
New Features

Solid Bolts
New realization types have been added for Fastener connectors.
Pretension, Contacts, and Rupture material options are available.

Figure 1. Pattern 1: Tapered Bolt

Figure 2. Pattern 2: Tapered Bolt with Washer

Figure 3. Pattern 3: Straight Bolt

Figure 4. Pattern 4: Straight Bolt with Washer

Figure 5. Pattern 5: Double Sided Bolt
Connector Consolidation
The following realizations have been migrated to a new naming convention.
The migration will happen automatically when loading a Solver Deck or a HM Binary file.
Type New Name Old Name
area Hexa (Contact) hexa (area tie), adhesive (shell gap)
area Hexa (Rigid) adhesive
area Spring (Contact) type2(adhesive spring)
seam Beam (Contact) mat196
seam Hexa (Contact) hexa (seam tie), hexa (adhesive contact), HC Glue Mastic sealer, HC glue spot sealer, HC glue glass adhesive, hexa (Tapered T)
seam Hexa (HAZ) hexa imprint (adhesive-contact), hexa (tapered T), hexa (RBE2-RBE3)
seam Hexa (Rigid) hexa (adhesive), hexa (tapered T)
seam Penta (HAZ) penta imprint (adhesive-contact) T
seam Seam (Vectors) seam (vectors)
seam Seam Quad seam quad LTB, Seam-quad (angled+capped+L), Seam-quad (angled+capped+L), Seam-quad (vertical + angled), Seam-quad (angled)
seam Seam Rigid seam rigid LTB
seam Spring (Contact) type2(spring single row), type2(spring multiple row)
spot Beam (Contact) Mat100, Mat196, rod(spot tie), HC beam spotweld, HC glue, HC glue structural adhesive, HC welding line, HC hemming
spot Beam (Rigid) Bush, cbar (rigid)
spot Cfast (General) cfast_elem (GA-GB), cfast_elem (GS), cfast_prop (GA-GB), cfast_prop (GS)
spot Fastener (Coincident) Fastener
spot Fastener (Nodes) fastener nodes
spot Fastener (Noncoincident) fastener noncoincident
spot Hexa (Contact) mat100(hexa), hexa (spot tie), HC Hexa Spotweld
spot Hexa (HAZ) hexa nugget, acm (shell gap contact + coating)
spot Hexa (Imprint) acm (shell gap + coating)
spot Hexa (Rigid) acm (general)
spot Spring (Contact) type2(spring), cbush (spot tie)
spot Spring (Rigid) sealing, bush, rbe3-cbush-rbe3, rbe3-celas-rbe3, cbush (rigid)


Connector Color Mode
Connector color mode has been migrated to the View mode.
Connectors can now be colored by controls, subsystems, layer, state, and style.
Solid Outer face can now select both faces.
MPCs can now be absorbed into connectors.
Contact Group can now be directly selected.

Resolved Issues

  • Prop/Mat creation for Link Pair has been fixed for several usecases.
  • Autoline creation duplicates have been corrected.
  • Pitch/Density has been removed from Bolts.
  • Metadata has been maintained on Connector Controls.
  • Improvements have been made to Autofastener robustness to prevent missed holes.
  • Seam Quad
    • Nodes moving away from geometry edges when realizing has been resolved.
    • Extension Angle issues have been corrected.
    • HAZ component naming robustness.
  • Enhancements have been made to Group Links to prevent misconnections.
  • Aero Huth Vector conflict has been corrected.