Editing Outputs

The main types of outputs that can be defined using output requests are displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force. In addition to these, more complex outputs can be extracted using the Expressions and User-defined output types. The output request plays a very important role in post processing the results from a solver run. Output requests also pave the way for signal processing of data that is generated by a multibody simulation.

  1. If the Outputs panel is not currently displayed, select the desired output by clicking on it in the Project Browser or in the modeling window.
    The Outputs panel is automatically displayed.
  2. From the Result Type drop-down menu (the topmost menu), select the type of results that need to be extracted.
  3. Select an output method from the second drop-down menu.
    There are three main ways to define displacement/velocity/acceleration outputs between any two bodies:
    Option Description
    Using Two Points The output can be measured between two points that belong to two different bodies.
    Using an Entity The output can be defined for an entity. The supported entities for this method of output are: body, joint, beam, bushing, field, force, spring damper, and contact.
    Using an Entity Set The output can be defined for all entities of a certain type that are currently present in the model. The supported entities for this method of output are: body, joint, beam, bushing, field, force, spring damper, and contact.

    There are two methods of defining a force output:

    Option Description
    Using an Entity The output can be defined for an entity. The supported entities for this method of output request are: body, joint, beam, bushing, field, force, spring damper, and contact.
    Using an Entity Set The output can be defined for all entities of a certain type that are present in the model. The supported entities for this method of request are: body, joint, beam, bushing, field, force, spring damper, and contact..