
Queries and modifies the active context.


ctx::ui method ?selection_name? ?option value option value...?




Queries and modifies the active context.


add parent_tag
Adds a new item to the active context.
blockredraw ?value?
Blocks the context GUI update. Valid values are 0 (off) and 1 (on). If no value is provided, the command returns the active state.
delete item_tag
Removes the specified item from the active context.
get item_tag attribute
Returns the specified attribute for the given item.
set item_tag -attribute value
Updates the value of the specified attribute for the given item.
insert parent_tag position_tag
Adds a new item to the active context at a specific position.
post item_tag
Displays the item with the specified tag.
unpost item_tag
Hides the item with the specified tag.
print ?item_tag?
Returns the XML definition of the active context or of a specific item if an item tag is provided.


To print the entire XML definition of the active context:
 ctx::ui print 
To update the value of the attribute named “values” of a context item “meshtype”:
ctx::ui set meshtype -values “Advanced Free Mapped” 


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
