Performs general signal processing for aeroacoustic analysis.
GSP(“name”) { parameters}
User-given name
- type (enum)
- Surface or probe, specifying the type of signal processing to perform.
- name (string)
- User-given name of the command. The instance of a given command is referenced using this parameter.
- resultFile (string)
- Required data file, .h3d file for type=surface, .csv file for type=probe.
- outGspFname (string)
- Output file name (extension .gsph5) for writing when type=surface.
- partName (string)
- Specified surface name to perform the processing when type=surface.
- useCellData (boolean)
- Specification of cell or point data. useCellData is default.
- dataArrayName (string)
- Data to be processed should be set to “pressure” for all GSP applications.
- timeRange (array)
- Two element array specifying the minimum and maximum input time range, format: [min, max].
- bandType (enum)
- Band type to specify the frequency agglomeration; narrow_band (type=probe only) single_band, octave, 1_over_3_octave, 1_over_8_octave (type=probe only), 1_over_12_octave.
- scale (enum)
- Scale, or weighting factor used to weight the SPL output, default dB. scale= “” (dB weight), scale=A (dBA weight), or type=C (dBC weight).
- frequencyRange (array)
- Two element array specifying the minimum and maximum output frequency range, format: [min, max]. When bandType=single_band, the min and max are used to compute the bounds of the frequency. When bandType= octave, 1_over_3_octave, 1_over_12_octave, octave bands between the min and max frequency will be selected, including the overlapping bands above and below min, max frequency.
- surfaceMapType (enum)
- Type of surface map to compute; surfaceMapType=0 gives hydrodynamic dB map, surfaceMapType=1 gives band filtered animation, surfaceMapType=2 gives both outputs.
- exportData (enum)
- Type of display file to export, exportData=0 does not generate output display files, setting exportData=1 gives .png files, exportData=2 gives a .mp4 file of the animated results.
- exportStride (integer)
- Number of frames to increment when storing images or animation, providing the stride (increment) between frames of the output, used when exportData= 1|2.
- exportDataFilename (string)
- Used when exportData= 1 | 2, providing the output file name of the image or animation to be stored. Do not include extension in the file name, will be automatically provided.
- exportResultType (enum)
- Type of results to output for display; exportResultType=0 gives input signal (Pressure vs. Time), exportResultType =1 gives hydrodynamic dB map (SPL vs. Frequency) exportResultType=2 gives band filtered animation (Filtered pressure vs. Time).
- fftnperseg (integer)
- Number of segments (in frequency blocks) to consider for each window in the Fast Fourier Transformation Used for both type=surface and type=probe. Utilize fftnperseg=default to allow the number of available blocks to dictate the overlap size.
- fftoverlap (integer)
- Number of segments (in frequency blocks) to overlap between each window in the Fast Fourier Transformation. Used for both type=surface and type=probe. Utilize fftnoverlap=default to allow the number of available blocks to dictate the overlap size.
- fftwinod (enum)
- Window type used for Fast Fourier Transformation, accepts hanning, hamming, blackman.
- colormap_name (enum)
- Colormap name to use for displaying the scalar function values. Options: Cool to Warm, Cool to Warm (Extended), Black-Body Radiation, X Ray, Inferno, Black, Blue, and White, Blue Orange, Viridis, Gray and Red, Linear Green, Cold and Hot, Blue – Green – Orange, Rainbow Desaturated, Yellow – Gray – Blue, Rainbow Uniform, Rainbow, Rainbow Legacy.
- view (string)
- View to capture the image from. Note, only a single view is supported for GSP command, type=surface.
GSP("BAFA Windshield Surface"){
type = surface
resultFile = " windshield.h3d"
outGspFname = "windshield_out_pass.gsph5"
partName = "Glasses_windshield_pass"
resultsName = "Glasses_windshield_pass"
useCellData = true
dataArrayName = pressure
timeRange = [0.29910001, 1.1]
bandType = "single_band"
scale = ""
frequencyRange = [1000, 2000.0]
surfaceMapType = 2
exportData = 2
exportStride = 10
exportDataFilename = "ws_pass"
exportResultType = 2
fftnperseg = 4096
fftnoverlap = default
fftwindow = hann
background_color = "white"
colormap_name = "Cool to Warm (Extended)"
view = "front"
GSP("dB Map Windshield Surface"){
type = surface
resultFile = " windshield.h3d"
outGspFname = "windshield_out_pass.gsph5"
partName = "Glasses_windshield_pass"
resultsName = "Glasses_windshield_pass"
useCellData = true
dataArrayName = pressure
timeRange = [0.29910001, 1.1]
bandType = "octave"
scale = ""
frequencyRange = [20.0, 11251.486]
surfaceMapType = 2
exportData = 2
exportStride = 1
exportDataFilename = "ws_pass"
exportResultType = 2
fftnperseg = 4096
fftnoverlap = default
fftwindow = hann
background_color = "white"
colormap_name = "Cool to Warm (Extended)"
view = "front"