A collector for one or many components used to toggle on and off views.
PART(“name”){ parameters}
User-given name
- show_boundary_names (string)
- Comma separated list of boundary names to show. Note: Boundary names can be matched using unix style wildcards. _all selects all boundaries.
- hide_boundary_names (string)
- Comma separated list of boundary names to hide.Note: Boundary names can be matched using unix style wildcards. _all selects all boundaries.
- name (string)
- User-given name of the command. The instance of a given command is referenced using this parameter.
- display_type (enum)
- Specify how to display the surface
- solid_display_type (enum)
- Specify the shading type for the surface. Used with display_type=solid
- mesh_line_display (boolean)
- Option to display the mesh on the part
- transparency (real)
- Level of transparency
- contour_function (string)
- Scalar quantity to be displayed on part (pressure, velocity, and so on). Used with color_type=contour.
- line_thickness (enum)
- Thickness of lines for mesh display and feature line display
- contour_line_display (boolean)
- Display lines on the contour
- contour_line_display_type (enum)
- Line display type of contour lines
- num_contours (integer)
- Number of contour lines to be displayed in legend
- vector_function (string)
- Function to use for vector display
- color_type (enum)
- Method used to set the display color
- constant_color (enum)
- Constant color of the part. Used with color_type=constant.
- export (boolean)
- Flag to export data in ASCII format
- active_flag (boolean)
- Read and process the command or ignore it
- legend_display (boolean)
- Flag to toggle on or off the visibility of the legend
- legend_title (string)
- Add a title to the legend
- legend_subtitle (string)
- Subtitle of legend
- num_labels (integer)
- Number of labels used in legend
- legend_min (real)
- Minimum value in legend
- legend_max (real)
- Maximum value in legend
- legend_use_local (boolean)
- Flag to indicate to use values for max and min of legend based on data available for specific visualization.
- num_decimal_places (integer)
- Number of decimal places to display in legend
- legend_orientation (enum)
- Specify orientation of the legend
- legend_location (enum)
- Location of the legend on the image
- threshold_clipping (boolean)
- Specify if the part should be clipped by the specified threshold
- threshold_function (string)
- Function to be used as threshold
- threshold_min (real)
- Minimum threshold value
- threshold_max (real)
- Maximum threshold value
- vector_type (enum)
- Type of vector displayed
- vector_dimension (enum)
- Display dimension of the vector
- vector_scale (real)
- Sets the scale of the vector length. Increasing this number will make the vectors larger in size.
- vector_thinning_fraction (real)
- Percent by which to reduce the number of displayed vectors
- vector_projection (enum)
- Vector display projection
- vector_head_scale (real)
- Variable to adjust the size of the vector head
- vector_time_limit (real)
- When vector_type = curved is selected, this time limit adjusts the length of the tail of the vector.
- invert_color_map (boolean)
- Option to invert the colors of the colormap
- filled_contours (boolean)
- Option to display surface with constant colors within a polygon of the surface. If the scalar values change within a polygon, the polygon will then be split and colored appropriately for that polygon.
- colormap_name (enum)
- Colormap name to use for displaying the scalar function values
- log_scale (boolean)
- When selected, the scalar will be colored using a logarithmic scale instead of a standard scale.
- box_clip (boolean)
- When this option is activated, a box clip is applied to all surfaces contained in this instance of the PART command.
- x_min (real)
- The minimum x coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
- y_min (real)
- The minimum y coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
- z_min (real)
- The minimum z coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
- x_max (real)
- The maximum x coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
- y_max (real)
- The maximum y coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
- z_max (real)
- The maximum z coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
PART("Full vehicle - white"){
show_boundary_names = {"_all"}
hide_boundary_names = {"*_inv"}
display_type = solid
solid_display_type = smooth
color_type = constant
constant_color = "white"