Altair PollEx 2022.2 Release Notes
- Added a feature to export Variant data in the PCB Data Extractor.Figure 1.
- Added a feature to import a variant of Zuken Design Gateway.Figure 2.
- Added a function in SI analysis to support the MCP (Multi-Chip Package) type
component model, which implements the package structure as EBD.Figure 3.
- Added a feature to export symbol and footprint libraries of Zuken CR-8000
and CR-5000.Figure 4.
New Features
- PollEx Modeler
- Added a feature to export Variant data in PCB Data Extractor
- PollEx Verification
- Added a feature to update group names automatically in selected rules if the group names are changed in the Component Classification Setting dialog of DFM.
- Added a feature in the Copper Connected Pad item to set the net by excluding the target in the string filter.
- Added a short description of each checking item, board top/bottom view image, and created date in a summary sheet of the User Defined Excel Result export.
- PollEx Analysis
- SI
- Added a function in SI analysis to support the MCP (Multi-Chip Package) type component model, which implements the package structure as EBD.
- PollEx UPE
- Added a feature to export symbol and footprint libraries of Zuken CR-8000 and CR-5000.
- PollEx Modeler
- Enhanced a search feature of the Explorer.
- Modified to save as a project for other design units.
- Modified layer display priority in Real PCB Assembly Viewer.
- PollEx Verification
- Added an option in the Keep Out Pattern item to check the overlapped area between a user-defined layer and a keep out component.
- Added an option in the Keep Out Pattern item to check the number of inner layers from the opposite side of a keep out component.
- Added an option in the Unrouted Net to allow pads that connected without a route pattern.
- Added an option in the Silver Paste TH PCB item to check the clearance between silver paste and silk screen.
- Added an option in the TCP Pad Size item to set with an inequality.
- Added an option in the Solder Resist Pad item to check the same net copper exposed by the solder mask.
- Added an option in the Component Spacing item to allow a case where a part area does not overlap and the distance is zero.
- Enhanced to export numbers with numbering format in Excel.
- PollEx Analysis
- SI
- Modified to display Composite Current parameter in IBIS manager.
- Added an option to output transmission line analysis results in excel format.
- Added an option to change Waveform analysis result to Frequency Domain.
- Modified a program to set the timing parameters of the Driver and Receiver respectively during Automatic DDR Bus analysis.
- Modified a function in Net Topology Analyzer to enable multiple net selection and analysis.
- PollEx UPE
- Enhanced to handle a UPF file with a special character.
- PollEx Interface from ECAD
- Altium Designer
- Enhanced Altium Designer design data import speed.
Resolved Issues
- Fixed a bug to export composite nets in Restricted PDBB.
- Fixed a bug to measure vias in GND and PWR layers.