Altair PollEx 2023 Release Notes
- The PCB menus have been reorganized to provide better clarity.Figure 1. PCB menu reorganization
- The Technical Cleanliness feature has been enhanced to export analysis
results to ODB++ format.Figure 2. Technical Cleanliness result export to ODB++
- The Board category in DFM now has a new Layer Stack-up checking
item.Figure 3. New Layer Stack-up checking item in DFM
- The Pattern category in DFM now has a new Acute Angle checking
item.Figure 4. The new Acute Angle checking item in DFM
- A new SerDes simulation feature has now been added to Network Analysis for
single or differential lines. This feature verifies the Bathtub and
Statistical eye diagrams for the IBIS-AMI-based SerDes models in SI. A
SerDes system simulation involves a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver (Rx)
connected by a passive analog channel. You can perform statistical analysis
and time-domain analysis. This function will enable you to quickly and
accurately analyze the SerDes full channel composed of PCB, Connector, and
Cable.Figure 5. SerDes AnalysisFigure 6. Statistical Eye Diagram: NormalFigure 7. Statistical Eye Diagram: PAM4
- A new feature to enable automatic setup of pin mapping using Excel has now
been added to the package S-Parameter model in SI. After extracting the
S-Parameter of the package using Network Analysis, you can perform Signal
Integrity Analysis of the entire flow of DIE + Package + PCB more easily by
connecting it to the simulation model. However, to extract the S-Parameter
Model of the Lead Wire of the package, use other 3D tools.Figure 8. Package S-Parameter extract & insert flow
- The IR Drop engine has now been enhanced to mesh 'trace-type net'
which improves accuracy in PI. Since the mesh trace requires more analysis
time, you can select the mesh type and review the Current Density in the
trace-type object based on your requirements.Figure 9. Mesh-style optionFigure 10. Current Density: Polygon MeshFigure 11. Current Density: Polygon + Trace Mesh
New Features
- PollEx Modeler
- The PCB menus have been reorganized to provide better clarity.
- PollEx Verification
- Added a new checking item of the Layer Stack-up in the Board category.
- Added a new checking item of the Acute Angle in the Pattern category.
- PollEx Interface from ECAD
- Mentor Graphics Xpedition
- The Siemens Xpedition importer has now been added directly from its binary data using the API.
- PollEx Analysis
- SI
- The SerDes simulation in the Network Analysis, specifically for single lines or differential lines has now been added. It verifies the Bathtub and Statistical eye diagrams for the IBIS-AMI-based SerDes models.
- The Network Parameter of the selected VIAs in the Net Topology Analyzer is added. This enables to extract S/Y/Z parameters, impedance, and equivalent RLGC values between VIAs’ in/out ports.
- PollEx Modeler
- The layer setting of the Visual Layer Composition has now been enhanced.
- You can now work on multiple designs without closing opened designed data.
- Modified to display silk on/off in the Real PCB Assembly Viewer.
- PollEx Verification
- An option in the BGA item is added to prohibit PTH vias between BGA pads.
- An option to check a number of connected patterns is added to the BGA pad in the BGA item.
- An option is added in the BGA item to check if all patterns connected to the BGA pads have the same thickness.
- Added an option in the Component Spacing 2 item to check the maximum distance between Solder Mask and Pad in the same component.
- Added an option to check if patterns connected to pads with length-width asymmetry are connected through the shorter side in the Connected Pattern Direction item.
- Added an option to check the Tie leg width and length in the Copper Connected Pad item.
- Added an option to check the clearance between the coverlay open area and copper in the Coverlay item.
- Added an option in the Crack Pattern item on whether teardrops are designed on the target component’s pads
- Added an option in the Cutting Region item to recognize only the patterns crossing the PCB outline as JTAG patterns.
- Added an option to check missing pads on all layers of DIP-type holes in the Dip Annular Ring item.
- Added an option to check the existence of S/R covered copper between the Pad edge and exposed pad for specified components like QFN, SON, and DFN in the Edge Pin Size item.
- Added an option in the Hole Distance item to check the clearance between holes and components.
- Added an option to check whether the via hole is located on the component pad's central axis (long axis) in the Hole Through Pad item.
- Added a new check item for the PCB board thickness in the Layer Spec item.
- Added a measure base type of COC+Pad/Solder Mask Overlap in the PCB Outline Spacing item.
- Added an option in the PCB Outline Spacing item to check the clearance for the figure objects.
- Added an option in the Ref Name Silk item to check the clearance between components and reference names.
- Added an option to check the existence of a solder mask between the thermal pad and I/O pad in the Solder Resist Pad item.
- Added an option in the Solder Resist Pad item to check the maximum distance between Solder Mask and Pad in the same component.
- An option to recognize as different nets if other nets are connected to the same reference has been added in the Solder Resist Pad item.
- An option to check the teardrop length has been added in the Teardrop item.
- A BGA measure base in the Underfill item has been added.
- Added an option to verify the maximum number of layers of Laser/Buried/Blind vias that can penetrate in the Via Overstack item.
- An option in the Underfill item has been added to check the clearance between BGA and Via/NPTH/Test Point.
- Enhanced the Link to ECAD feature with the Xpedition to navigate the correct layer.
- PollEx Analysis
- SI
- A new feature to enable automatic setup of pin mapping using Excel has been enhanced to the package S-Parameter model in SI.
- Generated Multiple Models in the Transmission Line Analysis has been enhanced to generate differential line models automatically.
- Enhanced to analyze multiple nets in the Net Topology Analyzer of the Network Analysis. Please note that the coupling effect should be analyzed with the Crosstalk analysis.
- PollEx Interface from ECAD
- Cadence Allegro
- Enhanced the zoom factor when crossprobing with DFx results in the Link to ECAD feature.
Resolved Issues
- The missing build-up VIA pads in the Cadence Allegro importer issue has been fixed.
- A bug in the silk screen text location on the Cadence Allegro importer has been fixed.
- Fixed parse error in the CADVANCE importer.
- The missing particular Artwork layers in the Mentor Board Station importer issue has been fixed.
- The misplaced component pads in the ODB++ importer issue has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect arc direction in the DXF exporter.
- The Auto Naming option on the DFx Core Running bug has been fixed.
- Incorrect grouping of Sub-Items in the Result Table of Copper Cross Over Item in DFE issue has been fixed. The same option was displayed in duplicate in several Sub-Items.
- An issue for not recognizing holes declared as Components in the Power Net to Net item of DFE has been fixed.
- An issue that a single-ended net is displayed in the differential net category when displaying impedance check results in the DFE+ is resolved.
- Fixed an issue to open the Net Topology Analyzer of the Network Analysis in the SI after assigning the Package S-Parameter.
- An issue where Crosstalk Analysis could not be performed when a space was included in the VIA name has been fixed.
- Resolved an issue that the IBIS model existing in the Part Directory is not assigned when executing the Properties/Part menu.
- An issue that analysis is not possible when the passive component is directly connected to the plane without trace during the IR-Drop Analysis has been solved.