*Graphic() - DeformableRoad
Creates a deformable road graphic for use with soft-soil road.
*Graphic(varname, label, DEFORMABLE_ROAD, reserved1 , filename, reserved2,[MARKER, ref_marker])
- varname
- The variable name of the graphic.
- label
- The descriptive label of the graphic.
- Indicates the graphic is a deformable road.
- reserved1
- This field is reserved for future use and should be blank.
- filename
- Name of the graphic file. Supported format is H3D.
- reserved2
- This field is reserved for future use and should be blank.
- Keyword argument indicates the following argument is of Marker data type
- ref_marker
- Reference marker with regard to which the graphic object is located and oriented.
*Graphic( gdefr_0, "DeformableRoadGraphic 0", DEFORMABLE_ROAD, , "C:/Users/Softsoil/Deformable_Road.h3d", , MARKER, m_road_ref )
This graphic type is used with softsoil road to visualize deformation contours on MotionSolve result file in HyperView.
The given H3D file is passed to the solver as is. Hence no positioning, orienting, or scaling with respect to the reference marker is possible on this graphic.
To avoid the graphic being visible during MotionSolve result animation in HyperView, set the hide_in_post attribute to {{true}}. For example: *Set(gra_link.hide_in_post, true). This option will set the graphic component's visibility to be turned off when the result H3D is loaded in HyperView.