report <reporttitle>
Modify the current report.
report <reporttitle> add slide|item|module <name>=<value>
report <reporttitle> copy <name>=<value>
report <reporttitle> delete
report <reporttitle> edit
report <reporttitle> move <name>=<value>
report <reporttitle> run <name>=<value>
report <reporttitle> settings <name>=<value>
- add
- Add an item, slide, existing slide, or module.
- item
- For document report, select from the following items:
- break
- chapter
- exceldocument
- externalobject
- image
- table
- tableofreference
- text
- textdocument
- worddocument
- slide
- For a presentation report, select from the following
- Divider Slide - Blue
- Divider Slide - Orange
- Divider Slide - White
- Four Images Only
- One Image Only
- One Image with Caption
- One Table with Caption
- One Table with Text and Image
- Text Only
- Three Images with Captions
- Title Slide
- Two Images with Captions
- existingslide
- Add an existing slide, <slidelabel>.
- module
- For document and presentation reports, the following can be
- Capture Pages and Windows
- Capture Session
- Component Summary
- Connection Statistics
- Coordinate Systems
- Entity Overview
- Loop Results
- Materials Summary
- Matrix Browser Script
- Mesh Quality Plots
- Mesh Quality Statistics
- Model Analysis Summary
- Model Checker Plots
- Model Checker Summary
- Model Size and Dimensions
- Model Statistics
- Ply Orientation
- Property Summary
- Standard Views
- Unit System
- Specify options for each type.
- copy
- Copy a report item.
- Options include:
- sourcetype=<itemtype>
- source="<level1>, <level2>, ...<leveln>"
- destinationtype=<itemtype>
- destination="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- after = <label/index>
- delete
- Delete a slide, item, or module from the report.
- Options include:
- all
- module
- output
- warnings
- label
- type
- position
- edit
- Edit a report item.
- Options include:
- chapter
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- excelfile
- caption = <caption value>
- cellrange=<cell:range>
- file=<filepath>
- label=<name>
- locationofcaption=<above/below>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- externalobject
- file=<filepath>
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- image
- all=true
- autofitmodel=<true/false>
- bestview=<true/false>
- caption = <caption value>
- capturearea=<legendandgraphics/legend/graphics>
- cropimage=<true/false>
- distance=<number>
- filepath=<filepath>
- findhotspots=<abovethreshold/belowthreshold>
- hidelocalsystems=<true/false>
- hidemodelinfo=<true/false>
- label=<name>
- legendfile=<filename>
- locationofcaption=<above/below>
- maximumhotspots=<integer>
- modellocation=<location>
- notes=<true/false>
- note
- aligntext=<left/center/right>
- bordercolor="<R> <G> <B>"
- bordercolormode= <user/component/contour>
- borderthickness=<0-4> shape=<rectangle,circle,ellipse>
- fillcolor="<R> <G> <B>"
- fillcolormode= <user/component/contour>
- filltransparency=<true/false>
- font=<font>
- fontsize=<fontsize>
- text=<text>
- textcolor="<R> <G> <B>"
- textcolormode= <user/component/contour>
- notelocation=<max/min/component/hotspot>
- outputtype=<PNG/JPEG/GIF/AVI/H3D/TIFF>
- position="<level1>", "<level2>", ..."<leveln>"
- rename = "new name"
- setdynamiclegend=<true/false>
- source=<graphicsarea/file>
- tablethreshold=<table> scaleresults=<table>
- threshold=<number>
- tolerance=<distance/value>
- value=<number>
- viewmode=<bestviewmode>
- pagebreak
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- orientation=<sectionportrait/sectionlandscape/pagebreak>
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- slide
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- table
- autosplit=<true/false>
- caption = <caption value>
- cellrange=<cell:range>
- file=<filepath>
- label=<name>
- location=<location>
- locationofcaption=<above/below>
- macropath=<filepath>
- maxcolumns=<integer>
- maxrows=<integer>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- preserveformatting=<true/false>
- sheet=<sheet>
- source=<csv/tableview/hmtable/matrixscript/data>
- splitby=<row/column>
- table=<tablename>
- text
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- text = <line1\nline2\nline3..>
- all=true
- textfile
- file=<filepath>
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- worddoc
- file=<filepath>
- label=<name>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- Edit a report module.
- Options include:
- loopresults
- all=true
- autosplittable=<true/false>
- components=<component id list>
- displayedcomponents=<true/false>
- excludeandhidetype=<sets/components> <entitylist>
- excludeentities=<sets/components> <entitylist>
- excludelayers=<integer>
- export=<all/above/below/equalto>
- exportthresholdvalue=<value>
- label=<name>
- loadcase=<current/last/multiple> <simulationlist>
- loadcaseoverview=<true/false>
- loopoverhotspots=<true/false>
- maxcolumns=<integer>
- maxrows=<integer>
- modellocation=<location>
- position="<level1>", "<level2>", ..."<leveln>"
- rename = "new name"
- sets=<set id list>
- splitby=<row/column>
- startloopwith=<component/loadcase>
- modelstatistics
- autosplit=<true/false>
- detailedstatistics=<true/false>
- index=<index>
- maxrows=<integer> maxcolumns=<integer>
- name = "new name"
- position="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- selectbyname=<name>
- splitby=<row/column>
- move
- Move a report item.
- Options include:
- sourcetype=<itemtype>
- source="<level1>, <level2>, ...<leveln>"
- destinationtype=<itemtype>
- destination="<level1>,<level2>, ...<leveln>"
- after = <label/index>
- run
- Run the report.
- settings
- Reset report settings.
- Options include:
- name = <name>
- workdir = <folderpath>
- exportresolution = <low/medium/HD/Ultra HD/WYSIWYG>
- synchronizewith = <filename>
- layout = <layouttemplate>
- openafterexport= <true/false>
An an existing slide to a
report Report3 add existingslide "Title Slide"