
New Features

Free Body Section Context Menu
A context menu is now available to create and edit free body section entities.
The FBD Plot free body section is reconfigured.
  • Mesh/infinite cut/finite cut to define a free body section either directly by elements and nodes or by a plane definition is now supported.
  • Cross section entity support has been removed. Legacy files with free body section configuration "FBD Load" are converted to "FBD Plot" with support for infinite cut.
  • Restrict intersected Comps/Parts to be considered.
  • Improvement on interface node detection by plane are implemented. You can adjust detection playing with new plane thickness.
  • You can review elements/nodes selected from a plane and convert plane based sections into mesh based sections.

    Figure 1.

    Figure 2.

    Figure 3.

    Figure 4.
Free Body Section Plot Context Menu
Context menu to create, edit, and display FBD plots is implemented.
  • Similar behavior to the contour/vector/tensor plots. It reacts to the active loadcase.
  • Multiple plots can be created in the database.
Support for forces/moments plots or translation/displacement from the same free body sections.
  • The Resolved-In option has a provision to plot on each free body section's system, or it can overwrite settings to plot in the global or user system.
  • A sub-option to switch between result force/moment or free body forces or gridpoint force review is available.
Plot components separately or plot normal/tangent resultants on a given plane.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Figure 7.

Figure 8.
Entering free body section Edit mode with the plot active live updates force extraction and display.

Figure 9.


Memory Management
Improved memory management on result query.
Relative File Paths to Result Files
This tool now works with relative file paths to result files.
Free Body Tools Migration
Force/Displacement and Cross section tools are removed.
  • Use Create and Edit to generate free body sections.
  • Use Plot control to generate force & displacement plots.
  • Use the Manager to create loads/fields/summary tables from free body sections.

    Figure 10.

    Figure 11.
Browser Performance
Improved browser performance when loading a large number of result files is implemented.
A large tooltip with a complete definition of each free body section is available.

Figure 12.
Entity tooltip is enhanced to show actual subcase and layer labels instead of index values.
Custom Category-based Legends
A new type of category-based legend is supported. You can convert any numeric result into categories and visualize it as a discrete, range-based contour plot. For example, you can visualize a stress contour plot as four categories by defining a custom category legend and assigning it to the plot control.

Figure 13.
A check box option to control legend visibility is added to the plot control entity editor.
Complex filter setting is displayed in the legend when plotting complex results.
An option to turn off the legend from screen capture is added under File > Preferences > HyperMesh > Color > Legend.
Results now work with relative file paths.
Entity tooltips now show actual category labels instead of indexes for MaxLayer/MinLayer plot and Envelope Trace plot.
Layer, Averaging, and Complex filter information is added to the marker plot legend title block.

Resolved Issues

  • Force/ Displacement /Cross section tools
    • Several UI issue reported with these tools are fixed with new context menus.
    • Improvement on interface node detection by plane (compared to legacy cross section).
  • The "Copy legend" option, renamed to "Duplicate" in this release, now works as expected.
  • Changing the marker color no longer affects the contour plot legend.
  • The Legend position no longer changes when a deformed plot is applied (Linux only).
  • The "Reset legend" option now resets all settings.
  • Result plotting no longer fails when an input file is imported with "Create FE Geometry" ON in Solver Import Options.
  • The application no longer crashes on contour plotting stress results from Nastran .hdf5 result file.
  • CFAST element force vector is now displayed in the correct direction.
  • Issue plotting element forces on CBUSH elements no longer occurs.
  • Batch mode query no longer writes out an empty .csv when there are multiple result files.
  • hm_getdatatypelayers API now points to HyperMesh subcase IDs rather than results IDs.
  • hm_getsubcasedatatypes API no longer crashes when pointing to derived load case.