Load nFX Results
Load Results using State Files
- Particle Data: particles.py
- Interpolated Data: PostJobName.py and preview.py
- Phase Integrated Data: phaseinfo_*.py
- Probe Information: probeinfo_*.py
Particle Data - particles.py
- Loads OUTPUT/particles.pvd and renames it to case name.
- Adds a Threshold filter per FLUID phase and renames them to the phase name.
- Adds an SPH Volume Interpolator per FLUID phase and sets spatial steps and resolution to dx and interpolation volume extents to domain size of the case.
- Loads MOTION/motion_movingwalls.cfg UTM file, renames it to MOVINGWALLS, and activates Ignore Time.
- Adds an Extract Block filter to allow selective visualization of MOVINGWALL phases.
- Loads MOTION/motion_walls.cfg UTM file, renames it to WALLS, and activates Ignore Time.
- Adds an Extract Block filter to allow selective visualization of WALL phases and hides them.
- MOTION/*.cfg files load relevant UTM and STL files.
Interpolated Data - PostJobName.py and preview.py
- Loads interpolated data:
- nanoFluidX: Loads PREVIEW/particles.pvd and renames it to case name.
- nFX[c]: Loads PostJobName/AllVars/interpData.pvd and renames it to PostJobName.
- Loads MOTION/motion_movingwalls.cfg UTM file, renames it to MOVINGWALLS, and activates Ignore Time.
- Adds an Extract Block filter to allow selective visualization of MOVINGWALL phases.
- Loads MOTION/motion_walls.cfg UTM file, renames it to WALLS, and activates Ignore Time.
- Adds an Extract Block filter to allow selective visualization of WALL phases and hides them.
- MOTION/*.cfg files load relevant UTM and STL files.
Phase Integrated Data - phaseinfo_*.py
- Loads all files under PHASEINFO and renames them to phasename Data.
- Adds a Plot Data filter per file and renames them to phasename Plot.
- Assigns a color to each variable in all phaseinfo files on a round robin basis. This is intended to reduce the chances of repeating colors on the same variable of different phaseinfo files.
- Assigns a legend name to each variable as columnname phasename to help with distinguishing the lines in plot layouts.
- Adds a spreadsheet layout.
- Adds the following layouts and sets the relevant axes titles per FLUID
- Fluid Com: FLUID phase center of mass in X, Y, and Z.
- Fluid nRho: number of particles satisfying and conditions for each FLUID phase.
Probe Information - probeinfo_*.py
This state file quickly plots the most frequently used variables in probeinfo files and circumvents the need to import data in Microsoft Excel or similar packages. The state file may be used to follow the progress of a simulation during runtime.
- Loads all files under PROBE and renames them to probename_probetype Data.
- Adds a Plot Data filter per file and renames them to probename_probetype Plot.
- Assigns a color to each variable in all probeinfo files on a round robin basis. This is intended to reduce the chances of repeating colors on the same variable of different probeinfo files.
- Assigns a legend name to each variable as columnname probename_probetype to help with distinguishing the lines in plot layouts.
- Adds a spreadsheet layout.
- Adds the following layouts and sets the relevant axes titles per volume
- Volprobe Pressure: pressure versus time for each volume probe.
- Volprobe Density: density versus time for each volume probe.
- Adds the following layouts and sets the relevant axes titles per surface and
floowrate probes:
- Srf/flrprobe nPart: number of sampled particles versus time per probe.
- Srf/flrprobe Velocity: average velocity of the sampled particles versus time per probe.
- Srf/flrprobe Flowrate: total volume flowrate for all phases versus time per probe.
- Adds the following layouts and sets the relevant axes titles per solid
- Sld probe Force: force versus time for each solid probe.
- Sld probe Torque: torque versus time for each solid probe sampling a MOVINGWALL phase.
Load Results from Individual Files
- Particle Data - particles.pvd
- Raw particle field data can be loaded by opening /OUTPUT/particles.pvd.
- Interpolated Data - interpData.pvd
- Interpolated field data can be loaded by opening /<PostJobName>/AllVars/interpData.pvd.
- Time Averaged Interpolated Data - timeAverage_AllVars.vti
- Time averaged interpolated field data can be loaded by opening /<PostJobName>/AllVars/timeAverage_AllVars.vti.
- STL Wall Bodies - motion_walls.cfg and motion_movingwalls.cfg
- STL files for the wall bodies can be loaded by opening /MOTION/motion_walls.cfg and /MOTION/motion_movingwalls.cfg.
- Phase Information - phaseinfo_*.txt
- Phase information can be loaded by opening /PHASEINFO/<phasename_info.txt.
- Probe Information - probeinfo_*.txt
- Probe information can be loaded by opening /PROBEINFO/<probename_info.txt.