
This command will be used to create a list collector widget and this widget will be attached to the data member specified in the argument. A list collector is a collector for more than one type and each type has its selection managed independently. It is like a combobox of collectors of different types and any selection made for each individual type is set independently. For example, if the mdlListCollector is for a MultiRef member (Point (pt) and Vector (vec)) data member, when the list collector is set to Point, the selection is set and retrieved from the “pt” data member. When the list collector is set to Vector, the selection is set and retrieved from the “vec” data member.


::model::mdlListCollector path entityHandle dm types -references


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create a list collector widget and this widget will be attached to the data member specified in the argument. A list collector is a collector for more than one type and each type has its selection managed independently. It is like a combobox of collectors of different types and any selection made for each individual type is set independently. For example, if the mdlListCollector is for a MultiRef member (Point (pt) and Vector (vec)) data member, when the list collector is set to Point, the selection is set and retrieved from the “pt” data member. When the list collector is set to Vector, the selection is set and retrieved from the “vec” data member.


The frame on which the list collector widget will be created is passed as an argument.
We need to pass the handle of the entity which contains the list data member as this argument.
We need to pass the name of the data member that will be used by the list collector widget.
We need to pass a string of lists where each list contains three arguments (enum, type, associated data member) as this argument.
We need to pass a list of enum as input, this enum list will be defined when the input datamember is created.


::model::GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle mod
mod InterpretEntity frchandle ActionReactionForce frc_0 "\"Force\"" "SC_ROT" "" "B_Ground" "" "POINT" ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set types "{POINT Point align_pt1} {VECTOR Vector align_vec1}"
set list_col [::model::mdlListCollector $colFrm.lcol frchandle "align_meth1" "$types" -references { POINT VECTOR }]
pack $list_col
client ReleaseHandle
mod ReleaseHandle
frchandle ReleaseHandle 


On successful execution of the command it will create a list collector widget.