Browsers provide a structured view of model data, which you can use to review, modify, create, and manage
the contents of a model. In addition to visualization, browsers offer features like search, filtering, and sorting,
which enhance your ability to navigate and interact with the model data.
FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Tools and workflows that are dedicated to rapidly creating new parts for specific use cases, or amending existing
parts. The current capabilities are focused on stiffening parts.
Use PhysicsAI to build fast predictive models from CAE data. PhysicsAI can be trained on data with any physics or
remeshing and without design variables.
This section describes how to add a full vehicle model with the Altair Driver and include the events. The events are simulation
commands that enable the Altair Driver control to perform the vehicle maneuvers. A model with an event exports an Altair
Driver File (.adf) and the MotionSolve (.xml) files to be simulated.
This section describes all of the full vehicle events currently supported with Altair Driver. It also describes all of
the events and their parameters.
Driver can be loaded using the Model Wizard of MDLLIB when the Full Vehicle with Driver option is chosen. Driver has
some special requirements to interface with the vehicle model. These requirements are resolved automatically if the
vehicle model is built using the Full vehicle with advanced driver option in the Model Wizard in MDLLIB.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as
corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
This section describes how to add a full vehicle model with the Altair Driver and include the events. The events are simulation
commands that enable the Altair Driver control to perform the vehicle maneuvers. A model with an event exports an Altair
Driver File (.adf) and the MotionSolve (.xml) files to be simulated.
This section describes how to add a full vehicle model with the Altair Driver and
include the events. The events are simulation commands that enable the Altair Driver control to
perform the vehicle maneuvers. A model with an event exports an Altair Driver File
(.adf) and the MotionSolve
(.xml) files to be simulated.
Building a Vehicle Model with Altair Driver
In MotionView, models are assembled from libraries of
pre-defined systems using the Assembly Wizard. The Assembly Wizard
dialog guides you through the assembly process to build a full vehicle with the Altair
To access the vehicle solutions the Vehicle Tools extension must be loaded. In MotionView, go to File > Extension Manager and enable the extension. Figure 1. Vehicle Tools Extension
Vehicle Libraries and Assembly
MotionView contains three libraries of vehicles: Car/Small
Truck, Heavy Truck, and Two Wheeler. With Vehicle Tools loaded in MotionView, click on Libraries to select the
desired vehicle configuration. Figure 2. Setting Vehicle Library
With the vehicle library selected, click on Assembly to invoke the
Assembly Wizard and start building the full vehicle model. Figure 3. Building a Full Vehicle Model
Note: To include the vehicle events, the Full vehicle
with driver option must be selected in the Assembly Wizard.
Adding Events to the Model
The full vehicle events are available in the Entity Browser under the VehicleTools folder.
The Car & Truck folders contain the events used in cars, small trucks, and heavy trucks.
A general folder contains common events for all vehicle library models. The Motorcycle
folder contains events specific to 2- and 3-wheeler vehicles.
Note: If
the Entity Browser is not displayed in MotionView, enable it
under the View tab.
Figure 4. Events Folder in Entity Browser Figure 5. Car/Small Trucks List of Events
To add an event, double-click on the event icon in the Entity browser and click on the
Create button displayed in the guide bar. Figure 6. Adding an Event
The events parameters such as vehicle velocity, events dimension definitions, controls and
signal settings, can be edited using the Entity Editor. Figure 7. Entity Editor for the Brake in Turn Event
Note: If the Entity Editor is not displayed in MotionView, enable it under the View tab.
To simulate a full vehicle model with events, use the Run ribbon. The simulation settings
can be modified in the Analysis Settings Dialog. Both quick run and offline simulations are
supported for the full vehicle events. Figure 8. Vehicle Tools Run Ribbon
Multiple events simulation can be performed by selecting the events in the Run settings
under Select analysis. When more than one event is selected, MotionSolve simulates one event after the other in different
simulations following the displayed order. Figure 9. Analysis Setting Dialog
Note: Adding more than one event does not imply the vehicle will
perform one event after the other in the same simulation with a continuous simulation