Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method. We
recommend fully constraining your sketch when sketch variables are used in the design exploration.
Interactive rendering modes are display modes that render your scene in real time, so you can interactively apply materials,
modify the environment, and change the camera position.
Modify the background, lighting, and shadows. A default global environment is included in Inspire to place your model in a 3D context for rendering, but you can also customize the background image. Customize the
illumination, reflection, and background.
A label is a special type of texture that allows you to layer an image over an existing material. It is useful for
applying logos or bar codes to objects in your scene.
By customizing the camera's position, angle, rendering image resolution, and rendering image quality,
you can view and render your models from multiple perspectives and create a more distinctive scene.
Configure materials, the environment, lights, labels, the camera position, and the
rendering settings.
Create a Material
Create, modify, apply, save, and organize materials.
Modify the Environment
Modify the background, lighting, and shadows. A default global environment is included in Inspire to place your model in a 3D context for rendering, but you can also customize the background image. Customize the illumination, reflection, and background.
Add Lights
Add, reposition, and edit lights for the scene.
Apply, Edit, and Position Labels
A label is a special type of texture that allows you to layer an image over an existing material. It is useful for applying logos or bar codes to objects in your scene.
Edit the Camera By customizing the camera's position, angle, rendering image resolution, and rendering image quality, you can view and render your models from multiple perspectives and create a more distinctive scene.