
Runs auto correction on the model, if checks are run.


*modelcheck_applyautocorrection ?check_display_name? ?entity_type? ?error_type? ?mark_id?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Runs auto correction on the model, if checks are run.

If executed with no arguments, then auto correction is applied on all checks for all entity types. The order in which auto correction is applied depends on the order in which checks are defined in the config file.


The GUI display name of the check. This is case sensitive.
If not provided, then auto correction is applied on all the checks of the entity_type for the profile that are run.
If "ALL" is provided, then auto correction is applied on all checks of the entity_type.
The type of entity to be validated.
If not provided, then auto correction is applied on all checks of all entity types for the profile that are run.
If "ALL" is provided, then checks of all entity types are considered.
The type of errors to check, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or ALL.
If not provided or set to "ALL", then all checks of all error types are run.
The ID of the mark of entities for which model checker is to be run. Valid values are 1 and 2.


Run auto correction on the check named "checkname":
*modelcheck_applyautocorrection checkname
Run auto correction on properties 1-10 :
*createmark props 1 1-10
*modelcheck_applyautocorrection "" props ERROR 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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