14.0.130 API Programmer's Guide
Elements to Accelerometers
The LS-DYNA keyword *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_ACCELEROMETER has been mapped from the element entity to the accelerometer entity. See the accelerometer data names documentation for more details.
This keyword was previously mapped to elements, using config 103 and type 2. This keyword can now be created using an accelerometer entity with config 101. The ID pool under which it was previously supported was ELEMENT_SEATBELT_ACCELEROMETER_IDPOOL. As this ID pool is no longer required, it has been removed.
Scripts that created or queried the element entity for this keyword must be updated to use the accelerometer entity. Below are a few examples.
*createentity accelerometer config=101
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id node1=$node1_id
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id node2=$node2_id
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id node3=$node3_id
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id multi_nodes={$node1_id $node2_id $node3_id}
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id igrav=$igrav_value
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id intopt=$intopt_value
*setvalue accelerometers id=$id mass=$mass_value
Entity Bundles
An entity bundle is persistent grouping of entities designed to be used by GUI widgets that need to store some of their data with the user’s model. Bundle names are unique, and each bundle can have up to 10 entity types. Entities can be added and removed from a bundle by specifying which data number to use.
The name and signature definition of a bundle is part of the HyperMesh session, but any entity data associated to that bundle is part of the model.
New Commands
- Connectors
- Contact
- Data Names
- Entity Bundles
- General/Core
- Job Management
- hm_jobs_addServer
- hm_jobs_authenticateServer
- hm_jobs_canSubmit
- hm_jobs_editServer
- hm_jobs_getJobStatus
- hm_jobs_getServerDetails
- hm_jobs_getServerList
- hm_jobs_getServerListFromServices
- hm_jobs_removeServer
- hm_jobs_setCurrentServer
- hm_jobs_setServiceProperty
- hm_jobs_startService
- hm_jobs_submitBatchmeshJob
- hm_jobs_submitHSTJob
- hm_jobs_submitOptistructJob
- hm_jobs_terminateJob
- Meshing
- Morphing
- Template Commands
Modified Commands
- Data Names
- contactsurfs - Added new data names node5, node6, node7 and node8. Updated the facetype data name to return 6 or 8 for second order elements, where previously it would return 3 or 4. These changes may require logic updates in Tcl scripts, or in custom templates, where contactsurfs with second order elements are being handled.
- Collision
- hm_collisionentitycreate - Added new behaviors and values 20, 30 and 40 for thickness_type.
- Data Names
- boxes - Added configs 202 and 203. Added new data names cylinder_base_node, cylinder_base_point, cylinder_base_x, cylinder_base_y, cylinder_base_z, cylinder_diameter, cylinder_direction_node, cylinder_direction_point, cylinder_direction_x, cylinder_direction_y, cylinder_direction_z, sphere_center_node, sphere_center_point, sphere_center_x, sphere_center_y, sphere_center_z, sphere_diameter.
- designvars
- topology - Added new data names dfail, failsafe, ofail, pfail, sfail and tfail.
- loads
- constraints - Added new data name dofstring.
- modules - Added new data names module_triple_dxyz1, module_triple_dxyz2, module_triple_dxyz3, module_triple_xyz0, PDM_ID and PDM_Revision.
- opticontrols - Added new data names bucksf, bucksftoggle, maxrad, maxradtoggle, minrad, minradtoggle.
- optiresponses - Added new data name boresetid.
- regions - Added new data name sourceentities.
- General/Core
- *createmark - The "equal to value" option, and other similar options, no longer select anything in case the attribute/data name is invalid.
- hm_getoption - Added many new options, see command documentation for details.
- hm_wadlinesgetgridpoints - Added method 3 and new optional argument version.
- hm_wadlinesgetgridpointsleg - Updated version values, and added new optional argument method.
- Geometry
- *delete_logo - Providing a negative value for max_height or max_size auto-calculates those values based on the model dimensions.
- Meshing
- *fill_fe_gaps_elems/*fill_fe_gaps_nodeid/*fill_fe_holes/*fill_fe_holes_nodelist - Added CurvedFill and GuideNodePairs options to string_array.
- *fill_fe_gaps_nodelist - Added CurvedFill, DetectNodeClusters and GuideNodePairs options to string_array.
- *map_symmetric_mesh - Added ElementMappingAsLists, NodeMappingAsLists and PreferReflection options to string_array.
- Morphing
- *morphmapedgestoequationoffset/*morphmapedgestolineoffset/*morphmapedgestonodesoffset/*morphmapedgestoplaneoffset/*morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset/*morphmapedgestotacitoffset/*morphmaptoequationvecoffset/*morphmaptolinenodesoffset/*morphmaptolinevecoffset/*morphmaptonodesnodesoffset/*morphmaptonodesvecoffset/*morphmaptoplanevecoffset/*morphmaptosurfacevecoffset/*morphmaptotacitvecoffset/*morphnodeslineoffset/*morphnodesmeshoffset/*morphnodesnodesoffset/*morphnodesplaneoffset/*morphnodessurfoffset/*morphnodesvectoroffset - Added new project values 10-16 (as appropriate), and corresponding behavior for offset.
Deprecated Commands
- *allowduplicateids - Use duplicate_ids instead.
- *bitmapanimationmode - Use bitmap_animation_mode instead.
- *centroid1dmode - Use 1d_at_centroid instead.
- *cleantoleranceset - Use cleanup_tolerance instead.
- *clipboundaryelements - Use clip_boundary_elements instead.
- *coincidentnodepickmode - Use coincident_picking instead.
- *coincidentpickmode - Use coincident_picking instead.
- *deleteelementsmode - Use delete_elements_mode instead.
- *detailedelements - Use detailed_elements instead.
- *detailedelements_beamvis - Use detailed_elements_beamvis instead.
- *detailedelements_shellvis - Use detailed_elements_shellvis instead.
- *displayimporterrors - Use display_import_errors instead.
- *elementhandle - Use element_handle instead.
- *elementorder - Use element_order instead.
- *elementsizeset - Use element_size instead.
- *entityhighlighting - Use entity_highlighting instead.
- *equationhandle - Use equation_handle instead.
- *exponentialdisplay - Use exponential_display instead.
- *featureangleset - Use feature_angle instead.
- *feoutputtimeinfo - Use feoutput_time_info instead.
- *fieldofview - Use perspective_fov instead.
- *fixedpointhandle - Use fixed_point_handle instead.
- *forcetextblack - Use force_text_black instead.
- *geometrytoleranceset - Use cleanup_tolerance instead.
- *geomfeatureangleset - Use geom_feature_angle instead.
- *geomstitching - Use geom_stitching instead.
- *graphic_label - Use load_solver_label instead.
- *graphicsfileblankbackground - Use graphics_file_blank_background instead.
- *graphicsimplificationmode - Use graphics_simplification_component and graphics_simplification_mode instead.
- *loadhandle - Use load_handle instead.
- *loadlabel - Use load_label instead.
- *loadlabelsetcolor - Use load_label_color instead.
- *loadsize - Use load_size_magnitude, load_size_type and load_size_uniform instead.
- *loadvisualvector - Use load_visual_vector instead.
- *mixedpropertywarning - Use mixed_property_warning instead.
- *morphupdateparameter domainicons - Use domain_handle instead.
- *perspectiveview - Use perspective_view instead.
- *picktoleranceset - Use pick_tolerance instead.
- *resultcolormode - Use contour_type instead.
- *retainloads - Use retain_loads instead.
- *rotationangleset - Use rotation_angle instead.
- *rotationcentermode - Use rotation_center_mode instead.
- *setautomeshcolormode - Use auto_mesh_color_mode instead.
- *setbackgroundcolors - Use background_colors instead.
- *setelementcolormode - Use element_color_mode instead.
- *setelementinternaledgesmode - Use element_internal_edges_mode instead.
- *setgeomrefinelevel - Use geom_refine_level instead.
- *sethvlaunchflag - Use hv_launch_flag instead.
- *setlodthreshold - Use lod_threshold instead.
- *setmeshlinecolor - Use mesh_line_color instead.
- *setmeshlodthreshold - Use mesh_lod_threshold instead.
- *setmeshtransparency - Use mesh_transparency instead.
- *setperformancenormalmode - Use performance_normal instead.
- *setscaleoption - Use scale_color, scale_height, scale_position and scale_width instead.
- *settopologydisplay - Use topology_display_mode instead.
- *settopologydisplaymode - Use topology_display_mode instead.
- *settopologyedgedisplay - Use topology_edge_display_mode instead.
- *settopologysoliddisplay - Use solid_transparency and topology_solid_display_mode instead.
- *settransparentwithmeshlines - Use transparent_with_mesh_lines instead.
- *showcompositelayers - Use show_composite_layers instead.
- *showgeomlinedir - Use show_line_dir instead.
- *showglobalaxes - Use show_global_axes instead.
- *showscale - Use show_scale instead.
- *shrink - Use shrink_factor and shrink_mode instead.
- *stereodisplay - Use stereo_display instead.
- *surfaceuvlines - Use surface_uv_lines instead.
- *systemsize - Use system_size_uniform instead.
- *tagdisplay - Use tag_display instead.
- *tagtextdisplaymode - Use tag_text_display_mode instead.
- *thick1dlines - Use thick_1d_lines instead.
- *thickmeshlines - Use thick_mesh_lines instead.
- *toleranceset - Use node_tolerance instead.
- *vectorautoscale - Use vector_auto_scale instead.
- *vectordrawoptions - Use vector_size_magnitude, vector_size_type and vector_size_uniform instead.
- *vectorhandle - Use vector_handle instead.
- *vectorlabel - Use vector_label instead.
- *zoomfactorset - Use mesh_line_color instead.
- hm_blockerrormessages - Use block_error_messages instead.
- hm_blockmessages - Use block_messages instead.
- hm_blockredraw - Use block_redraw instead.
- hm_buffercommandfile - Use buffer_command_file instead.
- hm_commandfilestate - Use command_file_state instead.
- hm_blockerrormessages - Use block_error_messages instead.
- hm_blockmessages - Use block_messages instead.
- hm_commandfilestate - Use command_file_state instead.
- hm_getcleanuptol - Use cleanup_tolerance instead.
- hm_getdeleteelementsmode - Use delete_elements_mode instead.
- hm_getdisplaycolor - Use background_colors instead.
- hm_getelementsize - Use element_size instead.
- hm_getloadoption - Use equation_handle, load_handle, load_label, load_size_magnitude, load_size_type, load_size_uniform and load_solver_label instead.
- hm_getmeshlinecolor - Use mesh_line_color instead.
- hm_getnodetol - Use node_tolerance instead.
- hm_gettopologyoption - Use solid_transparency, topology_edge_display_mode and topology_solid_display_mode instead.
- hm_getsystemoption - Use system_size_uniform instead.
- hm_getvectoroption - Use vector_auto_scale, vector_handle, vector_label, vector_size_magnitude, vector_size_type and vector_size_uniform instead.
- hm_morph_getinfo parameter domainicons - Use domain_handle instead.
- automeshcolormode - Use auto_mesh_color_mode instead.
- blockredraw - Use block_redraw instead.
- clipboundaryelements - Use clip_boundary_elements instead.
- displayimporterrors - Use display_import_errors instead.
- duplicateids - Use duplicate_ids instead.
- elementcolormode - Use element_color_mode instead.
- elementinternaledgesmode - Use element_internal_edges_mode instead.
- entityhighlighting - Use entity_highlighting instead.
- fieldofview - Use perspective_fov instead.
- geomrefinelevel - Use geom_refine_level instead.
- geomstitching - Use geom_stitching instead.
- lodthreshold - Use lod_threshold instead.
- meshlinecolor - Use mesh_line_color instead.
- meshlodthreshold - Use mesh_lod_threshold instead.
- meshtransparency - Use mesh_transparency instead.
- mixedpropertywarning - Use mixed_property_warning instead.
- perspectiveview - Use perspective_view instead.
- picktolerance - Use pick_tolerance instead.
- retainloads - Use retain_loads instead.
- rotationangle - Use rotation_angle instead.
- rotationcentermode - Use rotation_center_mode instead.
- scalecolor - Use scale_color instead.
- scaleheight - Use scale_height instead.
- scaleposition - Use scale_position instead.
- scalewidth - Use scale_width instead.
- showcompositelayers - Use show_composite_layers instead.
- showglobalaxes - Use show_global_axes instead.
- showscale - Use show_scale instead.
- shrinkoptionvalue - Use shrink_factor instead.
- shrinkvalue - Use shrink_mode instead.
- stereodisplay - Use stereo_display instead.
- surfaceuvlines - Use surface_uv_lines instead.
- topologydisplaymode - Use topology_display_mode instead.
- transparentwithmeshlines - Use transparent_with_mesh_lines instead.
- zoomfactor - Use zoom_factor instead.
- displayscale - Use show_scale instead.
- fixed_points - Use fixed_point_handle instead.
- geometryhandle - Use line_handle instead.
- geomstitching - Use geom_stitching instead.
- loadvisualvector - Use load_visual_vector instead.
- outputtimeinfo - Use feoutput_time_info instead.
- perspective_value - Use perspective_fov instead.
- outputtimeinfo - Use feoutput_time_info instead.
- shrink_value - Use shrink_factor and shrink_mode instead.
- tagdisplay - Use tag_display instead.
- tagtextdisplaymode - Use tag_text_display_mode instead.
- view_acceleration - Use graphics_simplification_mode instead.