Add a Server Cluster

Connect to an HPC cluster so that you can start submitting jobs.

A server cluster is a PAS server connected to an HPC complex. A server cluster must be added before you can submit a job. Only users with the Manager role can add a server cluster. The Manager role is automatically assigned to the Service User who was entered during the Access Web installation.

When Access Web is installed on the same machine as PAS, a default local server is automatically added, eliminating the need for the Service User to add a server. Users can begin submitting jobs immediately. Access to the local filesystem is also configured through the default server. By default, users have access to the Job File Stage Area directory (default is /stage) that is defined at installation. Edit the default server to configure access to additional directories such as user home directories, for example /home.

Configure the default home location of users when you register a PAS server. Environment variables can be used to define the user's default home location like $HOME representing the PAS home directory and $USER_HOME or %U representing username. Access Web will display the contents of the user’s home directory path when the user logs into Access Web.

Administrators can use the Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication field during cluster registration to select the network for communication between PAS and execution nodes to the Access Web portal. When multiple network cards with different bandwidths are available during cluster registration, administrators can choose the fastest network for better speed.

Access Web automatically updates the NATS URL configuration with the network information selected during the cluster registration. This avoids any post-installation configuration for PAS Only installation.
Note: It is expected that one PAS server will be added to one Access Server only.

The following are examples for setting the user's home directory:

In Linux : /stage, /home, /stage/$USER, /home/$USER/project

In Windows: C:\stage, C:\Users, C:\%HOMEPATH%, C:\%HOMEPATH%\project
Note: The user’s credentials should be available in the PAS server when you define the home location path for the user ($USER_HOME or %U).

When adding a server cluster, the Autocreate Directory option is enabled and set to true. If the specified root directory does not exist in PAS, it will be created.

  1. To add a server, choose one of the following options:
    • If no servers have been configured, click the Configure one or more servers link.
    • Click and then click Add.
    The Add Server Cluster screen is displayed.

    Add Server Cluster

    Figure 1. Add Server Cluster
  2. For Server Name, enter a short name describing the cluster.
  3. For URL, enter the URL for connecting to the Workload Manager.
    The URL is in the format https://<hostname>:5243/pas where <hostname> is the hostname of the machine where the PAS Server is installed.
    Note: Add a server cluster using the PAS Server's hostname rather than the IP address. This avoids connectivity issues when an IP address is changed (DHCP, etc.).
  4. For User Name, enter your login credential.
    The user account must be available on the PAS Server.
  5. For Root Dir, enter the pathname where user job input and result files are stored.
    Ex: /home, /users, /stage, /stage/$USER, /home/$USER/project, C:/stage, C:/Users, C:/%HOMEPATH%, C:/%HOMEPATH%/project
    Note: To enable the home button for all users, add the parent directory of their home directory during server registration.
  6. Click if you want to add another root directory and enter its path.

    Adding Multiple Root Directories
    Figure 2. Adding Multiple Root Directories
  7. Select the default root directory to be displayed from the Default Root Dir drop-down menu.

    Default Root Directory
    Figure 3. Default Root Directory
    By default, the auto create directory option is set to true, which causes PAS to create the specified root directory if it does not exist..
  8. Select the network for communication between PAS and execution nodes to the Access Web portal from Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication drop-down menu.

    Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication
    Figure 4. Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication
    Note: Select Other from the Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication drop-down menu to provide an alias network name.

    Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication - Other
    Figure 5. Preferred Network for Internal HPC Communication - Other
  9. Click Save.
    A notification is displayed when the server cluster is added.
    Note: A notification is displayed to all users logged into Access Web when a server cluster is added, edited, deleted, disconnected or unreachable.
    A list of server clusters that have been added is displayed.

    Server Clusters List
    Figure 6. Server Clusters List

    When a server cluster is unavailable, the Details column explains why. To view the error message, hover your mouse over the Details column of a server cluster.

    Server Cluster Details
    Figure 7. Server Cluster Details
  10. Click Add and repeat steps 2 through 9 to add additional server clusters.