
This command creates a widget that allows the user to pick entities from a hard-coded list that is presented in the graphical user interface. This could be used to limit the user’s picks. The widget itself is composed of a collector that is used to set the pick mode (for graphic picking), a list box that contains the available picks, and some convenience buttons to select all/select none/toggle selection.


::model::mdlTempMultiPickCollector path variable text type entList args


MotionView Tcl GUI


This command creates a widget that allows the user to pick entities from a hard-coded list that is presented in the graphical user interface. This could be used to limit the user’s picks. The widget itself is composed of a collector that is used to set the pick mode (for graphic picking), a list box that contains the available picks, and some convenience buttons to select all/select none/toggle selection.


The full name of the path that is to be used by the mdlTempMultiPickCollector widget.
The Tcl variable that will be used to store and retrieve the selected entity values.
The text that is to be displayed in the collector. This does not have any effect on the pick mode. It is meant to be more general.
The actual pick mode that is to be set by the collector.
The list of entities that the user wants to be “pickable”. The list is a list of full entity varnames.
A list of arguments to further configure the mdlTempMultiPickCollector widget.


To add three points to the model and only let the user pick two of them for the mdlTempMultiPickCollector.
hwi GetSessionHandle sess1
sess1 GetProjectHandle pro1
sess1 ReleaseHandle
pro1 GetPageHandle pa1 [pro1 GetActivePage]
pro1 ReleaseHandle
pa1 GetWindowHandle win1 [pa1 GetActiveWindow]
pa1 ReleaseHandle
win1 GetClientHandle mcl
win1 ReleaseHandle
mcl GetRootObjectHandle mo
mcl ReleaseHandle
mo InterpretEntity p1 Point p_1 "\"Point 1\""
p1 ReleaseHandle
mo InterpretSet "SetPoint" p_1 10 10 10
mo InterpretEntity p2 Point p_2 "\"Point 2\""
p2 ReleaseHandle
mo InterpretSet "SetPoint" p_2 20 20 20
mo InterpretEntity p3 Point p_3 "\"Point 3\""
p3 ReleaseHandle
mo InterpretSet "SetPoint" p_3 30 30 30
mo ReleaseHandle

namespace eval ::my_ns {
  variable my_pick {}

set tl [toplevel .top]
wm geometry $tl 450x200
wm title $tl "mdlTempMultiPickCollector Window"
grid rowconfigure $tl 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $tl 0 -weight 1

set w [::model::mdlTempMultiPickCollector $tl.tmpc ::my_ns::my_pick "Points" "Point" {MODEL.p_1 MODEL.p_2}] 
grid $w -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw

