
New Features

Load Response Through Thickness Plots Support Multi-Selection
This allows for easy comparison of different stresses, load cases, or elements/laminates.

Figure 1.


Injection Mold Mapping
Abaqus solver support for injection mold mapping on shell elements.
OptiStruct and Nastran Profiles
MAT2 material card is supported for material engineering constants analysis.
Element engineering constants analysis has been extended to cover PSHELL properties with MAT1, MAT2, or MAT8 material cards. They are treated as a laminate with a single layer.
Constants Table and Plot Results
The number of elements for engineering constants table and plot results is now limited to 1000.
Laminate Data Section Harmonized
The laminate data section in all laminate analyses has been harmonized.

Known Issues

  • There are performance issues on ply stacking in larger models.
  • There are performance issues in models with many laminates.
  • Derived load cases are not yet supported in composite stress toolbox.
  • Load response contouring does not fully support symmetric laminates. While element contour already takes symmetry into account fully, the ply wise result selection is still lacking the symmetric layers.
  • Contouring load response for PCOMPG relies on layer index instead of global ply ID.
  • Error messaging for analysis of elements with PSHELL property lacks details for some corner cases.

Resolved Issues

  • Performance improvements have been made for ply visualization in large models.
  • The Material Orientation tool now creates non orthogonal systems on certain models with "Curve" method.
  • Segmentation fault when reviewing ply with detailed thickness and layers on, then turning detailed thickness off has been resolved.
  • Solid ply shape realization data not being output to table has been resolved.
  • Ply sets empty after Ansys property absorb has been resolved.
  • Elements are now highlighted when selected for detailed results from composite stress toolbox contour results.
  • The *compositeanalysis command theta option now supports real values instead of integer to allow rotations lower than one degree.
  • Ply realization with kinematic drape method (applying a drape table’s information to a different mesh or ply) now assigns thickness information correctly and shows corresponding status message.