_e.nlm file

The _e.nlm file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.

File Creation

This file is output by default for any Implicit Nonlinear Analysis run. For entity-specific energy output, the NLENRG Bulk/Subcase Entry pair can be used. Such available entities are Element SETs, Contact Interfaces, Property Groups of CGAP/CGAPG elements.
  • Default output is printed in filename_s<n>_e.nlm files for each nonlinear subcase, where <n> denotes the subcase ID.
  • Entity-specific energy output if activated, is named as:
    • filename_eset<ID>_s<n>_e.nlm
    • filename_cont<ID>_s<n>_e.nlm
    • filename_pgap<ID>_s<n>_e.nlm

      for each entity in each nonlinear subcase, where <ID> denotes the entity ID and <n> the subcase ID.

File Contents

Strain Energy
Strain Energy
Contact Stabilization Energy
Contact Stabilization Energy
Plastic Dissipation Energy
Plastic Dissipation Energy

File Format

The file is a simple table with time steps and results in multiple columns.