Create a turbulence generator.
turb = vwt.Turbulence(partId)
- partId
- Part or list of parts
- length
- width
- height
- xMin
- xMax
- yMin
- yMax
- zMin
- zMax
- numEddies
- Number of eddies on the turbulence plane
- eddyLengthScale
- Length scale or size of the eddies
- turbulenceIntensity
- Determines the magnitude of the eddy strength
- autoCalculateEddyLengthScale
- Automatically compute eddy length scale
- autoCalculateNumEddies
- Automatically compute the number of eddies
- refineMesh
- Turn on/off mesh refinement zone
- refinementLevel
- Refinement level of the mesh refinement zone
- planeOffset
- Offset distance between turbulence plane and the mesh refinement zone's xMin
- planePosition
- Absolute location of the turbulence plane
- autoCalculatePlaneOffset
- Automatically compute the plane offset distance