 3 Residual of mesh displacement equations residual_viscoelastic_stress (onr_vest) 6 Residual of viscoelastic stress error_estimator_volume (oee_vol) 1 Volume error_estimator_covariant_metric (oee_covar) 6 Covariant metric error_estimator_velocity (oee_vel) 3 Error estimate of momentum equations error_estimator_pressure (oee_pres) 1 Error estimate of continuity equation error_estimator_temperature (oee_temp) 1 Error estimate of temperature equation error_estimator_species (oee_spec) nSpecs Error estimate of species equations error_estimator_eddy_viscosity (oee_eddy) 1 Error estimate of turbulence equation error_estimator_viscoelastic_stress (oee_vest) 6 Error estimate of viscoelastic equations error_estimator_tau_velocity (oee_tau_vel) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for continuity equation error_estimator_tau_pressure (oee_tau_pres) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for momentum equations error_estimator_tau_temperature (oee_tau_temp) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for heat equation error_estimator_tau_species (oee_tau_spec) nSpecs Error estimate of least-squares metric for species equations error_estimator_tau_eddy_viscosity (oee_tau_eddy) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for turbulence equations error_estimator_tau_viscoelastic_stress (oee_tau_vest) 6 Error estimate of least-squares metric for viscoelastic equations time_ave_error_volume (oae_vol) 1 Time-averaged volume time_ave_error_covariant_metric (oae_covar) 6 Time-averaged covariant metric time_ave_error_velocity (oae_vel) 3 Time-averaged error estimate of momentum equations time_ave_error_pressure (oae_pres) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of continuity equation time_ave_error_temperature (oae_temp) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of temperature equation time_ave_error_species (oae_spec) nSpecs Time-averaged error estimate of species equations time_ave_error_eddy_viscosity (oae_eddy) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of turbulence equation time_ave_error_viscoelastic_stress (oae_vist) 6 Time-averaged error estimate of viscoelastic stress time_ave_error_tau_velocity (oae_tau_vel) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for continuity equation time_ave_error_tau_pressure (oae_tau_pres) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for momentum equations time_ave_error_tau_temperature (oae_tau_temp) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for heat equation time_ave_error_tau_species (oae_tau_spec) nSpecs Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for species equations time_ave_error_tau_eddy_viscosity (oae_tau_eddy) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for turbulence equation time_ave_error_tau_viscoelastic_stress (oae_tau_vest) 6 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for viscoelastic equations time_ave_velocity (ota_vel) 3 Time-averaged velocity time_ave_velocity_square (ota_vel_sqr) 6 Time-averaged velocity square time_ave_velocity_regular (ota_vel_reg) 3 Time-averaged non-conservative velocity time_ave_pressure (ota_pres) 1 Time-averaged pressure time_ave_pressure_square (ota_pres_sqr) 1 Time-averaged square of pressure time_ave_stress (ota_stress) 6 Time-averaged Cauchy stress surface_area (osf_area) 1 Surface area surface_mass_flux (osf_mass) 1 Surface mass flux surface_momentum_flux (osf_mom) 3 Surface momentum flux surface_traction (osf_trac) 3 Surface traction surface_moment (osf_moment) 3 Surface moment surface_convective_temperature_flux (osf_conv_temp) 1 Surface convective temperature flux surface_heat_flux (osf_heat) 1 Surface heat flux surface_convective_species_flux (osf_conv_spec) nSpecs Surface convective species flux surface_species_flux (osf_spec_flux) nSpecs Surface species flux radiation_area (orf_area) 1 Radiation area radiation_heat_flux (orf_heat) 1 Radiation heat flux radiation_mean_radiant_temperature (orf_mr_temp) 1 Radiation mean radiant temperature solar_area (oqf_area) 1 Solar area solar_heat_flux (oqf_heat) 1 Solar heat flux - running_average_output or ora (boolean)
- If set, the nodal running average field output, as specified by the RUNNING_AVERAGE_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- running_average_output_vars or orav (string)
- Comma-separated list of running_average_output
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species as given in the EQUATION command in the input file. The problem must contain the requested variable in order for it to be translated. For example, the parameter turbulence in the EQUATION command must be set to a value other than none in order for eddy_viscosity to be available. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If running_average_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 3. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates velocity (vel) 3 Velocity vector pressure (pres) 1 Pressure temperature (temp) 1 Temperature relative_humidity 1 Relative humidity dewpoint_temperature 1 Dewpoint temperature humidity_film_thickness 1 Humidity film thickness field nFields Fields. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. species (spec) nSpecs Species eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Turbulence eddy viscosity kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Turbulence kinetic energy eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Turbulence eddy frequency sqrt_eddy_frequency (sqrt_tg) 1 Inverse of the square root of eddy frequency dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Turbulence dissipation rate intermittency (tintc) 1 Turbulence intermittency transition_re_theta (treth) 1 Critical momentum thickness Reynolds number mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Mesh displacement vector viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Viscoelastic stresses - time_average_output or ota (boolean)
- If set, the time averaged nodal output, as requested by the TIME_AVERAGE_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- time_average_output_vars or otav (string)
- Comma-separated list of time_average_output variables
to be translated. The list may include:
The output fields for velocity_square and stress are xx, yy, zz, xy, yz and zx. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If time_average_output_vars is set to _all, all available variables are translated.
Table 4. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates velocity (vel) 3 Time-averaged velocity vector velocity_square (vel_sqr) 6 Time-averaged velocity square velocity_regular (vel_reg) 3 Non-conservative time-averaged velocity pressure (pres) 1 Time-averaged pressure pressure_square (pres_sqr) 1 Time-averaged pressure square stress 6 Time-averaged stress - derived_quantity_output or odq (boolean)
- If set, the derived quantity nodal output, as requested by the DERIVED_QUANTITY_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with all translation formats except Actran.
- derived_quantity_output_vars or odqv (string)
- Comma-separated list of derived_quantity_output
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species as given in the EQUATION command in the input file. The problem must contain the requested variable in order for it to be translated. For example, the parameter turbulence in the EQUATION command must be set to a value other than none in order for turbulence_y to be available. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If derived_quantity_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 5. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates density (dens) 1 Density viscosity (visc) 1 Viscosity gravity (grav) 3 Gravity vector specific_heat (cp) 1 Specific heat conductivity (cond) 6 Conductivity material_conductivity (mat_cond) 1 Material conductivity heat_source (heat_src) 1 Heat source diffusivity (diff) nSpecs Diffusivity for species equations species_source (spec_src) nSpecs Species source field_diffusivity (field_diff) 1 Field diffusivity field_source (field_src) 1 Field source turbulence_y (turb_y) 1 Turbulence distance to wall turbulence_y_plus (turb_yp) 1 Turbulence y+ des_length (deslen) 1 Length scale for Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) models turbulence_intensity (turb_intens) 1 turbulence_intensity only for two-equation turbulence models material_viscosity (mat_visc) 1 Molecular viscosity cfl_number (cfl) 1 CFL number only for flow = compressible_navier_stokes. total_temperature (tot_temp) 1 Total temperature only for flow = compressible_navier_stokes. total_pressure (tot_pres) 1 Total pressure - surface_output or osf (boolean)
- If set, the nodal values of surface output, as requested by the SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table, stats, and spectrum.
- surface_output_sets or osfs (string)
- Comma-separated list of surface_output sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the SURFACE_OUTPUT commands in the input file. If surface_output_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- surface_output_vars or osfv (string)
- Comma-separated list of surface_output variables to be
translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If surface_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 6. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates area 1 Nodal area mass_flux (mass) 1 Mass flux momentum_flux (mom) 3 Momentum flux traction (trac) 3 Traction moment 3 Moment of momentum convective_temperature_flux (conv_temp) 1 Advection of temperature heat_flux (heat) 1 Diffusive heat flux field_flux (field) 2 Field flux (evaporation/condensation mass flux) in humid air modeling convective_field_flux (conv_field) 2 Convective field flux (advection of evaporation/condensation mass flux) in humid air modeling) convective_species_flux (conv_spec) nSpecs Advection of species species_flux (spec_flux) nSpecs Diffusive species flux - surface_integral_output or osi (boolean)
- If set, the integrated values of surface output, as requested by the SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the input file, are translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- surface_integral_output_sets or osis (string)
- Comma-separated list of surface_output sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the SURFACE_OUTPUT commands in the input file. If surface_integral_output_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- surface_integral_output_vars or osiv (string)
- Comma-separated list of surface_integral_output
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If surface_integral_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 7. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time area 1 Area mass_flux (mass) 1 Integrated mass flux momentum_flux (mom) 3 Integrated momentum flux traction (trac) 3 Integrated Cauchy traction moment 3 Integrated moment of momentum convective_temperature_flux (conv_temp) 1 Integrated advection of temperature heat_flux (heat) 1 Integrated diffusive heat flux convective_species_flux (conv_spec) nSpecs Integrated advection of species species_flux (spec_flux) nSpecs Integrated diffusive species flux velocity (vel) 3 Integrated velocity pressure (pres) 1 Integrated pressure total_pressure (tot_pres) 1 Integrated total pressure temperature (temp) 1 Integrated temperature total_temperature (tot_temp) 1 Integrated total temperature incident_radiation 1 Integrated incident radiation relative_humidity 1 Integrated relative humidity dewpoint_temperature 1 Integrated dewpoint temperature humidity_film_thickness 1 Humidity film thickness field_flux (field) 2 Integrated field flux (integrated evaporation/condensation mass flux) in humid air modeling convective_field_flux (conv_field) 2 Integrated advection of field flux (integrated advection of evaporation/condensation mass flux) in humid air modeling field nFields Area averaged field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. species (spec) nSpecs Integrated species eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Integrated turbulence eddy viscosity kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Integrated turbulence kinetic energy eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Integrated turbulence eddy frequency sqrt_eddy_period (tg) 1 Inverse of the square root of eddy frequency dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Integrated turbulence dissipation rate intermittency (tintc) 1 Integrated turbulence intermittency transition_re_theta (treth) 1 Integrated critical momentum thickness surface_y_plus (yp) 1 Integrated y+ on turbulence walls surface_film_coefficient (film) 1 Integrated conv. heat transfer coef. on turb. walls wall_shear_stress (wall_shear) 3 Integrated wall shear stress viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Integrated viscoelastic stress ave_density (ave_dens) 1 Integrated average density mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Integrated mesh displacement mesh_velocity (mesh_vel) 3 Integrated mesh velocity mass_ave_velocity (mass_vel) 3 Mass averaged velocity mass_ave_pressure (mass_pres) 1 Mass averaged pressure mass_ave_total_pressure (mass_tot_pres) 1 Mass averaged total pressure mass_ave_temperature (mass_temp) 1 Mass averaged temperature mass_ave _total_temperature (mass_tot_temp) 1 Mass averaged total temperature mass_ave_field (mass_field) nFields Mass average field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to mass averaged volume fractions, and are named as mass_ave_volume_fraction-"fieldname". mass_ave_species(mass_spec) nSpecs Mass averaged species mass_ave_eddy_viscosity(mass_eddy) 1 Mass averaged eddy viscosity mass_ave_kinetic_energy(mass_tke) 1 Mass averaged turbulence kinetic energy mass_ave_eddy_frequency(mass_tomega) 1 Mass averaged turbulence eddy frequency mass_ave_sqrt_eddy_period (mass_tg) 1 Mass averaged inverse of the square root of eddy frequency mass_ave_dissipation_rate (mass_teps) 1 Mass averaged turbulence dissipation rate mass_ave_intermittency (mass_tintc) 1 Mass averaged turbulence intermittency mass_ave_transition_re_theta (mass_treth) 1 Mass averaged critical momentum thickness Reynolds number mass_ave_viscoelastic_stress (mass_vest) 6 Mass averaged viscoelastic stress mass_flux_ave_velocity (massf_vel) 3 Mass flux averaged velocity mass_flux_ave_pressure (massf_pres) 1 Mass flux mass_flux_ave_total_pressure (massf_tot_pres) 1 Mass flux averaged total pressure mass_flux _ave_total_temperature (massf_tot_temp) 1 Mass flux averaged total temperature mass_flux_ave_temperature (massf_temp) 1 Mass flux averaged temperature mass_flux_ave_field (massf_field) nFields Mass flux averaged field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field=algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to mass flux averaged volume fractions, and are named as mass_flux_ave_volume_fraction-"fieldname". mass_flux_ave_species(massf_spec) nSpecs Mass flux averaged species mass_flux_ave_eddy_viscosity(massf_eddy) 1 Mass flux averaged eddy viscosity mass_flux_ave_kinetic_energy(massf_tke) 1 Mass flux averaged turbulence kinetic energy mass_flux_ave_eddy_frequency(massf_tomega) 1 Mass flux averaged turbulence eddy frequency mass_flux_ave_sqrt_eddy_period (massf_tg) 1 Mass flux averaged inverse of the square root of eddy frequency mass_flux_ave_dissipation_rate (massf_teps) 1 Mass flux averaged turbulence dissipation rate mass_flux_ave_intermittency (massf_tintc) 1 Mass flux averaged turbulence intermittency mass_flux_ave_transition_re_theta (massf_treth) 1 Mass flux averaged critical momentum thickness Reynolds number mass_flux_ave_viscoelastic_stress(massf_vest) 6 Mass flux averaged viscoelastic stress bulk_temperature 1 Bulk temperature partial_volume 1 Integrated - surface_statistics_output or oss (boolean)
- If set, the surface output statistics, as requested by the SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the input file, are translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- surface_statistics_output_sets or osss (string)
- Comma-separated list of surface_output sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the SURFACE_OUTPUT commands in the input file. If surface_statistics_output_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- surface_statistics_output_vars or ossv (string)
- Comma-separated list of surface_statistics_output
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If surface_statistics_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 8. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time min_velocity (min_vel) 3 Minimum of nodal velocity on the surface min_pressure (min_pres) 1 Minimum of nodal pressure on the surface min_total_pressure (min_tot_pres) 1 Minimum of nodal total pressure on the surface min_temperature (min_temp) 1 Minimum of nodal temperature on the surface min _total_temperature (min_tot_temp) 1 Minimum of nodal total temperature on the surface min_incident_radiation 1 Minimum of nodal incident radiation on the surface min_relative_humidity 1 Minimum of nodal relative humidity on the surface min_dewpoint_temperature 1 Minimum of nodal dewpoint temperature on the surface min_humidity_film_thickness 1 Minimum of nodal humidity film thickness on the surface min_field (min_field) nFields Mimimum of nodal field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. min_species (min_species) nSpecs Minimum of nodal species on the surface min_eddy_viscosity (min_species) 1 Minimum of nodal turbulence eddy viscosity on the surface min_kinetic_energy (min_tke) 1 Minimum of nodal turbulence kinetic energy on the surface min_eddy_frequency (min_tomega) 1 Minimum of nodal turbulence eddy frequency on the surface min_sqrt_eddy_period (min_tg) 1 Minimum of nodal inverse of square root of eddy frequency on the surface min_dissipation_rate (min_teps) 1 Minimum of nodal turbulence dissipation rate min_intermittency (min_tintc) 1 Minimum of nodal turbulence intermittency on the surface min_transition_re_theta (min_treth) 1 Minimum of nodal critical momentum thickness Reynolds number on the surface min_mesh_displacement (min_mesh_disp) 3 Minimum of nodal mesh displacement on the surface min_mesh_velocity (min_mesh_vel) 3 Minimum of nodal mesh velocities on the surface min_surface_y_plus (min_yp) 1 Minimum of nodal y plus on the surface min_surface_film_coefficient (min_film) 1 Minimum of nodal surface film coefficient on the surface min_wall_shear_stress (min_wall_shear_stress) 3 Minimum of nodal wall shear stress on the surface min_density (min_dens) 1 Minimum of nodal density on the surface min_viscoelastic_stress (min_vest) 6 Minimum of nodal viscoelastic stress on the surface max_velocity (max_vel) 3 Maximum of nodal velocity on the surface max_pressure (max_pres) 1 Maximum of nodal pressure on the surface max_total_pressure (max_tot_pres) 1 Maximum of nodal total pressure on the surface max_temperature (max_temp) 1 Maximum of nodal temperature on the surface max _total_temperature (max_tot_temp) 1 Maximum of nodal total temperature on the surface max_incident_radiation 1 Maximum of nodal incident radiation on the surface max_relative_humidity 1 Maximum of nodal relative humidity on the surface max_dewpoint_temperature 1 Maximum of nodal dewpoint temperature on the surface max_humidity_film_thickness 1 Maximum of nodal humidity film thickness on the surface max_field (max_field) nFields Maximum of nodal field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field =algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. max_species (max_species) nSpecs Maximum of nodal species on the surface max_eddy_viscosity (max_species) 1 Maximum of nodal turbulence eddy viscosity on the surface max_kinetic_energy (max_tke) 1 Maximum of nodal turbulence kinetic energy on the surface max_eddy_frequency (max_tomega) 1 Maximum of nodal turbulence eddy frequency on the surface max_sqrt_eddy_period (max_tg) 1 Maximum of nodal inverse of square root of eddy frequency on the surface max_dissipation_rate (max_teps) 1 Maximum of nodal turbulence dissipation rate max_intermittency (max_tintc) 1 Maximum of nodal turbulence intermittency on the surface max_transition_re_theta (min_treth) 1 Maximum of nodal critical momentum thickness Reynolds number on the surface max_mesh_displacement (max_mesh_disp) 3 Maximum of nodal mesh displacement on the surface max_mesh_velocity (max_mesh_vel) 3 Maximum of nodal mesh velocities on the surface max_surface_y_plus (max_yp) 1 Maximum of nodal y plus on the surface max_surface_film_coefficient (max_film) 1 Maximum of nodal surface film coefficient on the surface max_wall_shear_stress (max_wall_shear) 3 Maximum of nodal wall shear stress max_density (max_dens) 1 Maximum of nodal density on the surface max_viscoelastic_stress (max_vest) 6 Maximum of nodal viscoelastic stress on the surface std_velocity (std_vel) 3 Standard deviation of nodal velocity on the surface std_pressure (std_pres) 1 Standard deviation of nodal pressure on the surface std_total_pressure (std_tot_pres) 1 Standard deviation of nodal total pressure on the surface std_temperature (std_temp) 1 Standard deviation of nodal temperature on the surface std _total_temperature (std_tot_temp) 1 Standard deviation of nodal total temperature on the surface std_incident_radiation 1 Standard deviation of nodal incident radiation on the surface std_relative_humidity 1 Standard deviation of nodal relative humidity on the surface std_dewpoint_temperature 1 Standard deviation of nodal dewpoint temperature on the surface std_humidity_film_thickness 1 Standard deviation of nodal humidity film thickness on the surface std_field (std_field) nFields Standard deviation of nodal field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. std_species (std_species) nSpecs Standard deviation of nodal species on the surface std_eddy_viscosity (std_species) 1 Standard deviation of nodal turbulence eddy viscosity on the surface std_kinetic_energy (std_tke) 1 Standard deviation of nodal turbulence kinetic energy on the surface std_eddy_frequency (std_tomega) 1 Standard deviation of nodal turbulence eddy frequency on the surface std_sqrt_eddy_period (std_tg) 1 Standard deviation of nodal inverse of square root of eddy frequency on the surface std_dissipation_rate (std_teps) 1 Standard deviation of nodal turbulence dissipation rate std_intermittency (std_tintc) 1 Standard deviation of nodal turbulence intermittency on the surface std_transition_re_theta (std_treth) 1 Standard deviation of nodal critical momentum thickness Reynolds number on the surface std_mesh_displacement (std_mesh_disp) 3 Standard deviation of nodal mesh displacement on the surface std_mesh_velocity (std_mesh_vel) 3 Standard deviation of nodal mesh velocities on the surface std_surface_y_plus (std_yp) 1 Standard deviation of nodal y plus on the surface std_surface_film_coefficient (std_film) 1 Standard deviation of nodal surface film coefficient on the surface std_wall_shear_stress (std_wall_shear) 3 Standard deviation of nodal wall shear stress on the surface std_density (std_dens) 1 Standard deviation of nodal density on the surface std_viscoelastic_stress (std_vest) 6 Standard deviation of nodal viscoelastic stress on the surface uni_velocity (uni_vel) 3 Uniformity index of velocity on the surface uni_pressure (uni_pres) 1 Uniformity index of pressure on the surface uni_total_pressure (uni_tot_pres) 1 Uniformity index of total pressure on the surface uni_temperature (uni_temp) 1 Uniformity index of temperature on the surface uni _total_temperature (uni_tot_temp) 1 Uniformity index of total temperature on the surface uni_incident_radiation 1 Uniformity index of nodal incident radiation on the surface uni_relative_humidity 1 Uniformity index of relative humidity on the surface uni_dewpoint_temperature 1 Uniformity index of dewpoint temperature on the surface uni_humidity_film_thickness 1 Uniformity index of humidity film thickness on the surface uni_field (uni_field) nFields Uniformity index of nodal field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. uni_species (uni_species) nSpecs Uniformity index of species on the surface uni_kinetic_energy (uni_tke) 1 Uniformity index of turbulence kinetic energy on the surface uni_eddy_frequency (uni_tomega) 1 Uniformity index of turbulence eddy frequency on the surface uni_sqrt_eddy_period (uni_tg) 1 Uniformity index of inverse of square root of eddy frequency on the surface uni_dissipation_rate (uni_teps) 1 Uniformity index of turbulence dissipation rate on the surface uni_intermittency (uni_tintc) 1 Uniformity index of nodal turbulence intermittency on the surface uni_transition_re_theta (uni_treth) 1 Uniformity index of nodal critical momentum thickness Reynolds number on the surface uni_mesh_displacement (uni_mesh_disp) 3 Uniformity index of mesh displacement on the surface uni_mesh_velocity (uni_mesh_vel) 3 Uniformity index of mesh velocity on the surface uni_surface_y_plus (uni_yp) 1 Uniformity index of y plus on the surface uni_surface_film_coefficient (uni_film) 1 Uniformity index of surface film coefficient on the surface uni_wall_shear_stress (uni_wall_shear) 3 Uniformity index of wall shear stress on the surface uni_density (uni_dens) 1 Uniformity index of density on the surface uni_viscoelastic_stress (uni_vest) 6 Uniformity index of viscoelastic stress on the surface - output_radiation_surface or orf (boolean)
- If set, the nodal values of radiation surfaces, as requested by the RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, is translated. At least one of the two nodal output parameters of the RADIATION_SURFACE command must be set in order for any data be translated. Nodal surface output is available only for radiation surfaces of type wall. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- output_radiation_surface_sets or orfs (string)
- Comma-separated list of RADIATION_SURFACE sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the RADIATION_SURFACE commands in the input file. If output_radiation_surface_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- output_radiation_surface_vars or orfv (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_radiation_surface
variables to be translated. The list may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If output_radiation_surface_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 9. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates area 1 Nodal area heat_flux (heat) 1 Radiation heat flux mean_radiant_temperature (mr_temp) 1 Mean radiant temperature - output_radiation_integral or ori (boolean)
- If set, the integrated values of radiation surface, as requested by the RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, are translated. At least one of the four output parameters of the RADIATION_SURFACE command must be set in order for any data be translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- output_radiation_integral_sets or oris (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_radiation_integral sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the RADIATION_SURFACE commands in the input file. If output_radiation_integral_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- output_radiation_integral_vars or oriv (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_radiation_integral
variables to be translated. The list may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If output_radiation_integral_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 10. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time area 1 Integrated area heat_flux (heat) 1 Integrated radiation heat flux temperature (temp) 1 Integrated temperature (fourth-power weighting) mean_radiant_temperature (mr_temp) 1 Integrated mean radiant temperature (fourth-power weighting) - output_solar_radiation_surface or oqf (boolean)
- If set, the nodal values of solar radiation surfaces, as defined by the SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, is translated. There are no output parameters in the SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE. Instead solar radiation fluxes of all solved time steps are available for translation. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- output_solar_radiation_surface_sets or oqfs (string)
- Comma-separated list of SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE commands in the input file. If output_solar_radiation_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- output_solar_radiation_surface_vars or oqfv (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_solar_radiation_surface
variables to be translated. The list may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If output_solar_radiation_surface_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 11. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates area 1 Nodal area heat_flux (heat) 1 Radiation heat flux - output_solar_radiation_integral or oqi (boolean)
- If set, the integrated values of radiation surface, as defined by the SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, are translated. There are no output parameters in the SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE. Instead solar radiation fluxes of all solved time steps are available for translation. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- output_solar_radiation_integral_sets or oqis (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_solar_radiation_integral sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE commands in the input file. Ifoutput_solar_radiation_integral_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- output_solar_radiation_integral_vars or oqiv (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_solar_radiation_integral
variables to be translated. The list may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If output_solar_radiation_integral_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 12. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time area 1 Integrated area heat_flux (heat) 1 Integrated radiation heat flux - element_integral_output or oei (boolean)
- If set, the integrated values of element output, as requested by the ELEMENT_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- element_integral_output_sets or oeis (string)
- Comma-separated list of element_output output sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the ELEMENT_OUTPUT commands in the input file. If element_integral_output_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- element_integral_output_vars or oeiv (string)
- Comma-separated list of element_integral_output
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command and nUsers is the number of user variables given by the ELEMENT_OUTPUT command in the input file. The output fields for stress are xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, and zx. The output fields for gradient variables are, for example, ux, uy, uz, vx,.... The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If element_integral_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 13. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (node) 1 Time step time 1 Run time volume (vol) 1 Volume total_mass (mass) 1 Total mass velocity (vel) 3 Integrated velocity acceleration (accel) 3 Integrated acceleration pressure (pres) 1 Integrated pressure total_pressure (tot_pres) 1 Integrated total pressure temperature (temp) 1 Integrated temperature total_ temperature (tot_temp) 1 Integrated total temperature viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Integrated viscoelastic stresses species (spec) nSpecs Integrated species field nFields Integrated field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-“fieldname”. eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Integrated turbulence eddy viscosity kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Integrated turbulence kinetic energy velocity scale (tvel) 1 Integrated velocity scale dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Integrated turbulence dissipation rate eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Integrated turbulence eddy frequency eddy_time (ttau) 1 Integrated eddy time sqrt_eddy_period (tg) 1 Integrated inverse of square root of eddy frequency intermittency (tintc) 1 Integrated turbulence intermittency transition_re_theta (treth) 1 Integrated critical momentum thickness Reynolds number mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Integrated mesh displacement mesh_velocity (mesh_vel) 3 Integrated mesh velocity grad_velocity (grad_vel) 9 Integrated gradient of velocity grad_pressure (grad_pres) 3 Integrated gradient of pressure grad_temperature (grad_temp) 3 Integrated gradient of temperature grad_species (grad_spec) 3*nSpecs Integrated gradient of species grad_field (grad_field) 1 Integrated gradient of field stress 6 Integrated Cauchy stress heat_flux (heat) 3 Integrated diffusive heat flux species_flux (spec_flux) 3*nSpecs Integrated diffusive species flux user_output (udf) nUserOuts Integrated user output center_of_gravity (cg) 3 Integrated center of gravity relative_humidity (rel_hum) 1 Integrated relative humidity dewpoint_temperature (dewpoint_temp) 1 Integrated dewpoint temperature mass_ave_momentum (aveMom) 3 Integrated mass-averaged momentum mass_ave_pressure (mass_pres) 1 Integrated mass averaged pressure mass_ave_total_pressure (mass_tot_pres) 1 Integrated mass averaged total pressure mass_ave_temperature 1 Integrated mass averaged temperature mass_ave_total_temperature (mass_tot_temp) 1 Integrated mass averaged total temperature mass_ave_enthalpy (mass_enpy) 1 Integrated mass averaged enthalpy mass_ave_viscoelastic_stress (mass_vest) 6 Integrated mass averaged viscoelastic stresses mass_ave_species nSpecs Integrated mass averaged species mass_ave_field (mass_field) nFields Integrated mass averaged field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to mass averaged volume fractions, and are named as mass_ave_volume_fraction-“fieldname”. mass_ave_eddy_viscosity (mass_eddy) 1 Integrated mass averaged turbulence eddy viscosity mass_ave_kinetic_energy (mass_tke) 1 Integrated mass averaged turbulence kinetic energy mass_ave_dissipation_rate (mass_teps) 1 Integrated mass averaged turbulence dissipation rate mass_ave_eddy_frequency (mass_tomega) 1 Integrated mass averaged eddy frequency mass_ave_eddy_time (mass_ttau) 1 Integrated mass averaged eddy time mass_ave_sqrt_eddy_period (mss_tg) 1 Integrated mass averaged inverse of square root of eddy frequency mass_ave_transition_re_theta (mass_treth) 1 Integrated mass averaged critical momentum thickness Reynolds number mass_ave_intermittency (mass_tintc) 1 Integrated mass averaged turbulence intermittency mass_ave_field (mass_field) nFields Integrated mass averaged field mass_ave_relative_humidity (ave_rel_hum) 1 Integrated mass averaged relative humidity mass_ave_dewpoint_temperature (ave_dewpoint_temp) 1 Integrated mass averaged dewpont temperature - element_statistics_output or oes (boolean)
- If set, the element output statistics, as requested by the ELEMENT_OUTPUT command in the input file, are translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- element_statistics_output_sets or oess (string)
- Comma-separated list of element_output sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the ELEMENT_OUTPUT commands in the input file. If element_statistics_output_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- element_statistics_output_vars or oesv (string)
- Comma-separated list of element_statistics_output
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the table above. If element_statistics_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 14. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time min_velocity (min_vel) 3 Minimum velocity in the element set min_acceleration (min_accel) 3 Minimum acceleration in the element set min_pressure (min_pres) 1 Minimum pressure in the element set min_total_pressure (min_tot_pres) 1 Minimum total pressure in the element set min_temperature (min_temp) 1 Minimum temperature in the element set min_total_temperature (min_tot_temp) 1 Minimum total temperature in the element set min_relative_humidity (min_rel_hum) 1 Minimum relative humidity in the element set min_dewpoint_temperature (min_dewpoint_temp) 1 Minimum dewpoint temperature in the element set min_field (min_field) nFields Mimimum in the element set. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-“fieldname”. For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. min_species (min_spec) nSpecs Minimum species in the element set min_eddy_viscosity (min_eddy) 1 Minimum turbulence eddy viscosity in the element set min_dissipation_rate (min_teps) 1 Minimum turbulence dissipation rate in the element set min_kinetic_energy (min_tke) 1 Minimum turbulence kinetic energy in the element set min_eddy_frequency (min_tomega) 1 Minimum turbulence eddy frequency in the element set min_eddy_time (min_ttau) 1 Minimum turbulence eddy time in the element set min_sqrt_eddy_period (min_tg) 1 Minimum of inverse of square root of eddy frequency in the element set min_intermittency (min_tintc) 1 Minimum turbulence intermittency in the element set min_transition_re_theta (min_treth) 1 Minimum critical momentum thicnkess Reynolds number in the element set min_mesh_displacement (min_mesh_disp) 3 Minimum mesh displacement in the element set min_mesh_velocity (min_mesh_vel) 3 Minimum mesh velocity in the element set min_viscoelastic_stress (min_vest) 6 Minimum viscoelastic stress in the element set max_velocity (max_vel) 3 Maximum velocity in the element set max_acceleration (max_accel) 3 Maximum acceleration in the element set max_pressure (max_pres) 1 Maximum pressure in the element set max_total_pressure (max_tot_pres) 1 Maximum total pressure in the element set max_temperature (max_temp) 1 Maximum temperature in the element set max_total_temperature (max_tot_temp) 1 Maximum total temperature in the element set max_relative_humidity (max_rel_hum) 1 Maximum relative humidity in the element set max_dewpoint_temperature (max_dewpoint_temp) 1 Maximum dewpoint temperature in the element set max_field (max_field) nFields Maximum in the element set. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-“fieldname”. For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. max_species (max_spec) nSpecs Maximum species in the element set max_eddy_viscosity (max_eddy) 1 Maximum turbulence eddy viscosity in the element set max_kinetic_energy (max_tke) 1 Maximum turbulence kinetic energy in the element set max_eddy_frequency (max_tomega) 1 Maximum turbulence eddy frequency in the element set max_eddy_time (max_ttau) 1 Maximum turbulence eddy time in the element set max_sqrt_eddy_period (max_tg) 1 Maximum of inverse of square root of eddy frequency in the element set max_dissipation_rate (max_teps) 1 Maximum turbulence dissipation rate in the element set max_intermittency (max_tintc) 1 Maximum turbulence intermittency in the element set set max_transition_re_theta (max_treth) 1 Maximum critical momentum thicnkess Reynolds number in the element set max_mesh_displacement (max_mesh_disp) 3 Maximum mesh displacement in the element set max_mesh_velocity (max_mesh_vel) 3 Maximum mesh velocity in the element set max_viscoelastic_stress (max_vest) 6 Maximum viscoelastic stress in the element set std_velocity (std_vel) 3 Std deviation velocity in the element set std_acceleration (std_accel) 3 Std deviation acceleration in the element set std_pressure (std_pres) 1 Std deviation pressure in the element set std_total_pressure (std_tot_pres) 1 Std deviation total pressure in the element set std_temperature (std_temp) 1 Std deviation temperature in the element set std_total_temperature (std_tot_temp) 1 Std deviation total temperature in the element set std_relative_humidity (std_rel_hum) 1 Standard deviation of relative humidity in the element set std_dewpoint_temperature (std_dewpoint_temp) 1 Standard deviation of dewpoint temperature in the element set std_field (std_field) nFields Standard deviation of field values in the element set. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-“fieldname”. For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. std_species (std_spec) nSpecs Standard deviation of species in the element set std_eddy_viscosity (std_eddy) 1 Std deviation turbulence eddy viscosity in the element set std_kinetic_energy (std_tke) 1 Std deviation turbulence kinetic energy in the element set std_eddy_frequency (std_tomega) 1 Std deviation turbulence eddy frequency in the element set std_eddy_time (std_ttau) 1 Std deviation turbulence eddy time in the element set std_sqrt_eddy_period (std_tg) 1 Standard deviation of inverse of square root of eddy frequency in the element set std_dissipation_rate (std_teps) 1 Std deviation turbulence dissipation rate in the element set std_intermittency (std_tintc) 1 Standard deviation of turbulence intermittency in the element set std_transition_re_theta (std_treth) 1 Standard deviation of critical momentum thickness Reynolds number in the element set std_mesh_displacement (std_mesh_disp) 3 Standard deviation of mesh displacement in the element set std_mesh_velocity (std_mesh_vel) 3 Standard deviation of mesh velocities in the element set std_viscoelastic_stress (std_vest) 6 Standard deviation of viscoelastic stress in the element set - time_history_output or oth (boolean)
- If set, the time history output, as requested by the TIME_HISTORY_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- time_history_output_sets or oths (string)
- Comma-separated list of time_history_output sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the TIME_HISTORY_OUTPUT commands in the input file. If time_history_output_sets is set to _all, all output sets are translated.
- time_history_output_vars or othv (string)
- Comma-separated list of time_history_output variables
to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species as given by the EQUATION command in the input file. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If time_history_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 15. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time velocity (vel) 3 Velocity pressure (pres) 1 Pressure temperature (temp) 1 Temperature relative_humidity 1 Relative humidity dewpoint_temperature 1 Dewpoint temperature humidity_film_thickness 1 Humidity film thickness field nFields Field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname". For multi_field = advective_diffusive, the field values correspond to mass fraction. species (spec) nSpecs Species eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Turbulence eddy viscosity kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Turbulence kinetic energy eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Turbulence eddy frequency sqrt_eddy_period (tg) 1 Inverse of square root of eddy frequency dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Turbulence dissipation rate intermittency (tintc) 1 Turbulence intermittency transition_re_theta (treth) 1 Critical momentum thickness Reynolds number mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Mesh displacement vector mesh_velocity (mesh_vel) 3 Mesh velocity vector viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Viscoelastic stress - time_history_output_nodes or othn (string)
- Comma-separated list of time_history_output nodes to be translated. The format of this option is the same as the time_steps options given above.
- fan_component_output or ofc (boolean)
- If set, the integrated values of fan component, as specified by the FAN_COMPONENT command in the input file, are translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- fan_component_output_set or ofcs (string)
- Comma-separated list of fan_component sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the FAN_COMPONENT commands in the input file. If fan_component_output_set is set to _all, all fan components are translated.
- fan_component_output_vars or ofcv (string)
- Comma-separated list of fan_component variables to be translated. The list
may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If fan_component_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 16. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time area 1 Integrated area mass_flux (mass) 1 Integrated mass flux - heat_exchanger_component_output or ohc (boolean)
- If set, the integrated values of heat exchanger component, as specified by the HEAT_EXCHANGER_COMPONENT command in the input file, are translated. This option is valid with translation formats table and stats.
- heat_exchanger_component_output_set or ohcs (string)
- Comma-separated list of heat_exchanger_component sets. These are the user-given names specified as the user-given name of the HEAT_EXCHANGER_COMPONENT commands in the input file. If heat_exchanger_component_output_set is set to _all, all heat exchanger components are translated.
- heat_exchanger_component_output_vars or ohcv (string)
- Comma-separated list of heat_exchanger_component
variables to be translated. The list may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If heat_exchanger_component_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 17. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time area 1 Integrated area mass_flux (mass) 1 Integrated mass flux air_temperature (temp) 1 Area average of temperature coolant_temperature (cool_temp) 1 Coolant top water temperature coolant_heat (cool_heat) 1 Coolant heat reject upstream_temperature 1 Upstream temperature - aero_acoustic_output or oaa (boolean)
- If set, the computational aero-acoustic data at the sample points, as specified by the CAA_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table, stats, and -actran.
- aero_acoustic_output_sets or oaas (string)
- Comma-separated list of aero_acoustic_output sets to be translated. Each item in the list corresponds to the qualifier of a CAA_OUTPUT command in the input file.
- aero_acoustic_output_vars or oaav (string)
- Comma-separated list of aero_acoustic_output variables
to be translated. See the CAA_OUTPUT command for
definitions of the variables. The list may include:
The output fields for stress quantities are xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, and zx. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If aero_acoustic_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated.
Table 18. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given sample point number coordinates (crd) 3 Sample point coordinates velocity (vel) 3 Velocity pressure (pres) 1 Pressure momentum_stress (mom_stress) 6 Momentum stress tensor total_stress (tot_stress) 6 Total stress tensor lighthill_stress 6 Lighthill stress tensor reduced_lighthill_stress 6 Reduced Lighthill stress tensor div_momentum_stress (div_mom_stress) 3 Divergence of momentum stress div_total_stress (div_tot_stress) 3 Divergence of total stress div_lighthill_stress 3 Divergence of Lighthill stress div_reduced_lighthill_stress 3 Divergence of reduced Lighthill stress normal_momentum_flux (norm_mom_flux) 1 Normal component of momentum flux normal_momentum_flux_rate (norm_mom_flux_rate) 1 Normal component of momentum flux rate normal_div_total_stress (norm_div_tot_stress) 1 Normal component of divergence of total stress fwh_monopole 1 fwh monopole fwh_dipole 1 fwh dipole ei_na 1 Nodal element volume ei_na_velocity (ei_na_vel) 3 Element-integrated velocity ei_na_pressure (ei_na_pres) 1 Element-integrated pressure ei_na_momentum_stress (ei_na_mom_stress) 6 Element-integrated momentum stress tensor ei_na_total_stress (ei_na_tot_stress) 6 Element-integrated total stress tensor ei_na_lighthill_stress 6 Element-integrated Lighthill stress tensor ei_na_reduced_lighthill_stress 6 Element-integrated reduced Lighthill stress tensor ei_na_div_momentum_stress (ei_na_div_mom_stress) 3 Element-integrated divergence of momentum stress ei_na_div_total_stress (ei_na_div_tot_stress) 3 Element-integrated divergence of total stress ei_na_div_lighthill_stress 3 Element-integrated divergence of Lighthill stress ei_na_div_reduced_lighthill_stress 3 Element-integrated divergence of reduced Lighthill stress ei_gna_div_momentum_stress (ei_gna_div_mom_stress) 1 Element-integrated gradient of shape function contracted with divergence of momentum stress ei_gna_div_total_stress (ei_gna_div_tot_stress) 1 Element-integrated gradient of shape function contracted with divergence of total stress ei_gna_div_lighthill_stress 1 Element-integrated gradient of shape function contracted with divergence of Lighthill stress ei_gna_div_reduced_lighthill_stress 1 Element-integrated gradient of shape function contracted with divergence of reduced Lighthill stress si_na 1 Nodal surface area si_na_normal (si_na_norm) 3 Surface-integrated normal si_na_normal_pressure (si_na_norm_pres) 3 Surface-integrated normal pressure si_na_normal_momentum_flux (si_na_norm_mom_flux) 1 Surface-integrated normal momentum flux si_na_normal_momentum_flux_rate (si_na_norm_mom_flux_rate) 1 Surface-integrated normal momentum flux rate si_na_normal_div_total_stress (si_na_norm_div_tot_stress) 1 Surface-integrated normal divergence of total stress si_na_fwh_monopole 1 Surface-integrated FWH monopole si_na_fwh_dipole 1 Surface-integrated FWH dipole si_na_pressure 1 Surface-integrated FWH pressure - output_nodal_residual or onr (boolean)
- If set, the nodal residual, as requested by the NODAL_RESIDUAL_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table, stats, FieldView and H3D.
- output_nodal_residual_vars or onrv (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_nodal_residual variables
to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file.
Table 19. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates velocity (vel) 3 Momentum equation residual pressure (pres) 1 Continuity equation residual temperature (temp) 1 Heat equation residual species (spec) nSpecs Species equation residual eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Turbulence equation residual kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Kinetic energy residual eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Eddy frequency residual sqrt_eddy_period (tg) 1 Inverse of square root of eddy frequency residual dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Turbulence dissipation rate mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Mesh displacement equation residual viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Viscoelastic stress residual - output_error_estimator or oee (boolean)
- If set, the error estimate, as requested by the ERROR_ESTIMATOR_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table, stats, and FieldView.
- output_error_estimator_vars or oeev (string)
- Comma-separated list of output_error_estimator
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file.
Table 20. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates volume (vol) 1 Volume covariant_metric (covar) 6 Covariant metric velocity (vel) 3 Error estimate of momentum equation pressure (pres) 1 Error estimate of continuity equation temperature (temp) 1 Error estimate of heat equation species (spec) nSpecs Error estimate of species equations eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Error estimate of turbulence equation viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Error estimate of viscoelastic stress tau_velocity (tau_vel) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for continuity equation tau_pressure (tau_pres) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for momentum equations tau_temperature (tau_temp) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for heat equation tau_species (tau_spec) nSpecs Error estimate of least-squares metric for species equations tau_eddy_viscosity (tau_eddy) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for turbulence equations tau_viscoelastic_stress (tau_vest) 6 Error estimate of least-squares metric for viscoelastic equations - time_average_error_estimator or oae (boolean)
- If set, the aaa estimate, as requested by the ERROR_ESTIMATOR_OUTPUT command in the input file, is translated. This option is valid with translation formats table, stats, and FieldView.
- time_average_error_estimator_vars or oaev (string)
- Comma-separated list of time_average_error_estimator
variables to be translated. The list may include:
where nSpecs is the number of species given by the EQUATION command in the input file.
Table 21. Variable (abbr) Fields Description node_id (node) 1 User-given node number coordinate (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates volume (vol) 1 Time-averaged volume covariant_metric (covar) 6 Time-averaged covariant metric velocity (vel) 3 Time-averaged error estimate of momentum equation pressure (pres) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of continuity equation temperature (temp) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of heat equation species (spec) nSpecs Time-averaged error estimate of species equations eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of turbulence equation viscoelastic_stress (vest) 6 Time-averaged error estimate of viscoelastic equations tau_velocity (tau_vel) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for continuity equation tau_pressure (tau_pres) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for momentum equations tau_temperature (tau_temp) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for heat equation tau_species (tau_spec) nSpecs Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for species equations tau_eddy_viscosity (tau_eddy) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for turbulence equations tau_viscoleastic_stress (tau_vest) 6 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for viscoelastic equations - moment_center or mc (string)
- Comma-separated list of coordinates that represent the point about which moments should be computed for surface nodal outputs and surface integrated outputs. This option provides the ability to transform the moments computed by AcuSolve from the global origin to any location in space.
- moment_center_mesh_motion or mcmm (string)
- Name of the mesh motion command used to transform the moment_center for moving mesh applications.
- flexible_body_output or ofb (boolean)
- If set, the values describing the state of a flexible body, as specified by the FLEXIBLE_BODY command in the input file, are translated. This option is valid with the translation formats table and stats.
- flexible_body_output_sets or ofbs (string)
- Comma-separated list of flexible body names. These are the (string) specified as the user-given name of the FLEXIBLE_BODY commands in the input file. If flexible_body_output_sets is set to _all, all flexible bodies are translated.
- flexible_body_output_vars or ofbv (string)
- Comma-separated list of FLEXIBLE_BODY variables to be
translated. The list may include:
The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the table above. If flexible_body_output_vars is set to _all, all of the available variables are translated. When the translate_to option is set to table, the results from each mode specified for the flexible body are written to a separate file.
Table 22. Variable (abbr) Fields Description time_step (step) 1 Time step time 1 Run time displacement (disp) 1 Modal displacement of the flexible body velocity (vel) 1 Modal velocity of the flexible body internal_force 1 Modal forces applied to the flexible body that were extracted from the fluid loading external_force 1 Modal forces applied to the flexible body as an external force - line_buff or lbuff (boolean)
- Flush standard output after each line of output.
- verbose or v (integer)
- Set the verbose level for printing information to the screen. Each higher verbose level prints more information. If verbose is set to 0 (or less), only warning and error messages are printed. If verbose is set to 1, basic processing information is printed in addition to warning and error messages. This level is recommended. verbose levels greater than 1 provide information useful only for debugging.
acuTrans -pb channel -to fieldview -out -ts 5
problem= channel
translate_to= fieldview
nodal_output= TRUE
time_steps= 5
acuTrans -osf -osfs "surface one","surface two"
acuTrans -osf -osfs "surface one,surface two"
This precludes having commas in the surface names.
- Solver Command
- AcuTrans Option
- nodal_output
- running_average_output
- derived_quantity_output
- time_average_output
- surface_output
- surface_integral_output
- surface_statistics_output
- output_radiation_surface
- output_radiation_integral
- output_solar_radiation_surface
- output_solar_radiation_integral
- element_integral_output
- time_history_output
- fan_component_output
- heat_exchanger_component_output
- aero_acoustic_output
- output_nodal_residual
- output_error_estimator time_average_error_estimator
- flexible_body_output
These results may be translated into one of the following formats: Table, Stats, CGNS, FieldView, H3D, I-deas, Spectrum, Ensight, and Actran. Not all result types may be translated into all formats. The following two tables list the supported combinations:
AcuTrans Option | Table | Stats | CGNS | FieldView |
mesh_output | no | no | yes* | yes* |
nodal_output | yes | yes | yes | yes |
running_average_output | yes | yes | no | no |
derived_quantity_output | yes | yes | yes | yes |
time_average_output | yes | yes | no | no |
surface_output | yes | yes | no | no |
surface_integral_output | yes | yes | no | no |
surface_statistics_output | yes | yes | no | no |
output_radiation_surface | yes | yes | no | no |
output_radiation_integral | yes | yes | no | no |
output_solar_radiation_surface | yes | yes | no | no |
output_solar_radiation_integral | yes | yes | no | no |
element_integral_output | yes | yes | no | no |
time_history_output | yes | yes | no | no |
fan_component_output | yes | yes | no | no |
heat_exchanger_component_output | yes | yes | no | no |
aero_acoustic_output | yes | yes | no | no |
output_nodal_residual | yes | yes | no | yes |
output_error_estimator | yes | yes | no | yes |
time_average_error_estimator | yes | yes | no | yes |
AcuTrans Option | H3D | I-deas | Spectrum | EnSight | Actran |
mesh_output | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
nodal_output | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
running_average_output | no | no | no | no | |
derived_quantity_output | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
time_average_output | no | no | no | no | no |
surface_output | no | no | yes | no | no |
surface_integral_output | no | no | no | no | no |
surface_statistics_output | yes | yes | no | no | no |
output_radiation_surface | no | no | no | no | no |
output_radiation_integral | no | no | no | no | no |
output_solar_radiation_surface | no | no | no | no | no |
output_solar_radiation_integral | no | no | no | no | no |
element_integral_output | no | no | no | no | no |
time_history_output | no | no | no | no | no |
fan_component_output | no | no | no | no | no |
heat_exchanger_component_output | no | no | no | no | no |
aero_acoustic_output | no | no | no | no | yes |
output_nodal_residual | no | no | no | no | no |
output_error_estimator | no | no | no | no | no |
time_average_error_estimator | no | no | no | no | no |
yes*: always output the mesh when nodal_output is specified.
Info Format
For info format, AcuTrans prints information about all the available time steps and variables.
Table Format
For table format, AcuTrans generates a number of output files, each containing a two-dimensional array of data. In the following problem is given by problem and step is the time step.
nodal output:
acuTrans -pb channel -out -outv pres,node,vel -ts 10
acuTrans -pb channel -out -extout -to stats
acuTrans -pb channel -out -extout -outv pres,node,vel,oqf_heat -ts 10
acuTrans -pb channel -ora -orav pres,node,vel -ts 10
creates the file channel_step10.ora, which has 5 columns corresponding to node_id, x_velocity, y_velocity, z_velocity, and pressure.
The time averaged output of a given time step is written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_stepstep.ota. The rows of the table correspond to the coordinate node numbers, written in the same order given by the COORDINATE command in the input file. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the time_average_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table.
The derived quantity output of a given time step is written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_stepstep.odq. The rows of the table correspond to the coordinate node numbers, written in the same order given by the COORDINATE command in the input file. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the derived_quantity_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table.
The nodal values of a given surface output set and a given time step are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_srfsrf_stepstep.osf, where srf is a surface ID, starting from one, corresponding to each SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the nodes of the surface, numerically sorted. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the surface_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "wall surface" is the second SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -osf -osfs "wall surface" -ts 10
creates the file channel_srf2_step10.osf containing all the output data available for surface output. The definitions of the surface output variables are given by the integrands of the surface_integral_output table below.
The integrated results of a given surface output set are written as a two-dimensional table in an output file named problem_srf.osi, where srf is a surface ID, starting from one, corresponding to each SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the surface_integral_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "wall -surface" is the second SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -osi -osis "wall surface" -osiv step,trac
Variable | Definition | SI units |
area | m2 | |
ave density | kg/m3 | |
bulk temperature | K | |
convective_field_flux (conv_field) | kg/sec | |
convective species flux | kg/sec | |
convective temperature flux | W | |
dewpoint_temperature (dewpoint_temp) | K | |
dissipation rate | m2/sec3 | |
eddy frequency | 1/sec | |
eddy viscosity | m2/sec | |
field | non-dimensional | |
field_flux (field) | kg/sec | |
heat flux | W | |
humidity_film_thickness |
where HFT is the humidity film thickness |
m |
incident_radiation (incident_rad) |
where I is the intensity in direction I, N is the number of ordinates, w is the weight given based on the number of ordinates. |
W/m2 |
intermittency | non-dimensional | |
kinetic energy | m2/sec2 | |
mass average dissipation rate | m2/sec3 | |
mass average eddy frequency | 1/sec | |
mass average eddy viscosity | m2/sec | |
mass average field | non-dimensional | |
mass average intermittency | non-dimensional | |
mass average kinetic energy | m2/sec2 | |
mass average pressure | N/m2 | |
mass average species | non-dimensional | |
mass average sqrt eddy period | (sec)0.5 | |
mass average temperature | K | |
mass average total pressure | N/m2 | |
mass average total temperature | K | |
mass average transition re theta | non-dimensional | |
mass average velocity | m/sec | |
mass average viscoelastic stress | N/m2 | |
mass flux | kg/sec | |
mass flux average dissipation rate | m2/sec3 | |
mass flux average eddy frequency | 1/sec | |
mass flux average eddy viscosity | m2/sec | |
mass flux average field | non-dimensional | |
mass flux average intermittency | non-dimensional | |
mass flux average kinetic energy | m2/sec2 | |
mass flux average pressure | N/m2 | |
mass flux average species | non-dimensional | |
mass flux average sqrt eddy period | (sec)0.5 | |
mass flux average temperature | K | |
mass flux average total pressure | N/m2 | |
mass flux average total temperature | K | |
mass flux average transition re theta | non-dimensional | |
mass flux average velocity | m/sec | |
mass flux average viscoelastic stress | N/m2 | |
mesh displacement | m | |
mesh velocity | m/sec | |
moment | N m | |
momentum flux | kg/(m sec2) | |
partial volume | m3 | |
pressure | N/m2 | |
relative_humidity (rel_hum) |
where RH is relative humidity |
non-dimensional |
species | non-dimensional | |
species flux | m2 | |
sqrt eddy period | (sec)0.5 | |
surface film coefficient | W/m2K | |
surface y plus | non-dimensional | |
temperature | K | |
time | sec | |
time_step (step) | non-dimensional | |
total pressure |
for incompressible flow for compressible flow |
N/m2 |
total temperature |
for incompressible flow for compressible flow |
K |
traction |
N |
transition re theta | non-dimensional | |
velocity | m/sec | |
viscoelastic stress | N/m2 | |
wall shear stress | N/m2 |
where the integrals are over the area defined by the corresponding
is the outward-pointing unit normal to the surface, that is, the mass flux at an
inflow boundary is negative, ρ is the density, u
is the velocity, p is the pressure, is the
diffusive stress tensor,
is the
total viscosity (molecular plus turbulent), r is
the radius vector,
is the
is the
specific heat, q is the heat flux vector,
is the
total conductivity (molecular plus turbulent),
i=1, ...,nSpecs are the
species variables,
is the
diffusive flux for species i,
is the
value at
the first node away from the surface,
is the
wall shear stress,
is the
normalized velocity vector at the first point off the wall,
t is the unit vector parallel to the flow,
h is the surface film coefficient extracted
from the self-similarity solution near the edge of the boundary layer,
is the
mesh displacement,
is the
mesh velocity, k is the turbulent kinetic energy,
ω is the turbulent eddy frequency, σ is the viscoelastic stress tensor and
x is the coordinate vector.
acuTrans -pb channel -osi -osis "wall surface" -osiv moment -mc 1.0,0.0,0.0
acuTrans -pb movingMesh -osi -osis "rigid walls" -osiv moment -mc 0.5,0.5,0.0 -mcmm "my rigid body"
"wall -surface"
is the second
SURFACE_OUTPUT command in the input file,
thenacuTrans -pb channel -oss -osss "wall surface" -ossv step,velocity
- Variable
- Definition
- min_velocity
- min(uj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_pressure
- min(pj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_total_pressure
- min(PTOTj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_temperature
- min(Tj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_total_temperature
- surface nodes
- min_species
- min(φj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- minimum_field
- min(Fj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_eddy_viscosity
- min(μtj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_kinetic_energy
- min(kj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_eddy_frequency
- j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_sqrt_eddy_period
- j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_dissipation_rate
- min(εj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_intermittency
- min( j)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_transition_re_theta
- min(Reθjj=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_mesh_displacement
- min(dALEj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_mesh_velocity
- min(uALEj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_surface_y_plus
- min(y+j)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_surface_film_coefficient
- min(hj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_wall_shear_stress
- min(τwuwj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_density
- min( j)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- min_viscoelastic_stress
- min( j)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_velocity
- max(uj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_pressure
- max(pj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_total_pressure
- max(PTOTj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_temperature
- max(Tj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_total_temperature
- surface nodes
- max_species
- max(φj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_field
- max(Fj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_eddy_viscosity
- max(μtj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_kinetic_energy
- max(kj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_eddy_frequency
- max( j)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_sqrt_eddy_period
- j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_dissipation_rate
- max(εj)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_intermittency
- max( j)j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_transition_re_theta
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_mesh_displacement
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_mesh_velocity
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_surface_y_plus
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_surface_film_coefficient
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_wall_shear_stress
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_density
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- max_viscoelastic_stress
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_velocity
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_pressure
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_total_pressure
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_temperature
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_total_temperature
- surface nodes
- std_species
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_field
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_eddy_viscosity
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_kinetic_energy
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_eddy_frequency
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_sqrt_eddy_period
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_dissipation_rate
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_intermittency
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_transition_re_theta
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_mesh_displacement
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_mesh_velocity
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_surface_y_plus
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_surface_film_coefficient
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_wall_shear_stress
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_density
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- std_viscoelastic_stress
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- uni_velocity
- uni_pressure
- uni_total_pressure
- uni_temperature
- uni_total_temperature
- uni_species
- uni_field
j=1,...,num. surface nodes
- uni_eddy_viscosity
- uni_kinetic_energy
- uni_eddy_frequency
- uni_sqrt_eddy_period
- uni_dissipation_rate
- uni_intermittency
- uni_transition_re_theta
- uni_mesh_displacement
- uni_mesh_velocity
- uni_surface_y_plus
- uni_surface_film_coefficient
- uni_wall_shear_stress
- uni_density
- uni_viscoelastic_stress
where the statistics are computed over the nodes defined by the corresponding SURFACE_OUTPUT command.

The nodal values of a given radiation surface set and a given time step are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_srfsrf_stepstep.orf, where srf is a surface ID, starting from one, corresponding to each RADIATION_SURFACE command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the nodes of the surface, numerically sorted. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the output_radiation_surface_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "wall surface" is the second RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -orf -orfs "wall surface" -ts 10
creates the file channel_srf2_step10.orf containing all the output data available for that radiation surface.
The integrated results of a given radiation surface set are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_srfsrf.ori, where srf is a surface ID, starting from one, corresponding to each RADIATION_SURFACE command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the output_radiation_integral_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "wall surface" is the second RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -ori -oris "wall surface" -oriv step,heat
creates the file channel_srf2.ori containing time step numbers and the surface integral of radiation part of the heat flux, for a total of two columns.
The nodal values of a given solar radiation surface set and a given time step are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_srfsrf_stepstep.oqf, where srf is a surface ID, starting from one, corresponding to each SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the nodes of the surface, numerically sorted. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the output_solar_radiation_surface_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "wall surface" is the second SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -oqf -oqfs "wall surface" -ts 10
creates the file channel_srf2_step10.oqf containing all the output data available for that solar radiation surface.
The integrated results of a given solar radiation surface set are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_srfsrf.oqi, where srf is a surface ID, starting from one, corresponding to each SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the output_solar_radiation_integral_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "wall surface" is the second SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -oqi -oqis "wall surface" -oqiv step,heat
creates the file channel_srf2.oqi containing time step numbers and the surface integral of solar radiation part of the heat flux, for a total of two columns.
The integrated results of a given element output set are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_elemelem.oei, where elem is an element output ID, starting from one, corresponding to each ELEMENT_OUTPUT command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the element_integral_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "sample one" is the second ELEMENT_OUTPUT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -oei -oeis "sample one" -oeiv time,temp
creates the file channel_elem2.oei containing run time and the spatially averaged temperature, for a total of two columns.
The nodal time history of a given time history output set and node is written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_setset_nodenode.oth, where set is a set ID, starting from one, corresponding to each TIME_HISTORY_OUTPUT command in the order given in the input file and node is the node number of the set. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the time_history_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that nodes 1234 and 5678 appear in the second TIME_HISTORY_OUTPUT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -oth -othn 1234,5678 -othv time,vel
creates the files channel_set2_node1234.oth and channel_set2_node5678.oth containing both the run time and nodal velocities of nodes 1234 and 5678, respectively.
The integrated results of a given fan component set are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_fanfan.ofc, where the second fan is a fan ID, starting from one, corresponding to each FAN_COMPONENT command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the fan_component_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "engine fan" is the second FAN_COMPONENT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb vehicle -ofc -ofcs "engine fan" -ofcv step,mass
creates the file vehicle_fan2.ofc containing time step numbers and the mass flux across the fan surface, for a total of two columns.
The integrated results of a given heat exchanger component set are given as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_hechec.ohc, where hec is a heat exchanger component ID, starting from one, corresponding to each HEAT_EXCHANGER_COMPONENT command in the order given in the input file. The rows of the tables correspond to all the available time steps. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the heat_exchanger_component_output table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "radiator" is the second HEAT_EXCHANGER_COMPONENT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb vehicle -ohc -ohcs radiator -ohcv step,temp,cool_temp
creates the file vehicle_hec2.ohc containing time step numbers, area-averaged inlet air temperature, and coolant top water temperature, for a total of three columns.
The computational aero-acoustic data of a given CAA output set and a given time step are written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_setset_stepstep.oaa, where set is a set ID, starting from one, corresponding to each CAA_OUTPUT command in the order given in the input file. The rows in the table correspond to the sample points, written in the same order given by the corresponding CAA_OUTPUT command in the input file. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the aero_acoustic_output_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. For example, assume that "CAA 2" is the second CAA_OUTPUT command in the input file, then
acuTrans -pb channel -oaa -oaas "CAA 2" -oaav crd,lighthill_stress -ts 10
creates the file channel_set2_step10.oaa containing the sample point coordinates and Lighthill stress at step 10 with a total of nine columns. It is not necessary for each set to have the same variables available. For example, a common strategy requires the divergence of the lighthill stress in the volume and the normal component of the divergence of the total stress on the permeable surfaces.
acuTrans -pb channel -onr -onrv vel,temp -ts 10
creates the file channel_step10.onr, which has a total of four columns containing the momentum and heat equation residuals.
The error estimator output of a given time step is written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_stepstep.oee. The rows in the table correspond to the coordinates node numbers, written in the same order given by the COORDINATE command in the input file. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the output_error_estimator_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. The following example,
acuTrans -pb channel -oee -oeev vel,temp -ts 10
creates the file channel_step10.oee, which has a total of four columns containing an error estimate for the momentum and heat equations.
The time-averaged error estimator output of a given time step is written as a two dimensional table in an output file named problem_stepstep.oae. The rows in the table correspond to the coordinates node numbers, written in the same order given by the COORDINATE command in the input file. The columns correspond to the translated data, in the order given in the time_average_error_estimator_vars table. Each data type occupies one or more columns, as given in the Fields column of the above table. The following example,
acuTrans -pb channel -oae -oaev vel,temp -ts 10
creates the file channel_step10.oae, which has a total of four columns containing a time-averaged error estimate for the momentum and heat equations.
Stats format
For stats format, AcuTrans computes and prints the minimum, maximum and average of each data field. For nodal_output, running_average_output,time_average_output, derived_quantity_output, surface_output, output_radiation_surface, output_solar_radiation_surface, aero_acoustic_output, output_nodal_residual, output_error_estimator, and time_average_error_estimator the statistics are gathered over the number of nodes; and for surface_integral_output, surface_statistics_output, output_radiation_integral,output_solar_radiation_integral, element_integral_output,time_history_output, fan_component_output, and heat_exchanger_component_output the statistics are gathered over the available time steps. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -verbose 1 -osf -to stats
acuTrans: Problem = channel
acuTrans: Run = 1
acuTrans: Translation format = stats
acuTrans: Translate to stats = surface output
acuTrans: Surface name = wall surface
acuTrans: Surface ID = 0
acuTrans: Surface output vars = node_id,mass_flux,momentum_flux,traction
acuTrans: Process time step = 5
acuTrans: Variable
acuTrans: mass_flux
acuTrans: x_momentum_flux
acuTrans: y_momentum_flux
acuTrans: z_momentum_flux
acuTrans: x_traction
acuTrans: y_traction
acuTrans: z_traction
acuTrans: Total CPU/Elapse time = 2.000000e-02 3.431511e-02 Sec
acuTrans: Total Memory Usage = 3.222275e-02 Mbytes
When computing statistics of variables not defined everywhere, usually those associated with extended_nodal_output, see nodal_output above, it is often useful to also specify ignore_zeros. The statistics will then be taken only over those nodes with non-zero values.
CGNS Format
acuTrans -out -to cgns
creates the database file channel.cgns.
FieldView Format
For FieldView format, AcuTrans translates the output data to a FieldView unstructured binary file, formats 2.4 or 2.7. FieldView is a visualization package distributed by Intelligent Light. See If fieldview_options option is set to classical, the nodal_output results of each time step along with the nodal coordinates, element connectivity and all surface definitions are written to files named problem_stepstep.fv. The surface definitions of each ELEMENT_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command are written under the FieldView boundary surface name "EBC: name", where name is the name of the set. Similarly the surface definitions of each SIMPLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION, PARTICLE_SURFACE, SURFACE_OUTPUT, and TURBULENCE_WALL command are written under the FieldView boundary surface name "CBC: name", "PSF: name", "OSF: name", and "TWS: name", respectively. A FieldView region file named problem_stepstep.fv.fvreg is also created for each step that is translated. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -out -to fieldview
creates the file channel_step000005.fv, which contains the nodal coordinates, element connectivity, boundary surfaces "EBC: outflow" and "OSF: wall surface", and the nodal values of velocity and pressure. It also creates the file channel_step000005.fv.fvreg.
When fieldview_options is set to split, FieldView split file format, version 2.7, is used. Here the mesh is written to a file named problem_mesh.fv, while the nodal solution of each time step is written to the file problem_step.fv. A FieldView region file named problem_mesh.fv.fvreg is also created. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -out -to fieldview -fvopt split
creates the files channel_mesh.fv, channel_step000005.fv, and channel_mesh.fv.fvreg. This option eliminates duplications in mesh output. However, you need FieldView 8.2 or later to read these files.
The FieldView region file contains information that helps FieldView to decompose the information in the .fv files. It is not required in general but it is necessary for parallel visualization. The parameter fieldview_region controls how regions are created. A value of single creates a single region, medium creates one region per medium, fluid, solid, shell, and none, element_set creates one region per element set, and domain creates one region per original subdomain.
acuTrans -out -to fieldview -no_ale
acuTrans -out -to fieldview -ale -deformed_crd_type endstep
acuTrans -out -to fieldview -ale -deformed_crd_type midstep
H3D Format
For H3D format, AcuTrans translates the output data to H3D file format. H3D, or Hyper3D, is a compressed binary file format designed to efficiently store Finite Element model and corresponding result data. H3D files can be visualized by HyperView, a full-featured post-processor, and HyperView Player, a free post-processor viewer.
If the h3d_options option is set to multi, the nodal coordinates, element connectivity, and all surface definitions are written to a file named problem.h3d. The nodal_output results of each time step are written to separate files named problem_step.h3d. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -out -to h3d
creates the file channel.h3d, which contains the nodal coordinates, element connectivity, and boundary surfaces.In addition, it creates the file channel_0005.h3d, which contains the nodal values of velocity and pressure.
When h3d_options is set to single, H3D single file format is used. Here both model and result data are written in a single file named problem.h3d. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -out -to h3d -h3dopt single
creates the file channel.h3d, which contains the nodal coordinates, element connectivity, boundary surfaces, and the nodal values of velocity and pressure.
I-deas Format
For I-deas format, AcuTrans translates the output data to the I-deas Universal file format. This is a file format created by Structural Dynamics Research Corporation. The nodal_output results of each time step are written in a file named problem_resstep.unv. The nodal coordinates and element connectivity of the problem are written in a file named problem_mesh.unv, if option mesh_output is set. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -mesh -out -to ideas
creates the files channel_res5.unv and channel_mesh.unv.
Spectrum Format
For spectrum format, AcuTrans translates the output data to the Spectrum Visualizer compressed ASCII file format. Spectrum Visualizer is a visualization package created by Centric Engineering Systems, Inc., now part of ANSYS, Inc. The nodal_output and surface_output results of each time step are written in a file named problem_resstep.vis.Z. The nodal coordinates, element connectivity, and surface definitions of the problem are written in a file named problem_mesh.vis.Z, if option mesh_output is set. The surface definitions are written as two dimensional elements and their corresponding surface output is written as the projected nodal values of these elements. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -mesh -out -osf -to spectrum
creates the files channel_res5.vis.Z and channel_mesh.vis.Z.
EnSight Format
For EnSight format, AcuTrans translates the output data to the EnSight file format. This option creates a number of files. The primary one is, which references the other files. These other files are all contained in the directory ENSIGHT.DIR. The nodal_output results of each time step are written in files named problem.var.step. The nodal coordinates and element connectivity of the problem are written in a file named problem_mesh.geo, if option mesh_output is set. For example, the channel problem
acuTrans -mesh -out -to ensight
type: ensight
model: channel_mesh.geo
vector per node: velocity channel.velocity.******
scalar per node: pressure channel.pressure.******
time set: 1
number of steps: 1
filename numbers:
time values:
Actran Format
acuTrans -oaa -oaas "CAA 2" -to actran -mesh \
-oaav vel,pres,norm_div_total_stress,div_total_stress,div_lighthill_stress
creates the files coordiantes.hdf and res_step.hdf which are HDF5 files to be read by ActranLA from Free Field Technologies S.A. to perform acoustic propagation calculations. The variables listed in this example are the only ones used by ActranLA so they are the only ones translated. All others are ignored.