
Creates a table in a container object.


h = uitable()

h = uitable(property, value, ...)

h = uitable(parent, property, value, ...)


Handle of a container object, which could be a figure, frame, uipanel, or uibuttongroup.
Type: double | integer
property, value
Specifies the background color. Valid values are 'transparent' or a real vector specifying RGB values in the range 0-255 or 0-1.
Type: string | vector
Callback function that is triggered when a value is changed in a cell in h.
If value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes at least two arguments: the first is the handle of the uitable, and the second is the event data to the uicontrol. Twin Activate passes empty data to the second argument if there is no data to the uitable.
If value is a string, it must represent a function handle or a function name.
If value is a cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element and parameters to pass to the callback function in the additional elements.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Specifies the column(s) which are editable. Valid values are true(default), false, or matrix of size (1, n) where m is the number of column(s) with Boolean value(s) indicating which column(s) are editable.
Type: Boolean | matrix
Specifies the column formats. The value must be a cell, specifying values of:
  • 'char'(left justified data, default)
  • 'numeric'(right justified data)
  • [](default)
For 'data', of type mtx, this property is ignored and values are always right justified.
Type: cell
Specifies the column labels of h. Valid values are 'numbered'(default) or cell with label names.
Type: string | cell
Specifies the width of the columns. By default, the value is 'auto', where column widths are automatically adjusted. Individual column widths can be defined in a cell array of size (1, n), where n is the number of columns in 'data'. The values in each of the cells specify the width of the individual column(s).
Type: cell | string
Function that is triggered when h is created. If value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes at least two arguments. The first argument is the handle of the uicontrol. The second argument is the event data to the uicontrol, which is ignored for createfcn. If value is a string, it must represent a function handle or a function name. If value is a cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element and parameters to pass to callback function in the additional elements. After it is being executed, createfcn cannot be interrupted.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Function triggered when h is deleted. If value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes at least two arguments. The first argument is the handle of the uicontrol. The second argument is the event data to the uicontrol, which is ignored for createfcn. If value is a string, it must represent a function handle or a function name. If value is a cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element and parameters to pass to callback function in the additional elements. After it is being executed, createfcn cannot be interrupted.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Table data. If the data type is cell, the cell elements can only be one of the following types scalar_int_bool_complex_string. Scalar values in for a cell data type can also be handles to a uicontrol widgets of 'style' 'checkbox', 'radiobutton', 'listbox', 'popupmenu'
Type: cell | mat
Specifies if h is enabled. Valid values are 'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: string
Specifies angle of the displayed font. Valid values are 'regular'(default) and 'italic'.
Type: string
Specifies name of the displayed font.
Type: string
Specifies size of the displayed font.
Type: scalar
Determines if fontsize property is absolute or relative based on fontsize of the parent of handle. Valid values are 'pixels' (default) or 'normalized'.
Type: string
Specifies weight of the displayed font. Valid values are 'normal' (default) and 'bold'.
Type: string
Specifies if celleditcallback and cellselectioncallback functions can be interrupted by clicking on the Stop button in the user interface. Valid values are off (default) and on.
Type: string
Function that is triggered when there is a key is pressed on h. If value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes two arguments. The first argument is the handle of the uicontrol. The second argument is the event data to the uicontrol, which has details on the key pressed. If value is a string, it must represent a function handle or a function name. If value is a cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element and parameters to pass to the function in the additional elements.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Specifies the parent.
Type: scalar
Position and size of h. Value is specified as a vector of form: [left top width height]. If 'units' has a value of 'normalized', values must be between 0 to 1.
Type: vector
Specifies the height of the row(s). By default, the value is 'auto', where row height(s) are automatically adjusted. Individual row height(s) can be defined in a cell of size (1, n), where n is the number of row(s). The values in cell will specify the height for the individual row(s).
Type: cell | string
Specifies the row labels of h. Valid values are 'numbered'(default) or cell with label names.
Type: string | cell
If 'on', alternate rows of h will have a different background color. Valid values are off(default) and on. This property is available only on Windows.
Type: string
User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
Type: string
Tooltip to display.
Type: string
Specifies units of measurement. Valid values are 'pixels'(default) and 'normalized'. Value 'pixel' indicates that h has a fixed size and position specified by 'position'. Value 'normalized' indicates that h will be resized if parent is resized.
Type: string
User-defined numerical data.
Type: complex | mtx | scalar
Specifies if h is visible. Valid values are 'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: string


Handle of the uitable.


Display matrix data in a table:
uitable('data', rand(3, 3));
Display cell array data in a table:
uitable('data', {'Apple',2,true;'Banana',3,true;'Coco',5,false});
Display matrix data with specific column widths and names:
h = uitable('data', rand(2, 3), 'columnwidth', {50, 100, 150}, 'columnname', {'col1', 'col2', 'sum'});
Display matrix data along with a callback function with input arguments when the cell values are edited:
function out = callbackfunc(h,callstate,argument1,argument2)
    printf('In celledit callback, arg1 [%s], arg2 [%d]\n', argument1, argument2)
h = uitable('data', rand(2, 3), 'celleditcallback',  {@callbackfunc, 'foo', 1});
Display a table with uicontrol
function foo(handle, callstate)
  disp('in celleditcallback: foo')

function out = checkboxcb(h,callstate,argument1,argument2)
  disp('in checkboxcb callback')

function out = radiocb(h,callstate,argument1,argument2)
  disp('in radiocb callback')

cb = uicontrol('style', 'checkbox', 'callback', {@checkboxcb,1,2});
rb = uicontrol('style', 'radio', 'callback', {@radiocb,1,2}, 'value', 1, 'string', 'radio1');

data  = {cb 'a' 'b'; rb 'txt' 6};

t = uitable('data', data, 'rowname', {'one', 'two'}, 'celleditcallback',  @foo);