Block Format Keyword ALE multi-material law for 2D analysis.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
/MAT/LAW20/mat_ID or /MAT/BIMAT/mat_ID
Blank Line
mat_ID1 mat_ID2       IC1 IC2 IDISCRETE    
α1 α2            


Field Contents SI Unit Example
mat_ID Material identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

mat_title Material title

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

mat_ID1 First material identifier (ALE or Euler material)


mat_ID2 Second material identifier (ALE or Euler material)


IC1 Incoming mat_ID1 control flag


IC2 Incoming mat_ID2 control flag


IDISCRETE Discrete filling flag


α 1 Ratio of first material


α 2 Ratio of second material



Example (Steel)

steel (unit: g_cm_mus)
#        BLANK CARD                     

#  mat_ID1   mat_ID2                                     IC1       IC2 Idiscrete
         8         9                                       0         0         0
#             Alpha1              Alpha2
                0.82                0.18
#     Modif. factor.
#              RHO_I               RHO_O
           7.8899999                   0
#                 E                   nu
           2.0999999           .30000001
#                  A                   B                   n              epsmax              sigmax
                .011              .00275           .36000001                   0                   0
#               Pmin
#                  C           EPS_DOT_0                   M               Tmelt                Tmax
                .022                1E-6                   1                1811                2000
#              RHOCP
#                 C0                  C1                  C2                  C3
                   0           1.6900001           3.0999999                   0
#                 C4                  C5                  E0                 Psh               RHO_0
                1.83                1.83                   0                   0                   0
#              RHO_I               RHO_O
                17.6                   0
#                 E                   nu
           3.5999999           .30000001
#                  A                   B                   n              epsmax              sigmax
              .01506              .00177                 .12                   0                   0
#               Pmin
#                  C           EPS_DOT_0                   M               Tmelt                Tmax
          .016000001                1E-6                   1                3400                3400
#              RHOCP
#                 C0                  C1                  C2                  C3
                   0           2.8199999                   2               -1.37
#                 C4                  C5                  E0                 Psh               RHO_0
                1.54                1.54                   0                   0                   0


  1. Compatible with 2D Analysis only (/ANALY). Material must be defined as an ALE (/ALE/MAT) or EULER (/EULER/MAT) material.
  2. α 1 and α 2 are initial percentages of mat_ID1 and mat_ID2.
  3. Material identifiers mat_ID1 or mat_ID2 cannot be used with material LAW11.
  4. Only material type LAW20 can be frontier to the material LAW20.
  5. Activating flag for incoming material control (ICi = 1) enables filtering incoming material mat_IDi.
  6. Activating flag for discrete filling (IDISCRETE = 1) enables old initial filling (version 10.0.3 and prior) for all Bimaterial laws in the input file. Partial filling for other bimaterial laws is not taken into account.