Collectors are named organizational containers for collected entities. Collected entities are nameless entities which must
reside within one, and only one, collector. Collected entities are mutually exclusive to a collector.
Ale Fsi Projection entities provide a coupling method for simulating the interaction between a Lagrangian material
set (structure) and ALE material set (fluid).
Ale Reference System Curve entities defines a motion and/or a deformation prescribed for a geometric entity, where
a geometric entity may be any part, part set, node set, or segment set.
Ale Reference System Switch entities allows for the time-dependent switches between different types of reference systems,
that is, switching to multiple PRTYPEs at different times during the simulation.
Ale Tank Test keyword provides curve through an engineering approximation when control volume airbags only require
two engineering curves to define gas inflator and those two curves can be experimentally measured but the ALE inflator
needs one additional state variable - the inlet gas velocity which is impractical to obtain.
Chart entities plot X and Y data in the form of raw values. They also plot tables created in HyperMesh with the Matrix Browser or results data loaded for post-processing.
This entity defines additional material features coupled to the referenced material, like: Failure, Permeability,
Porosity, Thermal, Fatigue, Cohesive, Inelasticity, and so on.
In LS-DYNA, damping entities define damping applied on the parts and nodes in case of *DAMPING_GLOBAL. In Radioss, damping entities used to set Rayleigh mass and stiffness damping coefficients are applied to a set of nodes
used to stabilize the results.
This entity is used to define the physical stress and strain initial state in elements like beams, shells, solids,
and thick-shells. This entity is supported in the LS-DYNA profile.
Perturbation entities provide a means of defining deviations from the designed structure, such as buckling imperfections.
Define the stochastic variation in the material models with the STOCHASTIC keyword option.
RBE3's are interpolation constraint elements, where the motion of a dependent node is defined as the weighted average
of the motions of a group of independent nodes.
Region entities store information used to facilitate and automate modeling practices and processes. It enables a selection
which can be common across design changes or other models, provided region data is the same.
Rigid wall entities provide a method for treating a contact between a rigid surface and nodal points of a deformable body.
In the LS-DYNA and Radioss user profiles, rigid walls can be created in the Model and Solver browsers.
State Equations are used to describe the thermodynamic equation relating material state variables under a given set
of physical conditions, such as pressure, volume, temperature, or internal energy. State Equations are useful in describing
the properties of fluids, mixtures of fluids, and so on.
Tag entities tag a piece of information, called the body, onto a node, element, line, surface, point, or solid within
the model. They can be used to reference an entity across multiple versions of the same model.
Transformation entities define solver transformations, and are used to define a transformation sequence in a Position
entity, to be applied on a set of nodes or on a SolverSubmodel.
Browsers provide a structured view of model data, which you can use to review, modify, create, and manage
the contents of a model. In addition to visualization, browsers offer features like search, filtering, and sorting,
which enhance your ability to navigate and interact with the model data.
FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Tools and workflows that are dedicated to rapidly creating new parts for specific use cases, or amending existing
parts. The current capabilities are focused on stiffening parts.
Use PhysicsAI to build fast predictive models from CAE data. PhysicsAI can be trained on data with any physics or
remeshing and without design variables.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as
corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Rigid elements are created in a space between two nodes of a model where a rigid
connection is desired.
An option to calculate independent node is available.
Rigid elements are element config 5 and are displayed as a line between two nodes
with the letter R written at the centroid of the element.
Rigid link elements are element config 55 and are displayed as lines between the
independent node and the dependent node(s) with RL displayed at the independent node
of the element.
Rigid link elements can be created with dependent nodes attached to an element as a
SET, if allowed by the solver. If a rigid link with an automatically generated
dependent node set is deleted, the associated node set is also deleted. If the
automatically generated dependent node set is deleted, for example from browser or
idle, the connected rigid link element is also deleted. Dependent node sets are
automatically created when rigid link elements are created for solvers that require
a set even though node selection was input by the user. A node set created
independently can be selected as the dependent nodes and referenced by the rigid
link element.
Note: Two-node rigids with a dependent node set attached
are always created as rigid link elements (config 55), not as rigid elements
(config 5).
Create Rigid Elements
Use the Rigids tool to create rigid or rigid link elements.
From the Model ribbon, select
the Rigids too.
Define the element.
Select a rigid element type.
Linear 1D
Create one-dimensional elements based on a projection of Elems A to
Elems B.
Elems A
Select the elements where you want the elements to begin.
Restriction: Only available when the Linear
1D check box is selected.
Elems B
Select the elements where you want the elements to end.
Restriction: Only available when the Linear
1D check box is selected.
Density A-B
Specify the number of plot elements you want created between each of
the selected elements.
Restriction: Only available when the
Linear 1D check box is
Calculate independent node
The independent node is calculated to be at the centroid of
previously selected dependent nodes. So independent node selection is
made unavailable.
Independent node
Select the independent node of the rigid element.
Dependent node(s)
Select one or more dependent nodes.
Dependent DOF
Select degrees of freedom at dependent nodes.
Click Create.
Update Rigid Elements
Use the Entity Editor to update rigid elements.
This includes: modifying the independent and dependent node(s) selection, modifying
the DOF, where applicable for the solver, and recalculating the independent node
From the Model ribbon, click the arrow next to the
Interactions tool group and select Combine Rigids.
Define parameters.
Select the rigid
elements that you wish to combine. The rigids and rigidlinks
must have the same independent node and DOFs.
If any
combined rigid link elements have dependent nodes
attached as a set, the resulting rigid link will also
have dependent nodes attached as a set. This set is
created for a result element. The nodes sets attached to
combined elements are deleted after
Combine Rigid
Choose between
common independent node and any common node.