Initial Air inside of Airbag

Material for the air inside of the airbag should be specified either through /MAT/GAS/MASS, /MAT/GAS/MOLE or /MAT/GAS/PREDEF.

In the latter case, the gas material is defined in the /MAT/GAS/PREDEF card in the units defined in the /BEGIN card.

Generic material card for air (kg, mm, ms):
Initial gas
AIR, kg, mm, ms
#                 MW
#                Cpa                 Cpb                 Cpc                 Cpd                 Cpe
             966.99                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                Cpf
AIR, kg, mm, ms
#                 MW
#                cpa                 cpb                 cpc                 cpd                 cpe
              27.088                  0                   0                   0                   0
#                cpf

The same air material used in the airbag should also be used as air in the tank test simulation for validation of injector.