Create 0D Elements

  1. Navigate to the 1D ribbon.
  2. Open one of the tools in the 0D/1D tool set to assign different types of masses to nodes.
    The tools available depend on the active solver interface.

    Figure 1. 0D Tools in the OptiStruct Interface
  3. Use the drop-down menu on the guide bar to select the element types that can serve as mass elements.
    The keywords available depend on the tool and solver interface.
  4. Select nodes, faces, or edges on which to create 0D elements.
  5. For the keywords that require it, specify the following:
    • A mass input value
    • A property to assign
    • A coordinate system. If no system is specified, the global system is used.

    If a certain keyword does not require a mass value, property assignment, or coordinate system, those options are not made available in the microdialogs.

  6. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • - Apply and stay in the tool
    • - Apply and close the tool

Figure 2.
Tip: Update the properties of 0D elements using the Entity Editor.