Frame Suite

This section expands on frame suite set up sliding frame for water wading applications.

The frame suite was developed in order to address the use case of water wading, specifically the case where a vehicle is entering a body of water under a specified angle and moving through an arbitrarily long channel. The basic idea behind the frame suite is to have a simple set of parameters that define the setup, for example, define the road, water depth and domain boundary behavior, yet maintain high computational efficiency and simplify pre-processing.


    frame_type                               TEMPORAL
    frame_obj_phase                          2
    frame_fluid_phase                        1
    frame_road_phase                         3
    frame_road_profile_file_name             road_profile.txt
    frame_road_path_file_name                road_path.txt
    frame_road_clip_zcoord                   -0.4
    frame_fluid_clip_zcoord                  -0.6
    frame_min_bc_overlay                     "3 0 0"
    frame_max_bc_overlay                     "3 0 0"
    frame_freeze_layer_length                0.05
    frame_sponge_layer_length                0.05
    frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip           "1 1"
    frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip           "1 1"
    frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip_zcoord    "-0.6 -0.6"
    frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip_zcoord    "-0.6 -0.6"


Command Contents SI Unit Example
frame_type Type of frame that is applied

Default = No default

frame_obj_phase The phase of interest that is followed by the frame (car body).
  • If SLIDING frame type is selected, the body which is followed must be defined as a MOVINGWALL.
  • If TEMPORAL frame type is selected, this command is ignored.
frame_fluid_phase Fluid phase ID (water) which is spawned as the frame moves.
Note: Selected phase must be a FLUID phase type for both SLIDING and TEMPORAL frame types.
frame_road_phase Road phase ID (road) which is spawned as the frame moves.
  • If SLIDING frame type is selected, the road phase which is spawned must be defined as a MOVINGWALL.
  • If TEMPORAL frame type is selected, the road phase selected must be a WALL phase type with an IMPOSE_VEL motion assigned to it.
frame_road_profile_file_name Absolute or relative path to the file containing road top profile in the YZ plane. The file consists of two columns, Y and Z, where the Y coordinates are strictly increasing.
Note: This command is relevant for both SLIDING and TEMPORAL frame types.
frame_road_path_file_name Absolute or relative path to the file containing road path in the XZ plane. This file consists of two columns, X and Z, where the X coordinates are strictly increasing.
Note: This command is only relevant for the SLIDING frame type selection. In case of TEMPORAL frame it is ignored.
frame_road_clip_zcoord Absolute Z coordinate above which the spawned road particles are removed.

Default = 0.0

frame_fluid_clip_zcoord Absolute Z coordinate below which the fluid spawns. Fluid depth in Z direction is the difference between frame_fluid_clip_zcoord and minimum Z value in frame_road_path_file_name file.

Default = 0.0

frame_min_bc_overlay The layout of additional internal layers at the frame domain boundaries lying on the minimum planes in the X, Y and Z directions.
  • 0 - No additional layers are applied.
  • 1 - Only freeze layers are added.
  • 2 - Only sponge layers are added.
  • 3 - Both freeze and sponge layers are applied with freeze layer being the outer layer.
Note: This command is a vector representing the minimum X, Y and Z boundaries. For example "0 0 0" implies that no layers are applied on any of the minimum domain boundaries.

Default = 0 0 0

frame_max_bc_overlay The layout of additional internal layers at the frame domain boundaries lying on the maximum planes in the X, Y and Z directions.
  • 0 - No additional layers are applied.
  • 1 - Only freeze layers are added.
  • 2 - Only sponge layers are added.
  • 3 - Both freeze and sponge layers are applied with freeze layer being the outer layer.
Note: The command is a vector representing the maximum X, Y and Z boundaries. For example "0 0 0" implies that no layers are applied on any of the maximum domain boundaries.

Default = 0 0 0

frame_freeze_layer_length Absolute length of the freeze layer, in a direction perpendicular to the relevant bounding plane pointing toward the computational domain.
Note: This command has no effect:
  • When non-positive
  • On the directions of frame_min_bc_overlay and/or frame_max_bs_overlay when the command values are set to 0 or 2

Default = 0.0

frame_sponge_layer_length Absolute length of the freeze layer, in a direction perpendicular to the relevant bounding plane pointing toward the computational domain.
Note: This command has no effect:
  • When non-positive
  • On the directions of frame_min_bc_overlay and/or frame_max_bs_overlay when the command value is set to 0 or 1

Default = 0.0

frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip Freeze and sponge layer clip height selection mode in Z direction for X = C and Y = C minimum bounding planes, respectively. This command has a two-value vector of the form "0 0".
  • Set to 0 to cover entire plane height in Z.
  • Set to 1 to limit the freeze and sponge layer in absolute Z direction to below frame_fluid_height +0.5*dx.
  • Set to 2 to specify a custom height using frame_freezesponge_min_bc_height.

Default = 0.0

frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip Freeze and sponge layer clip height selection mode in Z direction for X = C and Y = C maximum bounding planes, respectively. This command has a two-value vector of the form "0 0".
  • Set to 0 to cover entire plane height in Z.
  • Set to 1 to limit the freeze and sponge layer in absolute Z direction to below frame_fluid_height +0.5*dx.
  • Set to 2 to specify a custom height using frame_freezesponge_max_bc_height.

Default = 0.0

frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip_zcoord The absolute Z coordinate in X = C and Y = C minimum bounding planes, respectively, above which freeze and sponge layers are applied.
Important: Only active when the relevant frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip is set to 2.

Default = 0.0 0.0

frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip_zcoord The absolute Z coordinate in X = C and Y = C maximum bounding planes, respectively, below which freeze and sponge layers are applied.
Important: Only active when the relevant frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip is set to 2.

Default = 0.0 0.0
