This command will insert a “\” character before every instance of a specified character in a specified string.
::model::EscapeEmbededQuotesIfLiteral argString
MotionView Tcl
If the specified string does not start with a double-quote and end with a double-quote, this function just returns the specified string unmodified. However, if the specified string starts and ends with a double-quote character, then any double quote between those double-quotes has a “\” character inserted before them.
- argString
- This argument is the string that is to have an escape character (“\”) inserted before any contained double-quote if this string’s first and last characters are double-quotes.
::model::GetHandleFromFullVarname selhandle MODEL
set newLbl [::model::_private::EscapeEmbededQuotesIfLiteral "\"POINT_0\""]
selhandle InterpretEntity pthandle Point p_0 $newLbl
If the specified string starts and ends with double-quotes, a copy of that string is returned with any double-quotes contained within it have an escape character inserted before them. Otherwise, the specified string is returned unmodified.