Model Check
Workflow tips for modeling in SimSolid.
Check for free surfaces and merged parts.
- Import only solids.
Do not merge parts.
If part definition becomes complex, the solver works harder, and solution accuracy and performance can deteriorate if parts are merged.
Check for solids with curvature.
- If the faceting of those solids is coarse, bring in finer resolution of those parts.
- Do not import the entire assembly with finer resolution, it will slow down the solution considerably.
Check for geometry errors.
Make sure parts are classified correctly (bolts, nuts, springs, and so
Create weld connections, if applicable.
Connections in SimSolid should represent connections of the parts in the field.
Create auto-connections using normal resolution.
- Use small tolerance.
- Identify and connect any free parts .
- Make sure the structure is not over-constrained.
- Delete any redundant connections.
Identify connections with a very small or large number of points .
- Connections with too few points can cause instability or inaccurate load transfer. Edit connections with too few points to have higher resolution.
- Connections with too many points can unnecessarily increase solve time for little benefit. Edit connections with too many points to have lower resolution.
Review parts with small relative volume.
- Verify that they have enough connection points.
If project files from older versions are used, it is recommended to reset the
- Right-click on the project and choose Initialize solution.