
New Features

Confidence Score (Beta)
Informs how confident the model is in the prediction. Designs which are very different than the training data should receive low confidence scores.

Figure 1.
Standalone App for Remote Training
A standalone application which can be used to train physicsAI jobs remotely. This requires registering a training script in the physicsAI ribbon or in batch mode. Available on the AltairOne marketplace.
Support for Solid Meshes
physicsAI now supports solid meshes in two modes which can be toggled on the dataset creation UI:
  • Predicting on outer surfaces only (faster, default)
  • Predicting results throughout the volume

Figure 2.
Support for 2nd Order and 1D Elements
All finite element types are now supported


  • Faster dataset creation and smaller dataset file sizes
  • More responsive UI
  • Auto refresh model status and log for real time tracking
  • Improved error message quality

Resolved Issues

  • Predicting element-bound results (example, stresses and strains)


  • The “Validate with Solver” button has been retired

Known Issues

All tables are sorted alphabetically, even columns with numerical data, such as MAE. This can cause unexpected results, especially for values in scientific notation with varying exponents.