

Panel Migration to Controllers
Domains > Update is migrated under the Morph pull-down menu.
Set Bias is migrated under the Morph pull-down menu.
Panel Migration to Context
Morph > Shapes:
  • Convert Forces to Shapes function is added as Create from Loads in the Shapes context menu. Access by right-clicking in the Edit Shapes dialog.
  • Autoshape function is added in the Shapes context menu. Access by right-clicking in the Edit Shapes dialog.
  • Smooth shapes function is added as Check/Smooth in the Shapes context menu. Access by right-clicking on shapes in the Edit Shapes dialog.
Morph > Volumes:
  • Update mvols > Shrink mvols and fit faces is migrated as the Shrink/Fit tool under Morph > Volumes.
  • Convert tool is migrated under Morph > Volumes.
  • Load/Save is migrated as a satellite tool under Morph > Volumes.
  • Sweep option is added in the Enclose tool to create morph volumes using selected entities or free matrix by sweeping along selected lines, nodes, direction or plane.