Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method. We
recommend fully constraining your sketch when sketch variables are used in the design exploration.
An exploration is a DOE or optimization simulation. Each exploration must include design variables and responses.
Optimizations must also include an objective and optionally constraints.
Design variables are changes of the geometric variables that influence the performance of certain analyses. Geometric variables may be sketch dimensions, lengths, angles, or push/pulls. Geometric constraints are minimum and maximum values for
the defined variables. These constraints are specified in the Design Variable tab and the variable's value
will vary within the exploration.
Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method. We
recommend fully constraining your sketch when sketch variables are used in the design exploration.
Use the Results Explorer tool to review results for optimizations.
Summary Table
Once an exploration is complete, review a summary of design variables and output response values in tabular format.
Evaluation Plots
Plot a 2D chart of the input variable and output response values for each run in an Optimization exploration.
Iteration Plots
Plot the iteration history of an Optimization exploration's objectives, constraints, input variables and unused output responses in a 2D chart.