Sets the flag to indicate whether a local user subroutine is used for an entity that uses user defined properties.
- varname
- The variable name of the entity that uses a local subroutine.
- use_local_dll
- Valid values are: TRUE or FALSE.
*Motion(mot_0, "Motion 0", JOINT, , TRANS)
*SetMotion(mot_0, USER, `USER(1001)`)
*SetLocalUserDLLFlag(mot_0, true)
*SetLocalUserDLL(mot_0, "mymotsub.dll")
This statement sets the use_local_dll property for the entity as either true or false.
When the value is set to "true", the local subroutine file specified by the *SetLocalUserDLL or *SetLocalUserFunction statement (local_dll attribute) is written to the argument of the entity solver statement (usrsub_dll_name in MotionSolve and ROUTINE in ADAMS) while exporting to the solver deck.
This statement is useful to control the solver referring to a local subroutine or a default subroutine.