Text Existence
Check existence of specified text string in the design.
- Target Object Definition: Define target object type.
- Object Type: From object type, select one of them between Silkscreen and All objects. If objects, users want to find are silkscreen property, select Silkscreen. But if they are belonged to dimension or board figure geometries, All is preferable.
- Text String Existence Checking: Users can check target text string’s
existence in board and components.
- Text Strings in Board: Users can find target text strings on board.
- Check Item: Specify the item name.
- User Defined Layer: Specify the user defined layer where the checking area is drawn to check the text placement in a specific area.
- Keep In/Out: Check whether the specified text exists inside
or outside of a specific area.
- Keep In: Check whether the specified text exists inside a specific area.
- Keep Out: Check whether the specified text exists outside a specific area. If there is no text in the design data, it is regarded as a fail.
- Prohibited: Fails if text exists inside a specific area.
- Text: Give target text string using text string input tool.
- Add Item: In the table, you can add certain number of checking items.
- Text Strings in Components: You can find target text strings in
specifying component group.
- Item: Specify the item name.
- Component Group: Select target components from component group list.
- Measure Base: Define a measure base of the target component.
- Text: Input target text string.
- Check Distance: Set searching distance from components.
- Layer: Select searching layer(s).
- Comp Placed: Search component placed side. If a component is placed on top, PollEx DFM searches top related layers, silkscreen top, silkscreen text top, and top figure layers.
- Reverse Side: Search component placed reverse side. If a component is placed on top, PollEx DFM searches bottom related layers, silkscreen bottom, silkscreen text bottom, and bottom figure layers.
- Both Side: Regardless of component placed layer, PollEx DFM searches target text string for top and bottom related layers.
- Text Strings in Board: Users can find target text strings on board.
- Checking for mirrored text: Check if there is reversed (mirrored) text.
- Top Layer: Specify the target layer (Top). It fails if there is a reversed text.
- Bottom Layer: Specify the target layer (Bottom). It fails if there is no reversed text.
- Existence Checking for Design File NameFigure 1.
- Layer Selection: Select the panel layer in which the file name should be located.
- Single Board Layer: Select the single layer in which the file name should be located.
- Delimiter: Specify the delimiter, dividing file name containing
string into several parts.
- Number of strings excluded from right: Set the number of strings to exclude from the right side of the design file name.
- Number of strings excluded from left: Set the number of strings to exclude from the left side of the design file name.
- Exclude Character: At target text string, you can discard another character string. Target text string will be changed here, also.
- Except Checking for Empty Sub Board: Option to exclude the empty Sub Board on the design file name existence checking.
- Existence Checking for Net Names in Board: Check the existence of net name
string on design. For the selected net name, PollEx DFM checks whether name strings are on design.
- Net Name: Using text string input tool, specify net names.