Writes control volume information to HyperMesh.
void HMIN_controlvol_write(HM_entityidtype id,HM_entityidtype entityid,HM_entitytype type,char *name,int elemidsmax,HM_entityidtype *elemids,int refnodesmax,HM_entityidtype *refnodes_id,double* refnodes_globalxyz, double* refnodes_localxyz)
HyperMesh hminlib Function
Writes control volume information to HyperMesh.
- id
- The ID of the control volume.
- entityid
- The ID of the entity used to create the control volume.
- type
- The type of entity used to create the control volume.
- name
- The name of the control volume.
- elemidmax
- The number of elements associated with control volume.
- elemids
- An array containing element ids. The array size will be equal to elemidmax.
- refnodesmax
- The number of reference nodes associated with control volume.
- refnodes_id
- An array containing reference nodes ids. The array size will be equal to refnodesmax.
- refnodes_globalxyz
- An array containing global coordinates (x, y and z) of reference nodes.
- refnodes_localxyz
- An array containing local coordinates (x, y and z) of reference nodes.