Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The AltairASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session
file when the session is saved.
The state of an object depends upon three different states: “User State”, “Definable State”, and “If State”. You can only
set the “User State” (the checkbox located in the upper right portion of every panel), the other two states are used by
MotionView to automatically turn off certain items.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
mdlIObject GetLinkedSystemList
Gets the list of the systems which are linked to particular system. Linked systems can be either DATA or DEFINITION linked.
mdlIObject GetSourceFile
Obtains information about the source file for the assembly created in the model.
mdlIObject GetState
The state of an object depends upon three different states: “User State”, “Definable State”, and “If State”. You can only set the “User State” (the checkbox located in the upper right portion of every panel), the other two states are used by MotionView to automatically turn off certain items.
mdlIObject GetSystemHandle
Gets the handle to the system from anywhere in the hierarchy (after the model handle).