Case and System Information

The check_nFX script is able to collect case and system information for debugging. This can be done by executing scripts with the provided path to the case directory: check_nFX -c <path/to/case/directory>.

Case information

Execution of the check_nFX script provides the following information of the specified case. Collected data will be added to the output archive:
  • Used_casefile.cfg
  • LOG folder
  • PHASEINFO folder
  • PROBE folder
  • Overlapping particles
  • Restart info file

Using under Linux:

The -x option was introduced to skip collecting install debug information. Therefore, the following main use cases are available:
  • [-s/-d]: Only collects debug information for \nfx installation, but not for cases. These are optional (for selecting the single or double precision executable, respectively) and not providing them will default to single precision.
  • [-s/-d] -c <path/to/case/directory>: Collects debug information for installation and a specific case. For the former, it is possible to select single and double precision executable as described above.
  • -x -c <path/to/case/directory>: Only collects debug information for a case and skips installation testing
  • -x: Does nothing
Using check_nFX.bat/ps1 under Windows:
  • check_nFX.bat [-?] [-yes] [[-casedir] casedir] [[-outputdir] outputdir]
  • check_nFX.ps1 [-?] [-yes] [[-casedir] casedir] [[-outputdir] outputdir]
    • Without arguments, the script will collect installation and environment data and archive them under current working directory.
    • [?] Optional. Show help message.
    • [-casedir] abs/or/rel/path/to/casedir Optional. First positional argument when used without the keyword -casedir. Collects installation, environment, and simulation data from casedir and archives data under current working directory.
    • [-outputdir] abs/or/rel/path/to/outputdir Optional. Second positional argument when used without the keyword -outputdir. Collects installation, environment, and simulation data from casedir and archives data under outputdir.
    • -yes Optional. Agrees to data collection before launching the script.