
Creates a three-dimensional (3D) spline entity.


*Spline3D(varname, "label")


The variable name of the spline entity.
Data type: variable
The descriptive label for the spline entity.
Data type: string


*Spline3D(spl3d_theta, Force Theta Spline")
*ActionReactionForce(frc_combust, "Combustion Force", TRANS, 
b_piston, b_cyl, p_piston_ctr, m_Combustion_ref)
*SetForce(frc_combust, LIN, , LIN, , SPL3D, 
, , 
`MOD({j_crank.AZ}*rtod, 720)`, `{j_crank.WZ}`) 
, FILE, "3d_spline.csv", LIN_EXTRAP)







Table 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
csv_file filename The file name of the .csv file when the spline is defined with FILE as the type.
extrap keyword Determines if linear extrapolation should be used in the Y data. Valid values are: NORMAL|EXTRAP.
id integer The ID assigned for the spline entity.
idstring string The ID in the string format.
is_file_valid boolean Determines whether the format of the .csv file is valid or not (TRUE|FALSE).
label string The descriptive label of the entity.
local_dll string The string that refers to a subroutine file name.
local_func_name string The string that refers to a function name within the subroutine.
local_func_type keyword Suggests the type of local function used. Valid values are: DLL|PY|MATLAB.
note string The descriptive note regarding the entity (if any). This argument is optional.
num integer
state state Indicates whether or not the entity is active (TRUE or FALSE).
type keyword Indicates the usage of an external file or a set of values as input data. Valid values are: FILE|VALUE.
use_local_dll boolean Suggests to use a local subroutine file.
user boolean Indicates the usage of a user subroutine to define a Spline3D (TRUE or FALSE).
usr_sub string A string consisting of a USER function provided as input, that acts as a calling function to the user subroutine.
varname variable The variable name of the Spline3D entity that identifies the entity in MotionView.
x array Returns the X column data of the spline. This array inherits the values from either the ^xy_value^ array (when the type is set to VALUE) or from the .csv file when the type is set to FILE) and factors in the ^x_scale^ and ^x_offset^ applied.
x_offset real The offset value applied to the X data.
x_scale real The scale value applied to the X data.
xy_value array Represents an array consisting of X column data and Y columns data created when the data is provided either through an external file (using the FILE type) or as values (using the VALUE type).
y array Returns the Y column data of the spline. This array inherits the values from either the ^xy_value^ array (when the type is set to VALUE) or from the .csv file when the type is set to FILE) and factors in the ^y_scale^ and ^y_offset^ applied.
y_offset real The offset value applied to the Y data.
y_scale real The scale value applied to the Y data.
z array Returns the Z column data of the spline. This array inherits the values from either the ^z_value^ array (when the type is set to VALUE) or from the .csv file when the type is set to FILE) and factors in the ^z_scale^ and ^z_offset^ applied.
z_offset real The offset value applied to the Z data.
z_scale real The scale value applied to the Z data.
z_value array The vector array of Z values that corresponds to a set of Y column data.


A Spline3D may be used to specify properties of entities, such as bushing stiffness or a motion or force that depend upon two independent variables.

The properties for the Spline3D entity can be specified using the *SetSpline3D() statement.